Thursday, September 3, 2020
Car Data Statistical Analysis
Question: Portray about the Report on Car Data Statistical Analysis? Answer: Measurable information investigation assumes a significant job in dynamic. Here, we break down the information for various kinds of vehicles. We study the cost of the vehicles and other related factors of the vehicles. We check whether there is any noteworthy variable which consequences for the cost of the vehicle. We likewise check whether there is any straight relationship exists between the mileage of the vehicle and cost of the vehicle. We see some clear measurements for given factors. The information is gathered for the 73 vehicles. The strategy for arbitrary inspecting is utilized for information assortment. Every chose vehicle are of same make and model. The make of the vehicle is Chevrolet and model of the vehicles is high handed. We select the four qualities or factors given as value, mileage, trim and type from given informational index. Information is gotten to from various on the web and disconnected sources. Information is gathered from sites, for example, Information is given in the reference section segment. After information assortment, the following significant advance is information examination or factual investigation. In measurable information examination, we utilize some factual apparatuses and factual strategies. For this factual examination reason, we utilized the SPSS measurable programming for yields for engaging measurements, charts and various tests. We utilize some engaging insights for summing up the factors given in the informational collection. We likewise utilize some inferential insights to check a few cases about the vehicle information. We need to check the connection between the given factors. We need to see some graphical examination for given factors. We need to see some inferential insights or testing of theory for checking our cases in regards to the given vehicle information. After factual examination, we made a few ends with respect to the vehicle information. The dissipate outline at the factors cost of the vehicle and mileage of the vehicle shows that there is negative affiliation or straight relationship exists. The connection coefficient among cost and mileage is given as - 0.84, this implies, there is a high negative straight relationship or affiliation or relationship exists between the cost and mileage of the vehicle. This implies, as there is an addition in the cost of the vehicle, there is decrement in the mileage of the vehicle or the other way around. About 70.6% of the variety in the cost is clarified by the mileage of the vehicle. The normal cost of the vehicle is given as 19431. The base cost is noted as 8500 while most extreme cost is noted as 32950. The normal mileage of the vehicle is given as 44992 units. The base mileage is seen as 3558 units and greatest mileage saw as 154000 units. The incentive for coefficient of assurance or R squa re is given as 0.706 which implies, about 70.6% of the variety in the cost is clarified by the mileage of the vehicle. The relapse condition for this relapse model is given as beneath: Cost = 24920.172 0.122*mileage We utilize this relapse model on the grounds that the connection among's cost and mileage is high anyway all different relationships are noteworthy. A portion of the graphic insights at the cost of the vehicles is sum up as beneath: Graphic Statistics N Least Most extreme Total Mean Sexually transmitted disease. Deviation Cost 73 8500.00 32950.00 1418463.00 19431.0000 5112.65422 Legitimate N (listwise) 73 The normal cost of the vehicles is given as 19431 roughly and the base cost of the vehicle is seen as 8500 around. The greatest cost of the vehicle is seen as 32950 around. Standard deviation is given as 5112.65 and the qualities for skewness and kurtosis are negative qualities so we can infer that the information slanted at negative side or left side from the mean. The unmistakable measurements for the mileage of the vehicles is summing up as beneath: Unmistakable Statistics N Least Greatest Aggregate Mean Sexually transmitted disease. Deviation Mileage 73 3558.00 154000.00 3284459.00 44992.5890 35203.72920 Substantial N (listwise) 73 Five number rundowns at the cost of the vehicle is given as underneath: Five-Number Summary Least 10546.78 First Quartile 12126.9 Middle 12944.94 Third Quartile 13725.45 Most extreme 15053.93 The five-number synopsis for the mileage of the vehicle is given as beneath: Five-Number Summary Least 1160 First Quartile 15794 Middle 20043 Third Quartile 25031 Most extreme 39946 The leftover investigation for the given relapse model is summing up as underneath: Residuals Statisticsa Least Most extreme Mean Sexually transmitted disease. Deviation N Anticipated Value 6131.9106 24486.0898 19431.0000 4294.91472 73 Leftover - 7507.92676 8818.44629 .00000 2773.61510 73 Sexually transmitted disease. Anticipated Value - 3.096 1.177 .000 1.000 73 Sexually transmitted disease. Leftover - 2.688 3.157 .000 .993 73 a. Subordinate Variable: Price Leftover mean is given as zero with the standard deviation of 2773, this proposes the model is a decent model. For checking the case whether the mileage for various motor size is same or not, we need to utilize the single direction examination of difference. The invalid and elective theory is given as: invalid speculation: The mileage for various motor size is same. Elective theory: The mileage for various motor size isn't same. For checking this case, we need to utilize the single direction ANOVA test. The p-esteem for this ANOVA test is given as 0.482 which is more prominent than level of hugeness or alpha worth 0.05, so we don't dismiss the invalid speculation. The connection coefficient among cost and mileage found as - 0.84, this implies there is high negative connection or affiliation or straight relationship exists between the cost and mileage. The connection coefficient among cost and motor size is given as 0.278 while the relationship coefficient between the cost and gearbox size is given as 0.161. The relationship coefficient between the cost and age or year is given as 0.736 which is high positive connection. This implies, for two factors mileage and age, the connections found as high or solid. The connection framework is given in the informative supplement segment. Itemized information examination with figures and complete information is given in the supplement segment. Ends: The connection coefficient among cost and mileage is given as - 0.84, this implies, there is a high negative straight relationship or affiliation or relationship exists between the cost and mileage of the vehicle. This implies, as there is an addition in the cost of the vehicle, there is decrement in the mileage of the vehicle or the other way around. The incentive for coefficient of assurance or R square is given as 0.702 which implies, about 70.2% of the variety in the cost is clarified by the mileage of the vehicle. The connection coefficient between the cost and age is given as 0.736, this mean, there is high connection or affiliation or straight relationship exists between two factors cost and age. Two most connected factors are cost and mileage of the vehicle. Normal mileage for the vehicles with various motors is same.
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
The Consequences of Peoples Obsession with Physical Appearances Essay
In this exposition, I will contrast individuals that are fixated and physical appearance and appearances. It isn't odd for people to stress over physical appearance. Truth be told, we could contend that we are living in a culture that gauges the most modern patterns or freshest designs more intensely than all the more problems that are begging to be addressed that influences society. Therefore, numerous individuals become fixated on their physical appearance so as to stay aware of patterns and molds. Individuals give a lot of consideration to appearance, it is significant in certain circumstances and everybody appears to put a greater amount of their emphasis on how great somebody looks or what the most up to date slants are, rather than focusing on more prominent issues within reach, which are frequently not examined. For example, there are issues with our medicinal services framework yet numerous individuals have a more prominent information on what is new with the demise of Michael Jackson. In our general public where picture and introduction is everything, it is incomprehensible not to think about our appearance. We discover approaches to improve ourselves, for example, not eating appropriately which prompts anor...
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Market Orientation in Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Market Orientation in Business - Essay Example Considering any business term requires an away from of what is implied by its name. In this way, it is important to give a clarification of the term ‘market orientation’ before heading off to its nitty gritty examination. As indicated by a definition gave by the Business Dictionary, showcase direction is ‘a business approach or theory that centers around distinguishing and meeting the expressed or shrouded needs or needs of customers’. As expressed in the Cambridge Dictionary, by the term ‘market orientation’ one ought to comprehend ‘management of an organization, item, brand, and so on with the goal that it fulfills the requirements of customers’. In the book ‘Changing Market Relationships’ composed by Jean-Jacques Lambin, advertise direction is characterized as ‘a set of abilities, exercises and practices expected to execute a solid promoting orientation’ (Lambin 2008).Despite the way that all the definit ions referenced above mirror the fundamental thought behind market direction plainly, the most exhaustive meaning of the term is introduced by Morgan and Strong in their work named ‘Market Orientation and measurements of vital orientation’. In this work, the two creators characterize see the idea of market direction as a specific method of corporate administration that is established on empowering a lasting social affair and sharing of factual data with respect to clients, valuation for client needs as a crucial part of the business.
Methods of Research Free Essays
Value Scientist conducts explore regularly. The reason for this examination is investigation, depiction, clarification, and application. In the zone of criminal Justice things are getting examined constantly. We will compose a custom paper test on Strategies for Research or on the other hand any comparable theme just for you Request Now Take murder for instance, the police need to investigate to discover what really occurred. They need to portray the occasions driving up the homicide. They need to disclose the realities to attempt to think of a suspect. At last, they need to utilize the procedure of utilization to assemble everything so they can make a capture. When utilizing the various reasons for investigate it Is imperative to inspect each reason without anyone else in light of the fact that each reason has Its own diverse viewpoint with regards to look into plan. The investigation stage Is the primary stage that specialists start with when utilizing research strategies. â€Å"This stage is regularly accomplished for three purposes: to fulfill the specialist improves comprehend, to test the achievability of undertaking a progressively broad examination, and to build up the strategies to be utilized in any resulting investigations. (Grossman, 2014) An analyst will utilize the investigation take of research when they need to get some answers concerning something that there is minimal thought about. Consume medications for instance; let’s state a scientist needs to discover how awful the medication issue is in the United States. There are two or three classes that a specialist might need to investigate. For example, â€Å"how many were captured for medicate deals or ownership every year and how long every day accomplish street pharmacists work and what amount do they make? †(Misfield Babble, 2009) The following motivation behind research is depiction. The analyst investigates and afterward portrays what they investigated. For instance; the U. S. Evaluation, â€Å"the objective of the enumeration Is to portray precisely and accurately a few attributes of the U. S. Populace, including race/ethnicity, age, sex, family unit size, and salary. †(Grossman, 2014) The portrayal stage is generally utilized in the criminal Justice field. For instance; it is utilized to portray a specific wrongdoing issue that a specific city or state might be having. It very well may be utilized to quantify how much theft is submitted in the city of Joplin, Missouri. The distinct stage is utilized to respond to the inquiries what, when, where, and how something occurred. The third phase of research is the clarification stage. The clarification stage endeavors to depict why something occurred. The depiction and the clarification stages cooperate. The graphic stage clarifies what happened the clarification stage clarifies why It occurred. Take the robbery rate In Joplin the clear stage discloses to you how much thievery Is submitted and the clarification stage will reveal to you why theft is submitted in Joplin. Application examine: assessment and approach and issue investigation. A model would be â€Å"determining whether a program intended to lessen theft really had the expected impact. (Maxwell Babble, 2009) Criminal Justice associations assemble all their examination from investigation, portrayal, and clarification in the application procedure to think of an end for all their exploration. There are four unique phases of research that the criminal Justice associations use to discover answers to things that are obscure and furthermore to discover th e what, where, when how, and why things occur. Most explores that are done contain every one of the four phases of research. For instance take auto burglary. An analyst would utilize the investigation stage to find out about the case. Step by step instructions to refer to Methods of Research, Essays
Friday, August 21, 2020
Services Marketing
Australasian Marketing Journal 18 (2010) 41â€47 Contents records accessible at ScienceDirect Australasian Marketing Journal diary landing page: www. elsevier. com/find/amj How the nearby rivalry vanquished a worldwide brand: The instance of Starbucks Paul G. Patterson *, Jane Scott, Mark D. Uncles School of Marketing, Australian School of Business, University of NSW, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia r t I c l e I n f o a b s t r a c t Americanised the espresso convention. Catchphrases: Service brands Service quality Global marking International business Starbucks Coffee The dumbfounding development and extension of Starbucks is delineated, both on a worldwide scale and inside Australia. The concentrate at that point movements to the unexpected conclusion of seventy five percent of the Australian stores in mid 2008.Several explanations behind these terminations are portrayed and analyzed, including that: Starbucks overestimated their places of separation and the apparent estimation of t heir valuable administrations; their administration principles declined; they disregarded some brilliant guidelines of worldwide showcasing; they extended too rapidly and constrained themselves upon a reluctant open; they entered late into a profoundly serious market; they neglected to impart the brand; and their plan of action was unsustainable.Key exercises that may go past the speci? cs of the Starbucks case are the significance of: undertaking statistical surveying and observing it; thinking all inclusive yet acting locally; building up a differential preferred position and afterward endeavoring to support it; not dismissing what makes a brand effective in the ? rst place; and the need of having an economical business model.O 2009 Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy. Distributed by Elsevier Ltd. All rights held. 1. Presentation ‘‘Shunned Starbucks in Aussie exit†(BBC News, 4 August 2008) at that point shifts center to depict the degree of the store te rminations in Australia, before offering a few explanations behind the disappointment and exercises that others may gain from the case. 2.Background ‘‘Weak espresso and enormous obligation mix Starbucks’ inconveniences in Australia†(The Australian, 19 August 2008) ‘‘Memo Starbucks: next time take a stab at offering ice to Eskimos†(The Age, 3 August 2008) ‘‘Taste of destruction for the cups from Starbucks†(Sydney Morning Herald, 31 July 2008) ‘‘Coffee culture grinds Starbucks’ Australian operation†(Yahoo News, 3 August 2008) When the declaration was made in mid 2008 that Starbucks would be shutting about seventy five percent of its 84 Australian stores there was blended response. A few people were stunned, others were triumphant.Journalists utilized each joke in the book to make a shocking feature, and it appeared everybody had a hypothesis regarding what turned out badly. This case plots the am azing development and extension of the Starbucks brand around the world, including to Australia. It * Corresponding creator. Tel. : +61 2 9385 1105. Email addresses: p. [emailâ protected] edu. au (P. G. Patterson), [emailâ protected] com. au (J. Scott), m. [emailâ protected] edu. au (M. D. Uncles). Established in 1971, Starbucks’ ? rst store was in Seattle’s Pike Place Market.By the time it opened up to the world in 1992, it had 140 stores and was extending dangerously fast, with a developing store tally of an extra 40â€60% per year. While previous CEO Jim Donald guaranteed that ‘‘we don’t need to assume control over the world†, during the 1990s and mid 2000s, Starbucks were opening on normal in any event one store a day (Palmer, 2008). In 2008 it was professed to be opening seven stores per day around the world. Of course, Starbucks is currently the biggest espresso chain administrator on the planet, with in excess of 15,000 stores in 44 nations, and in 2007, represented 39% of the world’s absolute pro offee house deals (Euromonitor, 2008a). In North America alone, it serves 50 million individuals every week, and is presently a permanent piece of the urban scene. However, exactly how did Starbucks become such a marvel? Right off the bat, it effectively Americanised the European espresso custom †something no other café had done beforehand. Before Starbucks, espresso in its present structure (latte, frappacino, mocha, and so on ) was strange to most US customers. Furthermore, Starbucks didn't simply sell espresso †it sold an experience.As establishing CEO Howard Schultz clarified, ‘‘We are not in the espresso business serving individuals, we’re in the individuals business serving coffee†(Schultz and Yang, 1997). This embodied the accentuation on client support, for example, looking and welcome every client inside 5 seconds, 1441-3582/$ †see front issue O 2009 Australia n and New Zealand Marketing Academy. Distributed by Elsevier Ltd. All rights held. doi:10. 1016/j. ausmj. 2009. 10. 001 42 P. G. Patterson et al. /Australasian Marketing Journal 18 (2010) 41â€47 inclining tables expeditiously and recollecting the names of customary clients. From origin, Starbucks’ reason for existing was to rehash a product with a feeling of sentiment, environment, advancement and feeling of network (Schultz and Yang, 1997). Next, Starbucks made a ‘third place’ in people’s lives †somewhere close to home and work where they could sit and unwind. This was an oddity in the US where in numerous unassuming communities bistro culture comprised of ? lter espresso on a hot plate. Along these lines, Starbucks situated itself to sell espresso, yet additionally offer an experience.It was imagined as a way of life bistro. The foundation of the bistro as a social center point, with agreeable seats and music has been similarly as significant a p iece of the Starbucks brand as its espresso. This accompanied an excellent cost. While individuals knew that the refreshments at Starbucks were more costly than at numerous bistros, they despite everything frequented the outlets as it was a spot ‘to see and be seen’. Along these lines, the brand was generally acknowledged and became, to a degree, an image of status, and everyone’s must-have embellishment on their approach to work. Along these lines, not just didStarbucks upset how Americans drank espresso, it additionally changed how much individuals were set up to pay. Consistency of item across stores, and even national limits, has been a sign of Starbucks. Like McDonald’s, Starbucks claims that a client ought to have the option to visit a store anyplace on the planet and purchase an espresso precisely to speci? cation. This assumption is reverberated by Mark Ring, CEO of Starbucks Australia who expressed ‘‘consistency is extremely imperative to our clients . . . a consistency in the item . . . the general experience when you stroll into a bistro . . the music . . . the lighting . . . the furniture . . . the individual who is working the bar†. Along these lines, while there may be slight contrasts between Starbucks in various nations, they all for the most part appear to be identical and offer a similar item arrangement. One way this is guaranteed is by demanding that all directors and accomplices (workers) experience 13 weeks of preparing †not simply to figure out how to make an espresso, yet to comprehend the subtleties of the Starbucks brand (Karolefski, 2002) and how to convey on its guarantee of an assistance experience.The Starbucks equation additionally relies upon area and accommodation. Starbucks have worked under the suspicion that individuals won't visit except if it’s advantageous, and it is this presumption that underlies their profoundly moved store inclusion in numerous urban areas. Ordi narily, bunches of outlets are opened, which has the impact of immersing an area with the Starbucks brand. Strikingly, up to this point, they have not occupied with conventional publicizing, accepting their enormous store nearness and word-ofmouth to be all the publicizing and advancement they need.Starbucks’ the board accepted that a particular and paramount brand, an item that made individuals ‘feel good’ and an agreeable conveyance channel would make rehash business and client reliability. Confronted with close immersion conditions in the US †by 2007 it told 62% of the authority coffeehouse advertise in North America (Table 1) †the organization has progressively searched abroad for development openings. As a major aspect of this technique, Starbucks opened its ? rst Australian store in Sydney in 2000, preceding extending somewhere else inside New South Wales and afterward across the nation (though with 0% of stores moved in only three states: NSW, Vi ctoria and Queensland). Before the finish of 2007 Starbucks had 87 stores, empowering it to control 7% of the expert café showcase in Australasia (Table 1). (All things considered, twofold the quantity of espressos (a day) than the remainder of Australia’s bistros (Lindhe, 2008). 3. Venture into Asia Starbucks as of now works in 44 markets and even has a little nearness in Paris †origin and fortress of European bistro culture. Past North America, it has a very signi? subterranean insect portion of the expert coffeehouse showcase in Western Europe, Asia Paci? c and Latin America (Table 1) and these locales make solid income commitments (Table 2). It is in Asia that they consider the to be potential for development as they face expanding serious weight in their progressively customary markets. A large portion of the global stores Starbucks plans to work in the following decade will be in Asia (Euromonitor, 2006; Browning, 2008). In reality, Starbucks has done well in glob al markets where there has not generally been an espresso drinking society, specifically Japan, Thailand, Indonesia and China.In impact it has been answerable for developing the classification in these business sectors. The ? rst Starbucks outside the US opened in Tokyo in 1996, and from that point forward, Starbucks’ Japanese stores have gotten twice as productive as the US stores. Obviously at that point, Japan is Starbucks’ best perform
Monday, August 17, 2020
Be A Blogger 2017!
Be A Blogger 2017! Its summer in Cambridge, which means three things: 1) A ten year old girl at nerd camp yelled at me for being part of the globalist illuminati responsible for the common core 2) Im trying to learn to spin dragon staff 3) Its time for those of you who might want to be bloggers to let your dreams TAKE FLIGHT What does it mean to be an admissions blogger? The mission of the blogs is to help prospective students understand what MIT is like. Admissions officers can write about holistic admissions authentically, but we can’t write about what it’s like to live in Conner 2, or plan stuff for REX, or UROP, or decide how to pick your classes, or a really cool new thing you learned today in class, and so forth. MIT operates by setting a very high standard of admission to the academic enterprise and then offering those who clear the bar substantial creative autonomy to independently pursue whatever they think is interesting and worthwhile; the blogs are a specific example of the general case. You should interpret this mandate expansively. At a high level, we are looking for bloggers with good judgment who can write clearly and regularly to help communicate to their readers something about what its like to be an MIT student through their own experience. We expect you to blog at least once every two weeks and create other kinds of content as the mood strikes. We may ask you to help advise creative projects in the office and serve as a shibboleth for student culture. We pay you for this. Its a pretty good gig to be honest. Please note that *only* current MIT students may apply to be bloggers. If this sounds like something you might like to do, then head on over to Slideroom and fill out the blogger application, due July 22nd. If anything isnt clear, let me know in the comments or via email!
Sunday, June 21, 2020
Defining Change Management - Free Essay Example
Question 1- Two school of thoughts Change Management Schools of Thought School Describe two schools of thought that contribute to change in organizations. Approaches to accomplish structural change, technological change, and people change (self, team and organization). Contributions made from each school of thought to change of self, team, and organization. Factors that Drive Change Impede Change Design School Designing the school in systematic order like the ladders so one can step ahead and have no resistance Leaders can appreciate every one so that if individual has good sense of change so the team and so the organization Changing which encouragement can be positive and changes can be made very easily Changing with no support can be very difficult and may be sometimes dis respectful and unfair to employees Learning School Coaching must be given and should be up to date because decision making also changes with the time. Different thinking and the dreams which are unexpected can be held and come true easily as of the different thinking and complexity handling. Always learn from the every situation coming on the face and try to get lesson from every difficulty so that problems facing can be less stressful in future New structures are hard to apply so the structures with nothing systematic may suffer. Configuration School Structures can be made with a exploratory thinking Structures made can help out every one to easily get the steps of the system to change easily. Configurations are like the core of the changing the settings other system which can be helpful from the lower level of management to the upper with proper instructions etc If they are not been processed in steps then organization may fall in failure of change because of confusion Entrepreneurial School Leader can be made for the working of school in symmetry and the leader can select the good and bad for company and everyone has to obey it The selectiveness of leader can very successful and the company can reach the heights of assumption. Better results can be made if the vision of the leader is good and sense and adaptation is best. The thoughts of the one person are limited and can be easily adapted by everyone. TASK 2 2.1 Two reasons why people and two reasons why system resist change in organisation? People The loss of status and the job security in the organisation Some changes are harmful to our current situation and not even its our nature for making changes, so the change in administration and technology almost resisted because these changes will eliminate their jobs and their roles from the organisation. The climate of mistrust There is faith in the people who are working together. Mutual misunderstanding will blow up the whole organisation and this change result the failure of trust in the organisation. System Power People in power, they donà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t want to lose their power easily. Control The employee in control of system also dnt want to loose their power so as to retain they have to take care of their system. Fear of unkown The changes which are not known are the most stress giving ones. The system is mostly afraid of these kinds of situations because the whole system disturbs by them. 2.2 5 Strategies to overcome situation of resistance of change Educate and communicate The anxiety can be reduced and ensure the people of what is happy and what is expected of people and support given to them in the time of change. The benefit is the keyword to craze people about doing change which is necessary and benefits only comes with the implementation of change. Participation Feeling of control reduces uncertainty and this will promote the feeling of the ownership. The change and encourage help to implement and design. Deriving themselves may also make them easy to change. Support and facilitate It is very hard to change while; work anxiety is the first emotion come over buy supporting people and encouraging them, training them, coaching them can reduce the resistance from the people mind involved in the changes. Agreement and Negotiate The powerful resistance may offer uncertain but in ret urn but in return you have to offer good for agreement to change. Negotiations may alert people to get their benefits or assume of getting benefits after the change. Manipulation If all the above are expensive and useless then this stage is the cheaper and best suited for every organisation, this is the quick stage and good way to negotiate. This include the like hood selectiveness of employee, the best way to get rid of unlikeness. 2.3One impact of change-related stress and ambiguity on each of the following: Stress- is an external and internal fact that causes tension and unconsciousness Individual Can reduce performance Sickness absence Misunderstanding with colleges Organisation Reduced staff performance Poor decision making Commitment to work will be so poor The absence level will be increased Turnover of staff will be higher The relation between workers will be so poor Team Loss of motivation and commitment Diminished retur ns because of working long hours Time keeping poor and erratic Conflicts between colleges in displaying the problems 2.4Three measures to remove or minimise negative aspectsof change-related stress and ambiguity Minimising Stress Individual Encouragement and discuss the stress with manager, in order for the action to be taken stress issues should or should not be work related. But those who either effect on the functioning needs support and help. Team Encouragement making good relation in between colleges understands each other; any conflicts can be solved by gathering and meetings. Organisation Managers and supervisors have to access the risk taking stress in companies and eliminate it. Managers should aware of every common sign of going or on-going stress, working it out and the solution for it. 2.5 Two methods to test for individual readiness to change in terms of positive and negative forces Change valance The more the organisation evaluate the change the more the they want to get involved to implement the change Change efficiency Task demand Resource availability Situational factors 2.6 Two ways to check the system readiness TheBest way of finding out the readiness of the system is to face the change of the one sector with change and then appraise the result with other department to know the variance and reaction which it is beginning to the system and then you can recognise what is need to be prepared to make it nominal. Task 3 Two schools of thought from Task 1 and Case Studies 1 and 2 as your reference when answering the following questions 3.1.1 Yeah! Ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s a very effective change management as they have chosen 15 department managers for the change and its very good as well because every manager has taken out his part and solved his one very carefully. They used two strategies to get the change Structure Planning In return of all They saved their Money Time Pre plans are made and helped them to get the change very easily. 3.1.2 15 departments were used and they all are working as a team as a team and thatà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s awesome as a team work they can overcome their situation of internal communication. The projects were planned very easily and can be finished at time as well. Even if the organisation is in down turn still they have well satisfied team. But because of the limited resources and stubborn managers is only the narrow place to be successful in some situations. 3.1.3 They used the systematic order chosen the every department managers helped them to get the resolved very easily. The planning and structuring are very helpful for them as the managers are very smart they distributed their work as their roles and their needs and they resolve out every single problem as the ABC College is facing and they looks after the outcome of the organisation as well. The resolutionsinvolvedcultivating communication to duck overlapping jobs within the departments for which an IT system was installed. Reform of the Web site was also originated. Works Cited (n.d.). Retrieved from (n.d.). Retrieved from (n.d.). Retrieved from
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Effects Of War Has On Our Economy - 1981 Words
For as long back as we all have known, Wars have been inevitable. In the mist of destruction, most aren’t thinking about the long term and short term effects that will reflect upon us for years to come, both negatively and positively. War has a profound influence on our countries economic history. Unfortunately, there must always be a winner and a loser. The victors have shifted economic and trade patterns forever. All while the losers leave with disgruntled markets, unstable economic growth, and their pockets of wealth turned inside out. After extensive research, I will tell you the many effects war has on our economy, the effect on International Business, who or what companies may thrive, which it destroys, and the overall everlasting†¦show more content†¦Not just in modern day is this effective, but on record they say one of the largest percentages of tax increase was the Revolutionary War. If the money is not raised from taxes, then it is borrowed, which only adds to our current 20 Trillion dollar debt here in the United States. Last but not least, another way to pay for a war is to print currency. This only adds to our already large, hot topic of inflation. If we go back to the World Wars, you can see the trend of inflation immediately following the ending. After World War 1, many Americans returned from overseas only to find lower paying jobs and higher prices. Inflation had caused prices to spike so drastically that soldiers found their mothers, sisters, and wives currently working. Following WW1, society started to issue currency more freely instead of using the gold standard. Inflation also followed the Civil War, WWII, and Vietnam. The country was war induced and it was affecting everyone and everything. Unfortunately, inflation is worldwide. During the Civil War in Angola, their countries currency became so worthless, bottles of beer replaced it for everyday transactions. War not only drains a country financially, but it strips it of resources of all participants, creating an area of collapsing capital in things like factories, farmland, and cities all around, squeezing and suffocating economic output. Let’s take the Thirty Years’ War from the 17thShow MoreRelatedWar I And World War II1264 Words  | 6 PagesDuring any war, there will alwaAys be alliances made which stick even after the war has been dissolved. Postwar foreign policy after wars such as World War I and World War II was complicated and both had their similarities and differences from each other. World War I (WWI) strengthened our international relations with many countries, It also deteriorated some relations as well and set the stage for America becoming a great power. World War II (WWII) had some of the same effects, solidating our bond withRead MoreThe Economy Of Early America856 Words  | 4 PagesThe economy of early America certainly had its share of struggles, in addition to its years of profitability. The economy was i nfluenced by a number of different goods lowing in and out of the country, as well as services offered in the country over an almost 200 year period. Some of these influences are certainly more important and had a greater effect than others, namely slavery, the production of cotton, and the revolutionary war. While many of these economic factors were around through the endRead MoreEssay History of Taxes in the United States1324 Words  | 6 PagesHistory and Effects of Income Tax The first form of income tax was signed into effect by President Abraham Lincoln in on August 5th, 1861 to raise revenue for the Civil War. Previously the country was generating revenue from the taxes on alcohol and tobacco. 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How do you predict the economy will perform in the next two years given the current state of two of the economic factors you identified? How might your organization be affected by these changes? Response #1 There are many factors that affect the real GDP such as interest rates, consumers confidence in spending and/or asset prices. When it comes to interestRead MoreIs American Education Getting Worse Or Better?. One Of1378 Words  | 6 Pageseducation system such as spending less money on war and inmates and lower the high school dropout rates. First, Americans are willing to put more money toward war than education. Education should be the number one priority instead of war. Americans pay 21% of their taxes to the military. â€Å"In fiscal year 2015, the federal government spent $3.7 trillion, amounting to 21 percent of the nation’s gross domestic product (GDP)†(Policy Basics: Where do our federal tax dollars go?). Some school will needRead MoreWho Can Save America?1539 Words  | 7 Pagespresidency in all fields, but more specifically, for our economy, our foreign affairs, and our rights and liberties. The economy is a major part of any presidential campaign, as it should be, since our economy is very weak right now and susceptible to damage that could bring us further into a recession we need a strong president to help us supersede all expectations set for our economy. Like most Republicans, Paul supports being conservative with our domestic spending, however unlike the establishmentRead MoreHow Could War Stimulate The Economy?1235 Words  | 5 PagesQuestion 1: How could war stimulate the economy? An increased spending by the military can engender some positive advantage via creation of employment as well as extra growth of the economy in addition contributing to the development of technology. This might give a multiplier effect which then gush on to other businesses. By looking into the state of the economy at each and every major conflict since world war II, it is prudent that the positive effect of a rise in military spending were overshadowedRead MoreThe Civil War Of The United States1605 Words  | 7 PagesThe Civil War of the United States was a major and influential event in the history of our country. The Civil War shaped our nation and how we think of liberty in general. Such a big event in our antiquity must have been caused by a series of dominant events. However, a War of this size has many effects to go along with it. The most common effect thought of is the freedom of slaves, however, the Civil War was not just a war fought for freedom. One major cause of the Civil War was the issue of slaveryRead MoreAfter The Attacks Of September The Eleventh On The United1402 Words  | 6 Pagesthe world has transformed drastically; the events of 9/11 2001 was followed by a string of similar attacks and suicide bombings all around the world that terrorism has become a major threat to our planet. With the help of the media in dramatizing these attacks, fear of terror has become a major concern to people around the world. Terrorism has somehow played a major role in shaping our world in the twenty first century and the past decade. Some of the unimportant but time consuming effects of terrorism
Monday, May 18, 2020
What Makes A True Epic Hero - 1313 Words
What makes a true Epic hero? According to â€Å"From Legend to History†the main characteristics of an Epic hero would be that they would be fearless, larger than life, willing to defeat any evil creature and so much more. In the story of Beowulf all of these characteristics come to life in an epic battle with evil creatures in order to save a city and all the citizens inside of it. The story of Beowulf is set two places Geatland and Herot. The story begins long before Beowulf comes into the picture. One night in Herot all of the warriors were gathered in the mead hall celebrating, after all of the warriors have fallen asleep the evil creature Grendel goes into the mead hall very late at night and snatched up thirty men in his claws and smashed them while walking out with their bodies in his hands. Only for in the morning did the Prince of Herot, Hrothgar, realized what had happened in the night and that many of his friends and close companions were gone, due to the wrath of Grendel. Once Hrothgar had come to terms with what had happened the night before and so he had everyone that he could flee Herot and go as far from Herot as possible to escape what Grendel might do. That night Grendel journeyed back to Herot looking only to kill whoever he would be able to. That night the only people who survived were those who left Herot that day. Then, Grendel took Herot for his own for many years. Although, Hrothgar’s warriors did not stop fighting for the land of Herot.Show MoreRelatedAnalysis Of John Milton s Paradise Lost 1499 Words  | 6 Pageslight in Satan Epic heroism is a category that can pertain to many different subjects considering on what they have done or been through. No matter good, bad, or evil some of these subjects can find a way to make themselves that epic hero that best fits them. An epic hero goes by the definition of, a brave and noble character in an epic poem, admired for great achievements or affected by grand events. This being said can make any possible being, an epic hero if that being has done what is required.Read MoreAnalysis Of Byrons Poem1306 Words  | 6 Pages One such work is Byron’s, Don Juan. The poem follows the adventures of the Spanish hero Don Juan. He travels around the world and gets involved in bizarre situations, usually due to a romantic interest. The poem seems to share more similarities with the epic tradition than Wordsworth’s. Don Juan’s titular character, like many heroes in other epics, pre-existed the Byron poems. The story is vast in scale; it follows Don Juan’s adventures in love and travel. Juan’s adventures pull him from situationRead MoreBeowulf : A Hero Or Hero?1092 Words  | 5 PagesCole Jackson Miss Sibbach Honors English IV 10 December, 2014 To Be a Hero, or To Not Be a Hero Countless people have tried to say that Beowulf represents the qualities required of an epic hero, but many people also suggest that Beowulf does not show any of these qualities. While Beowulf shows heroic characteristics in all of his acts, both pride and greed motivate his actions. The story of Beowulf contains all of the information needed to show this, but people do not notice that which they do notRead MoreOdysseus As The Epic Hero In Homers Odyssey1019 Words  | 5 PagesOdysseus as the Epic Hero in Homer’s The Odyssey A style of work often explored in Greek literature is that of the epic. An expansive poem of a wide scope centered on and regarding the wondrous deeds of the main, heroic figure, on whose actions depend the fate of a nation. The definition of an epic can be used to describe The Odyssey by Homer. In The Odyssey we are introduced to our main character, Odysseus, the former king of Ithaca and a Trojan war hero who has been trapped on an Island by theRead MoreBeowulf as a Epic Hero Essay960 Words  | 4 PagesBeowulf Paper A true hero does not fear death or, but instead risks all that he is for what he believes to be right, moral, and just. Beowulf is an epic and tells the story of a legendary hero, conquering all obstacles as if he was immortal. Up until the end of Beowulfs life he was constantly looking to be the hero. However, his humanity is exposed by his death. Heroes all share the characteristic of their willingness to die in their effort to accomplish their heroic act, thus making the actRead MoreOdysseus Or Gilgamesh - Will The Real Epic Hero Please Stand Up?1640 Words  | 7 Pagesor Gilgamesh - Will the real Epic Hero please stand up? â€Å"Gilgamesh went to the entrance into the mountain and entered the darkness alone, without a companion. By the time he reached the end of the first league the darkness was total, nothing behind or before. He made his way, companionless, to the end†(Book 9 p. 51, The Epic of Gilgamesh). In The Epic of Gilgamesh, an epic poem translated by N.K. Sanders, Gilgamesh is a character who is by all accounts an epic hero. As a person of nobility, he becomesRead MoreAchilles : An Epic Hero1253 Words  | 6 Pages2017 Achilles: An Epic Hero in an Epic Poem In the battle between Hector and Achilles, there was more on the line than winning the war. Until the end of the poem, it can be argued that both Achilles and Hector fit the role of an epic hero, but there can only be one. The battle represented who would ultimately be determined the epic hero. In Homer’s epic poem, The Iliad, Achilles is crafted into an epic hero throughout the poem by the illustration of the qualities of an epic hero: a great warriorRead MoreEpic Passages of The Epic of Gilgamesh and Homers Odyssey921 Words  | 4 PagesThe definition of a hero has evolved over time through both written word and human experiences, so what is a hero? In the two epic passages The Epic of Gilgamesh and Homers Odyssey, heroism appears to be a clear distinction with the literature, and has the same basic framework as today’s definition of a hero. Historically, in the texts, heroes such as Gilgamesh and Odysseus are protagonists viewed and credited with great bravery an d most certainly heroism. Nearly all of the heroic figuresRead More Beowulf is an Epic Hero Essay957 Words  | 4 PagesA true hero does not fear death or, but instead risks all that he is for what he believes to be right, moral, and just. Beowulf is an epic and tells the story of a legendary hero, conquering all obstacles as if he was immortal. Up until the end of Beowulf’s life he was constantly looking to be the hero. However, his humanity is exposed by his death. Heroes all share the characteristic of their willingness to die in their effort to accomplish their heroic act, thus making the act in itself heroicRead More Beowulf vs. Gilgamesh as Epic Heroes Essay1025 Words  | 5 Pagespowerful and well-respected, embody the true essence of what it means to be an epic hero. Gilgamesh’s lifestyle and rash decisions make him the perfect candidate for a life lesson by the gods. Beowulf and his boastful nature ultimately lead him to be great in life and to later fal l. Finally, the two epic heroes both share some of the same good and bad qualities, thus, making each one slight mirror images of one another. According to Websters, an epic hero is â€Å"a larger than life figure from a history
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
U.s. Military Field Manual - 1426 Words
The intent of this policy memorandum is to propose that policy on counterterrorism in the United States of America be manufactured. Defining counterterrorism in a Western democratic sense is extremely difficult. This is due the uniqueness of each terrorism case. According to Jason Rineheart, what makes this defining process so difficult is that these democracies must take into consideration certain civil liberties and the rule of law. As stated by the U.S. Army Field Manual, counterterrorism can be defined as offensive actions taken in efforts to â€Å"prevent, deter, preempt, and respond to terrorism.†What is most important when defining counterterrorism is the focus on its offensive nature. It is also necessary to focus on the nature†¦show more content†¦Despite its illegality and inefficiency, racial profiling is used to execute the processes of counterterrorism. Therefore for the purposes of this memo, counterterrorism will be defined as the execution of o ffensive actions in order to prevent, deter, preempt and/or respond to terrorism by way of racial identification of targets. Racial profiling as method of counterterrorism is a major problem in the United States. Due to the damaging effects of 9/11 on the moral of the country and the present threats from ISIS, the Muslim-American society as a whole is being depicted in a way that classifies them as extremist terrorists. This fear of the Muslim society has become so dominant that the term â€Å"Islamophobia†has been adopted to communicate â€Å"fear, hatred and hostility towards Islam and Muslims.†As seen in a 2011 report on the West’s respect for Muslims, 52% percent of the American citizens who answered this poll voted that Western societies do not respect Muslim societies. (See figure 1.) The analysts of Gallup attribute this disrespect and fear of Muslim societies to differences in religion and political interests. (See figure 2.) America needs to re evaluate its counterterrorism strategy in order to account for and respect the human rights of its targets. If not, an entire society of people, Muslim-Americans, will be targeted as terrorists. The targeting of an entire group of people based on
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Park Avenue Money, Power, And The American Dream
The documentary film â€Å"Park Avenue: Money, Power, and the American Dream†directed by Alex Gibney is about the wealth gap between the rich and the poor in the United States. The documentary compares the access to opportunities of residents of Park Avenue both on the Upper East Side and in the South Bronx. The documentary includes interviews with a series of people: a doorman at 740 Park Avenue, journalist Jane Mayer, Yale University Professor Jacob Hacker, Berkeley Professor Paul Piff, and Republican advisor Bruce Bartlett. The documentary makes a compelling case that inequality exposes democracy and that the victims of inequality include not only those who find themselves in the rapidly expanding underclass, but the American dream itself. Park Avenue on the Upper East Side of Manhattan is the wealthiest neighborhood in the New York City. Across the river, Park Avenue runs through the South Bronx, home to the poorest congressional district in the United States. Gibney stat es that while income disparity has always existed in the U.S., it has accelerated sharply over the years. Seven thousand people live in the South Bronx and 40% of the population live in poverty. Most of them lost their jobs during the recession that was caused by bankers on the other side of the river. David Koch is the richest person who lives in the Park Avenue on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. Koch donates money to politicians, and Paul Ryan received more money from Koch brothers than any otherShow MoreRelatedPark Avenue : Money, Power And The American Dream819 Words  | 4 PagesPark Avenue: Money, Power and the American Dream In my opinion being bias has both good and bad characteristics. I believe the negative part of being bias is that you only think one sided and not open minded. You can t be biased in some situations where you have to see both sides of view. A positive aspect is that you are consistent and not indecisive. If you have a passion or believe in something, then you will stay consistent with your decision. In the video Park Avenue: MoneyRead MoreThe Movie Park Avenue : Money, Power And The American Dream858 Words  | 4 PagesThe Truth behind a Dream It is easy for a person to put away a dream as a mere fantasy that cannot be achieved in life. For this reason, people never take the opportunity to evaluate the true facts behind that dream. In the documentary â€Å"Park Avenue: Money, Power and the American Dream†by Director Alex Gibney, an analysis of the true facts behind the ‘American dream’ is presented (Lee). Similarly, the poem â€Å"Dulce et Decorum Est†by Wilfred Owen speaks about the true facts of a war that people foolishlyRead MoreThe American Dream Must Have Been A Dream After All Essay1678 Words  | 7 PagesPark Avenue, on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, is one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in all of New York City, home to the ultra rich, the top tier of the American upper class, the 1% (Park Avenue). Those who reside in Park Avenue not only have vast amounts of wealth, but an immense amount of influence that has turned the tables in their favor. But, if you go a couple of miles No rth of Park Avenue and cross the Harlem river, you arrive at the other side of Park Avenue or otherwise known as theRead MoreThe Nightmare Of The American Dream1538 Words  | 7 PagesThe Nightmare of the American Dream. Introduction The future of work is a topic that many people don’t take the time to actually analyze and question as to what it will be like when the future actually comes. The films Wage Crisis by Michael Maher; Park Avenue: Money, Power and the American Dream: Why Poverty? by Alex Gibney; and The Secret of Oz by Ben Still, are some of the films that highlight the future of work and the how the wages and the economy are really affecting those who are looking forRead MoreWage Crisis By Michael Maher : Money, Power And The American Dream : Why Poverty?1189 Words  | 5 Pagesit will be like when the future actually comes. The films Wage Crisis by Michael Maher; Park Avenue: Money, Power and the American Dream: Why Poverty? by Alex Gibney; and The Secret of Oz by Ben Still, are some of the films that highlight the future or work and the how the wages and economy are really affecting those who are looking for work and trying to work towards a common goal – achieving the American Drea m. Throughout this review, these movies will be compared to the content that have been coveredRead MoreThe Land Of Opportunity By Loewen960 Words  | 4 Pagesthe child of low-income parents, the chances are good that you will receive limited and often careless attention from adults in your high school†(qtd. in Loewen, 203). High school students cannot look to the classroom to prepare them for real world power dynamics. If left to their own devices, adolescents may be influenced by skewed allegories in fictional entertainment media. Parents must use educational resources to prompt critical thinking about socioeconomic inequality in order to prepare America’sRead MoreRaising Taxes By The Middle Class1208 Words  | 5 Pagesstress and worry to be lifted off of the middle class and those in poverty. As a result, the rich will pay more taxes, which will benefit the middle and lower class. The so called â€Å"American Dream†is slowly losing its meaning when in come inequality comes into play because there is no fair game as to how we gain money. Bold plans such as raising the taxes will allow for an increase in revenue and help with employment issues. Furthermore, with the rise in inequality, we are at the tipping point andRead MoreStructural Racism And Racial Equity Analysis Essay1850 Words  | 8 Pagesa better life here in the states, â€Å"The American Dream†. However, is the â€Å"American Dream†really a dream or a nightmare for these immigrants. The whole thought of the American Dream is that everyone has an equal opportunity in America, but this is truly not the case. In the movie, Park Avenue: Money, Power the American Dream, they compare America, but mainly focusing on New York City, to the game of monopoly. The narrator states, â€Å"True to the American Dream, everyone has an equal opportunity, startingRead MoreAbortion Pros And Cons Essay1964 Words  | 8 Pagesremembering they can’t take this ba ck. First, In the film Park Avenue: Money, Power and the American Dream it stated â€Å"Steve Schwartzman has twenty-five fully decorated Christmas trees in his apartment for an annual Christmas party, to have a tree in each room of this apartment†(Alex Gibney). Meaning he spent all of that money just to have a fully decorated house for Christmas, when he could have spent that money on something meaningful such as giving money to charity. Also, proving that many rich people doRead MoreThe Civil Rights Movement Essay1601 Words  | 7 PagesMovement â€Å"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.†This was a speech by Martin Luther King Jr. Even one hundred years after slavery was banned, African Americans were still being treated unfairly. Martin Luther King Jr. was one of the most famous leaders of the Civil Rights movement in the 1960’s. The Civil Rights movement was a movement of African Americans who felt that they
Royal Wedding Media Coverage Free Essays
Example of a great media coverage The Royal wedding in 2011 Many PR specialists define the Royal Wedding of Kate Middleton and prince William as the PR event of the year. It is a proof that a well- managed event can resonate for months or even years. It has set the beginning of the reputation building of this new family. We will write a custom essay sample on Royal Wedding Media Coverage or any similar topic only for you Order Now As Pagefield’s founder and senior partner Mark Gallagher argues, the event not only promoted the young couple, but also gave the monarchy, London and the UK a boost. Before the event, there was an estimated number of 8500 journalists expected to arrive in London from abroad. More than 36 broadcasters, such as BBC, Sky News, ABC, NBC, CBS, Al-Jazeera etc. ; were housed in a special structure, built close to the Westminster Abbey, where the wedding took place. Apart from nearly 2000 guests, 40 broadcast cameras, 12 photographers and 28 reporters from national, international and regional media were expected. More than 100 overseas broadcasting organizations were transmitting the event. BBC had the biggest broadcasting presence with around 550 people staff at a cost of ? 2 million. The US networks have begun their coverage at 3 a. m. n the west coast. 64% of Americans said that they believe that the event has received too much attention in the media, however 28% of US citizens have admitted that they have followed the wedding very closely. The wedding’s audience has reached 2 billion people worldwide. According to Google, there are over 162 million web pages mentioning the wedding. It was estimated to bring ? 630 million into the economy. All these fa cts are a proof that the event has received great, or even excessive media ; editorial coverage worldwide and has reached a huge number of people. This has probably turned it into the TV (PR) event of the century. An example of the number of articles that only CNN has concerning the Royal wedding: http://edition. cnn. com/SPECIALS/2011/royal. wedding/ . â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [ 1 ]. http://www. prweek. com/uk/features/1124547/the-power-books-top-5-pr-campaigns-2011/ [ 2 ]. http://www. guardian. co. uk/uk/2011/apr/28/royal-wedding-media-tv-audience [ 3 ]. http://www. guardian. co. uk/news/datablog/2011/apr/29/royal-wedding-numbers-figures How to cite Royal Wedding Media Coverage, Essay examples
Potential Liability Certified Information Systems
Question: Discuss about the Potential Liability for Certified Information Systems. Answer: The auditor is a person who is qualified to evaluate and validate that the accounting information given by an audited organization precisely fits in to the actions that are acquired by an organization. The auditor's responsibility is to prepare a report at the end of the audit, which decides the standard of accurateness and clearness that the company has considered. For a moment, if every step related to accounting prepared by an organization is illustrated in the records, and all information that is noticeable in the books matches to the course of trade in an organization, then it states that audit will show no inaccuracy (Economic, 2016). Power and duties of auditors The power of the auditors helps them to properly analyze the financial position of the firm. Auditors should have right to access the accounts and vouchers of organization. The organizations management should provide all the relevant data to the auditors, for performing duties without any hindrance. Auditors have the authority of signing the audit report of organization and other financial documents as well (Bainbridge, 2012). Notices and communications related to any meeting should be properly sent to auditors on time. Remuneration of the auditors should be made clear within the general meetings or any other way of communication. The duties of the auditors make them responsible for indicating things in advance to organization (Cannon, 2011). Auditors should make audit report for the company, as it helps to know about the financial statements. Auditors work should based on the certain principles of the auditing. Auditor while performing his/her duties founds out that illegal act is i nvolved, fraud is being committed in opposition to the organization by officers or employees, auditors should right away inform the fact to the Central Government on time and by following approved procedure (Pickett, 2010). Duty of care Duty of care can be explained as, the accountability or the lawful duty of an individual or association to keep away from actions or measures, which can create damage for others. An accountant owes it in properly developing organizations accounts, an auditor owes it in validating an organizations financial statements appropriately, which represents financial position of an organization. Director to shareholders it is owed in preserving the firms assets and manufacturer to consumers it is owed for the security of goods and every party to a contract it is owed to the other parties who are contracting (Giove, 2015). Global financial crisis is a universal era of financial complexity accustomed by markets and customers. A global financial crisis is a complex business environment to do well because possible customers are likely to decrease their acquisition of products and services up till the economic conditions develops (Davies, 2010). The financial crisis and auditor liability The global financial crisis (GFC) is frequently presumed to have begun in July 2007, when there was loss of motivation by US financers in the worth of sub-prime debts induced a liquidity crisis. This, sequentially, evolved out in the US Federal Bank introducing a huge amount of investment into monetary markets. With September 2008, the crisis had aggravated as stock markets across the universe strike and resulted in extremely unstable manner. Customer motivation hit the rock bottom as everybody tightens belts in terror of what could happen further (Davies, 2014). Auditors are under attention due to faith that a green signal provided by the auditor means that a states that organizations accounting application have approved inspection (Pal, 2010). The table below illustrates that anxious ?nancial ventures, in Netherlands, Iceland, Germany, UK, France, USA, or Switzerland, acknowledged unquali?ed audit viewpoints on their ?nancial statements issued right away former to the public announcement of ?nancial problems. These viewpoints were given by one of the Big Four accounting enterprise Ernst Young, KPMG, Deloitte Touche, and Price water house Coopers. The principles of auditing in Australia are very much associated with international principles of auditing, which illustrates that the auditors process essentially engage a thought of the organizations capability to carry on in operational continuation for the future nearby. Sequentially, that compels deliberation of the present and the probable future conditions of the company and the surroundings in which it works. Principles of auditing also need auditors to present audit process planned to acquire adequate suitable audit proof that all proceedings until date of the report of auditor may need modification of, or revelation in, the ?nancial statements, which is recognized (Malb, 2013). Lehman brothers case On 28 January 2008, Lehman Brothers who acknowledged an unquali?ed audit viewpoint on its accounts annually, on 10 July 2008, which was chased by vigorous clean bill in terms of accounts quarterly (Rootzen, 2011). On the other hand, nearby August it was undergoing rigorous ?nancial troubles and on 14 September 2008 registered for insolvency. Bear Stearns, Americas fifth chief investment bank, on 28 January 2008 acquired an unquali?ed audit viewpoint. On the other hand, by 10 March, its ?nancial troubles strike the headings and on 14 March, with the help of state, JP Morgan Chase purchased it (Harress and Caulderwood, 2013). The German migrant Henry Lehman and his brothers came with the establishing Lehman Brothers in the 1850s. In its initial years organization traded cotton, however with the commencement of the 20th century the organization entered in trading of banking and securities, ultimately became a speculation bank (Historical Resources, 2010). Financing and performing business in rising section of the 20th century, moreover, preceding worldwide and obtaining other firms, Lehman Brothers extended along with becoming worlds chief speculation banks . Modern speculation banks like Lehman are complicated academies with superior and difficult formation, with every day undertakings of numerous billion of dollars. Prior to the fall down of Lehman Brothers the chief business sectors was characteristic speculation banking, also equities, capital markets, fixed income and speculation administration. Lehman Brothers speculation banking industry gave financial services like, underwritings and issuing securities, mergers and acquisitions (Rootzen, 2011). Further business areas related to the equity sector of Lehman financed in equity across the globe. However, the fixed income, speculation administration and capital markets sector focused on wealth administration and different services. The size of the undertakings or services given was charged and their major revenues were acquired from these (Hantoft and Jerkrot, 2012). Financial crisis in Lehman Brothers Lehman Brothers executive and auditors failure caused the bank collapse that unbinds the worst of financial crisis. Lehman Brothers continuously extended their own domestic risk limits and commands and huge range of worst calls due to its management caused the failure of bank, stated in the report commenced by inspector Anton Valukas. The U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York to examine the causes of Lehmans failure appointed Valukas, of New York law firm Jenner Block, in January 2009 (Wong and Smith, 2010). Credit crunch led investor motivation to fall down and in 2008, Lehman tried to anticipate collapse creating a false image of its financial situation. Lehman Brothers executives could have done better in comparison. Valukas, held responsible Lehman executives for aggravating the organizations troubles, creating the financial down fall for creditors and shareholders. The executives' behavior towards balance sheet manipulation is a severe but unoccupiable mistake related to business decision. Lehman Brothers make use of Repo 105 to make their accounting records look better. Instead of selling $ 50 million at a loss, they used Repo 105 to create a false picture in the balance sheet, which removes these assets from the balance sheet (Wong and Smith, 2010). Lehman Brothers global financial controller provided confirmation in context of Repo 105 use was only for showing reduction in transaction from balance sheet. Ernst Young the auditor was conscious about the use of Repo 105, except that also it did not confront or inquiry in context of this. However, there was not any evidence regarding the awareness of auditors about the use of Repo 105 (The Guardian, 2015). Charlie Perkins Ernst Young representative pivoted liability from his company, stating that Lehman Brothers insolvency was the outcome of a sequence of unfavorable proceedings in the financial markets. Ernst Young stated that they audited the financial statements according to the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. Hence, auditors are not liable for the insolvency of Lehman Brothers (CNBC, 2016). Recommendations Based on the report it can be recommended that accountants, managers, boards of members are responsible along with auditor for financial crisis. Hence, it becomes the combined responsibility of the all of these to work in a proper format to avoid financial crisis following prescribed standards. Regulators should be allowed to take responsibility directly for auditing. It is not anticipated from auditors to provide assurance for the continued existence of any organization. Rather than auditors should be allowed to work independently for the organizations they are auditing and should work out sensibly with concern and ability. Auditors should be good at predicting the performance of the organization since previous 12 months accurately, by providing justified and reasonable view over the performance. Auditors work is to focus on the historic information not over the future prediction. The auditors should focus on the reliability and impartiality strategy. The cooperation of the manageme nt is necessary for the auditors to create a fair audit report for the organization. The organization must inform the auditors about the meetings that have to be attended on time. Public expectations and actual facts should be met out, there should not be any gap between actual and expected. Conclusion From the report, it can be evaluated that financial crisis has the huge impact on auditors liability. Principle of auditing has been changed from time to time. Auditors play very crucial role in the organization. Investors and lenders before dealing with nay organization focus over the auditing reports of any company. Auditing report helps to judge the financial position of the organization. Power and duties help auditor has to perform their jobs properly. Auditors cannot be fully blamed for financial crisis, as accountants, manager, board members are also responsible for the organization. Direct responsibility of the regulators can restrict financial crisis probably. Auditors do not have the liability to provide guarantee for the survival of the organization. Auditors can only analyze the financial statements of the organizations and provide accurate report to the company. The job of auditor is not to forecast future rather to provide guarantee that organizations financial statement s provide a factual and reasonable analysis over the preceding 12 months presentation. References Bainbridge, S. M. (2012) Corporate Governance After Financial Crisis. New York: Oxford University Press Cannon, D. L. (2011) CISA Certified Information Systems Auditor Study Guide. Australia: John Wiley Sons CNBC (2016) On this day 8 years ago, Lehman Brothers collapsed: Have we learned anything? Available at: (Accessed: 13 January, 2017) Davies, H. (2010) The Financial Crisis: Who is to Blame? UK: Polity Davies, J. (2014) Global Financial Crisis What caused it and how the world responded. Available at: (Accessed: 13 January, 2017) Economic (2016) What is an auditor? Available at: (Accessed: 13 January, 2017) Giove, F. C. (2015) Auditing Essentials. New York: Research Education Assoc. Gramling, A. A., Johnstone, K. M., and Rittenberg, L. E. (2012) Auditing. USA: Cengage Learning Griffithis, P. (2016) Risk-Based Auditing. USA: CRC-Press Hantoft, L., and Jerkrot, H. N. (2012) Statistical Report Lehman Brothers. Available at: (Accessed: 13 January, 2017) Harress, C., and Caulderwood, K. (2013) The Death Of Lehman Brothers: What Went Wrong, Who Paid The Price And Who Remained Unscathed Through The Eyes Of Former Vice-President. Available at: (Accessed: 12 January, 2017) Historical Resources (2010) History of Lehman Brothers. Available at: (Accessed: 13 January, 2017) Malb, M. (2013) The role of the Auditors Liability in the global financial crisis. Available at: (Accessed: 12 January, 2017) Pal, T. (2010) The Impact Of The Economic Crisis On Auditing. European Integration Studies, Miskolc, 8(1) pp. 131-142. [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 12 January, 2017) Pickett, K. H. S. (2010) The Internal Auditing Handbook. 3rd edn. Australia: John Wiley Sons Rootzen, H. (2011) A Case Study of the Lehman Brothers Bankruptcy. Available at: (Accessed: 12 January, 2017) The Guardian (2015) Lehman Brothers' former CEO blames bad regulations for bank's collapse. Available at: (Accessed: 13 January, 2017) Wong, G., and Smith, A. (2010) What killed Lehman. Available at: (Accessed: 13 January, 2017)
Monday, May 4, 2020
Marketing and Customer Engagement Case Study on Fly Buys
Question: Discuss about theMarketing and Customer Engagementfor Case Study on Fly Buys. Answer: Introduction Loyalty New Zealand was established in the year 1996 by the Bank of New Zealand, IAG New Zealand Limited, Greenstone Energy Ltd and Foodstuffs Venture Limited in order to develop a coalition loyalty program. This program recognizes and rewards the consumers of New Zealand and provides the businesses with unparallel and vital information regarding the customers. The flagship loyalty program of Loyalty New Zealand is called Fly Buys, which has over 2.5 million card holders and 1.3 million active households who swipe their Fly Buys cards at over 50 partner businesses and redeem more than 2000 rewards daily. Chris Lamers was appointed as the Head of Customer Engagement in the year 2007 with the aim to re-launch the Fly Buys brand for continuous growth of the organization. As per the case study, Chris Lamers has selected one out of three options but in this assignment, an alternative option has been selected, compared and analyzed for the same. Brief Description of Third Option The third option that was selected by Chris Lamers was Fly Buys should focus on stretching the brand. Chris knew that he could data mine the extensive databases of Fly Buys with the aim to analyze the usage patterns of members and also to compare these with the external and corporate database. Therefore, it can be said that this particular option will help Chris Lamers and his team members to identify the gaps in the present market place (Pride Ferrell, 2012). On the basis of the outcome of this analysis, Fly Buys would add more partner companies and this provide the consumers of New Zealand with more options for earning points of Fly Buys. The particular option also aimed to add new products to the existing offerings of Fly Buys. Thus, it can be said that the particular third option has two objectives to add more partner companies and to add new products, both of which need a creative thinking skill. Alternate Option Recommended As per the case study, there are two more options, one of which can be selected for the continuous growth of the organization and also for re-launching the Fly Buys brand. These options include firstly, Fly Buys might launch a new brand and secondly, Fly Buys might put focus on the market penetration. Chris Lamers along with his team wondered if Fly Buys has reached the maximum penetration and whether the time was right for launching a new brand. Chris Lamers by keeping the first option in mind decided to launch a Youth Card branded loyalty program for the younger customers and a Senior Card branded loyalty program for senior customers. The reason behind this is that as per the statistics New Zealand trend data, the proportion of New Zealand consumers over the age of 65 years was expected to increase with the passage of time. However, with this particular option, Chris Lamers found that he might face trouble and high risk regarding the launching of any new brand in the present marke t as launching of new brand might take a lot of time and also the resources of Loyalty New Zealand. Thus, it can be recommended that Chris Lamers and his team should opt for the second option that is Fly Buys should focus on market penetration. It has been found that Fly Buys was extremely popular among the consumers of New Zealand. Therefore, Chris Lamers by keeping the second option in mind, he could focus on getting the existing customers or members to swipe their Fly Buys cards more often at the partner companies of Fly Buys. This particular method would help Fly Buys to increase its customers. As per the record of the extensive database of Fly Buys, it has been found that the consumers of New Zealand swipe their Fly Buys cards 300000 times per day or it can also be said that they redeem their Fly Buys Points for rewards (2000). These facts and figures imply that the present market of Fly Buys is already enriched but for continuous growth of the firm, Chris Lamers and his team should implement this second option. For this, Chris Lamers might introduce new strategies and can pro vide various offers and discounts in order to attract more customers and to increase the number of swiping times of the Fly Buys cards per day (Kotler Keller, 2012). Comparative Analysis It can be said that the recommended option i.e. to focus on the market penetration is better than the third option i.e. focus on stretching the brand. The reason behind this is that the stretching of brand is the process of utilizing the established brand names in launching products in a different and unrelated category of product. However, it has been found that the potential growth of the stretching of brand depends on the method by which the core product has been positioned in the minds of the customers (Hood, 2013). It can also be said that the new service or product has to fit the core brand or the resulting inappropriateness might demoralize the core brand. Generally, it has been found that the new product raises the equity of brand and also the profits of the firm (Kotler Armstrong, 2012). However, the primary disadvantage of implementing this particular strategy is that the stretching of a brand too far might develop the original brand distraction (Grewal Levy, 2012). In ad dition to this, brand stretching in any unrelated markets might lead to loss of reliability. Thus, Fly Buys should research about the product categories before implementing the particular strategy. Moreover, a risk is associated with this brand stretching strategy that is a new product might develop implications which might damage the image and reputation of core brand (Shani Chalasani, 2013). Therefore, it can be said that the implementation of brand stretching strategy might also affect the reputation of the company and this would lead the firm to run under loss as the customer base of the organization would also decrease. Additionally, it might happen that due to less awareness and trial, the management might not provide sufficient investment for the introduction of new services and products as they could assume the spin-off effects might compensate the original brand name (Elliott, Rundle-Thiele, Waller, 2012). It has been found that if the brand stretching does not has any ad vantage over the competitive brands in the newly introduced categories of products and services, then it might fail. Therefore, it can be said that the third option focus on stretching the brand is associated with several high risks. Thus, the second option to focus on the market penetration is comparatively better than third option focus on stretching the brand. Moreover, market penetration has various tactics that help to reduce the production cost of the company and also helps to increase the profitability of the firm (Burns Bush, 2014). Implication of Recommended Option The second option is considered as the recommended one for the particular circumstances of Fly Buys. The second option is that the Fly Buys should put focus on the market penetration. Therefore, it can be said that if this option of focusing on market penetration is implicated within the Fly Buys, then it will earn various advantages. These include firstly, the market penetration might cause quick adoption and diffusion of the product and services in the present market (Bosik, 2011). Secondly, this might also create goodwill among those consumers and this might also develop customer referrals (Czinkota Ronkainen, 2013). Thirdly, by focusing on the market penetration, the efficiency of Fly Buys might be encouraged due to thinner profit margins. This occurs due to aggressive pricing and the efficiency is required for maintaining profitability (Aaker, 2013). Fourthly, the competitors feel dispirited to enter the market, thus it can be said that the market penetration strategy can resi st the entry of the new entrants to the market. In addition to these, the market penetration strategy takes the advantage of lower pricing in order to raise the demand of product and also to raise the share of the market (Armstrong Kotler, 2013). On the other hand, it can also be said that with the increase in the demand, the organization Fly Buys can save money on the cost of production as the volume of production increases. Therefore, the second option is also suitable for the operation and regulation of Fly Buys in the present circumstances. Conclusion Therefore, it can be concluded that for any organization, continuous growth of the business is an essential factor for running the business successfully. It has been found that there are various options for the particular organization Fly Buys to grow continuously. Hoever, some of the options are associated with higher risks and challenges. Thus, in order to lower the risk, the management should analyze each of the options in detail such that the associated risk can be studied well. Depending on the amount of risks, the management should select the accurate option and should implement it in order to run the business effectively. Here, Chris Lamers has selected the third option i.e. to focus on stretching the brand but he might also opt for the second option i.e. to focus on market penetration as the later one is associated with relatively lower risks. References Aaker, D. (2013).Marketing research. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley Sons. Armstrong, G. Kotler, P. (2013).Marketing. Boston: Prentice Hall. Bosik, D. (2011).Mobile marketing advertising 2012. [Place of publication not identified]: Mind Commerce Publishing, LLC. Burns, A. Bush, R. (2014).Marketing research. Boston: Pearson. Czinkota, M. R., Ronkainen, I. A. (2013).International marketing. Cengage Learning. Elliott, G., Rundle-Thiele, S., Waller, D. (2012).Marketing. Milton, Qld.: John Wiley and Sons Australia. Grewal, D. Levy, M. (2012).Marketing. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Hood, D. (2013).The marketing manifesto. London: Kogan Page. Kotler, P. Armstrong, G. (2012).Principles of marketing. Boston: Pearson Prentice Hall. Kotler, P. Keller, K. (2012).Marketing management. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall. Pride, W. Ferrell, O. (2012).Marketing 2012. Mason, Ohio: Cengage Learning. Shani, D., Chalasani, S. (2013). Exploiting niches using relationship marketing.Journal of Services Marketing.
Monday, March 30, 2020
An introduction to social psychology Essays - Psychology, Behavior
An introduction to social psychology Why do people do what they do? Why do they do things that don't seem to make sense? Why do people change what they do depending on social context? How do social arrangements influence judgment and decision-making? How does risk make sense? These are the questions that preoccupy the social psychology of risk. Social psychology is the study of human social behavior, with an emphasis on how people think towards each other and how they relate to each other under the influence of social arrangements. As the mind is the axis around which social behavior pivots, social psychologists tend to study the relationship between the human mind(s) and social behaviors. Social psychology is the study of how people's thoughts, feelings, values, decisions, judgments and behaviors can be influenced by the actual, imagined or implied presenceof others. The growth in interest in social psychology accelerated after the Second World War. Some of the most well-known research in Social Psychology include: Herbert Simon on Bounded Rationality (1947) Solomon Asch on Groupthink (1951) Muzafer Sherif In-Group/Out-Groupness (1954) Leon Festinger on Cognitive Dissonance (1956) Stanley Milgram Obedience to Authority (1961) Alber Bandura on Social Learning (1961) Darley and Latane on the Bystander Effect (1964-68) Philip Zimbardo on Evil and Power (1971). The social psychology of risk The social psychology of risk is the application of the principles of social psychology to risk. The foundation of this discipline was established in Australia by Dr Robert Long (2012, 2013, 2014, 2014a) and emerged out of his postgraduate studies in fundamentalism and occupational health and safety. Social psychology of risk is interested in how social arrangements affect decision-making and judgment's in risk. What this means is that all social relationships, social settings, discourse and organizing affect human judgment and decision-making in risk. Long suggests that without a social psychological understanding of risk, people will be less risk intelligent, more visually and spatially illiterate, and less able to make sense of risk. The nature of risk All risk involves a degree of uncertainty and subjective attribution. Risk, according to Standards Australia (AS/NZS ISO 31000, 2009), is the effect of uncertainty on objectives'. In early times risk was most associated with understanding and predicting the weather, navigation and primitive notions of insurance. Whilst we have moved on' from these associations, unfortunately we have been strongly influenced by reductionism, what is commonly known as the Newtownian/Cartesian worldview. Risk is not objective - rather, the perception, amplification, attenuation and attribution of risk are conditioned by social psychological factors. Slovic (2000, 2010) has shown that perception of risk varies according to life experience, cognitive bias, heuristics, memory, visual and special literacy, expertise, attribution, framing, priming and anchoring. In other words, risk is a human constructed sense of meaning associated with uncertainty, probability and context. For example,one person's risk is another person's opportunity. When reading through the many resources and programs about risk, one could be forgiven for thinking that compliance would be much easier if it didn't involve people. I often get amused by approaches to risk that spend most of the time focusing on objects, as if judgments made around those objects are irrelevant. It is as if the object itself is value laden and dangerous. The fixation on objects I recently did some work for a mining organization who asked for help in developing a more mature approach to leadership in risk at work. I looked through the tools they were using to think about risk and everything in their checklists involved the observation of objects. Looking out for things' is of limited value if one can't imagine or focus on how humans respond to each other and those objects in that environment. Social arrangements give us meaning, purpose and fulfillment. Social arrangements also determine the way we make decisions and judgment's. Risk is not an engineering problem but a social psychological problem. An engineering approach to risk tends to have its training and focus on objects. Whilst it is great to observe what engineers think and construct, it is not the core focus of that discipline to understand human organizing, collective mindfulness and he collective unconscious in response to objects. The social psychology of risk helps us understand the following questions: Why do humans not obey procedures? Why are people non-compliant? How is human perception limited? Why
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Topical Essay Organization
Topical Essay Organization When it comes to writing an essay, topical organization means describing the subject of your paper one topic at a time. Anytime you have to describe something, like an animal, a gadget, an event, or a process, you can use the topical organization. Your first step is to divide your subjects into small parts (sub-topics) and then define each one. Types of Essays That Use Topical Organization Exploring Essays - Topical essay structure is perfect for science essays that explore the characteristics of an organism.Compare and Contrast Essays - English class essays that compare two short stories can be written topic-by-topic.Explaining Essays - You could use a topical essay to explain why the American South developed an agrarian-based economy, explaining one characteristic at a time that led to this development.Descriptive essay - You could describe any object one part at a time; for example, when describing yourself, you could start with your facial features and move on to hands and feet. Note: If you are writing a compare and contrast essay, you may need to define two subjects with the topical organization. You can use two strategies for this: You can describe one subject completely and move on to the next.You can describe and compare small parts of each subject piece by piece.
Thursday, February 20, 2020
STEWARTSHCES Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
STEWARTSHCES - Essay Example Within 1 day, personnel within the relevant departments must participate optimally in establishing the relationship between existing promotional techniques and corresponding sales revenue generated. Upon linking promotional technique with resultant sales revenue, the next step involves evaluating cost of each promotion strategy. Each technique possesses unique advantages and disadvantages. On the second day, cost of direct mailing or in-store signs must be harmonized with budgeted resources. A meeting with all store managers should be held within 2 weeks. After analyzing effectiveness of promotional techniques and their corresponding costs, information gained will be useful in making objective marketing decisions. The president will use this information in influencing the manager’s perspective on advertisement. Upon completion of the meeting, each manager will present his or her opinion on challenges likely to emanate from the new marketing policies. Opinions from individual managers will be analyzed and addressed accordingly, like by increasing monetary allocation to a certain manager’s area. Some managers and buyers may become uncomfortable with adopted promotional measures. For example, disparity in consumers’ age characteristics may not allow implementation of social media marketing in all markets. Therefore, appropriate adjustments will be made in order to optimize promotional technique used in every market segment. Stewart Shoes is currently doing well in terms of sales. Since its establishment in 1953, this company has expanded because it adopted effective business models. However, business environments keep changing; hence necessitating adjustment of operation protocols. Adjustment of traditional business framework usually creates conflict between stakeholders. Currently, managers from various departments have diverse opinions on the value of money used in advertisement and
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Business Innovation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Business Innovation - Essay Example The companys goals and culture are embedded into the actual design and management of its facilities (Fitzgerald, 2001). For instance, the company’s buildings have large windows, warm colors and fabrics, open floor plans, recreation areas and fitness centers. This enables the company to connect indirectly with its employees while providing an environment that allows for a more productive and interactive workforce. The companys catch phrase too, Connecting People, is symbolic of the culture, which helps define the purpose of its physical facilities. Their culture encourages employee participation through open discussions and debates. Nokia’s culture promotes good communications, which is integrated into every day interaction with and between employees (Nokia, 2006). They have performance-management system, called Investing in People (IIP) involves discussions between employees and their managers, twice a year. They have flexible working hours, study leave and health-care services and recreational activities (HRM Digest). Another company having innovative culture is Procter & Gamble (P&G), America’s biggest maker of household products. There is a shift in P&G’s culture from a conservative, slow-moving, bureaucratic attitude to a modern, fast-moving, internet-savvy organization (CorporateWatch, 2006). They have introduced a new system of attracting the right talents in its fold with a view to make faster and better decisions, cut red tape, reduce costs of systems and procedure while setting more aggressive sales goals. Go, Give and Grow is a scheme that has struck chord with the youth. This scheme gives the graduates the opportunity to make their personal contribution to humanitarian projects before they start their career with P&G (HRMID, 2006). The new graduates selected for employment with P&G get a chance to work for 12 months in a developing country with the World Health Organization (WHO) or Unicef.
Monday, January 27, 2020
Evaluation Model for Web Service Change Management
Evaluation Model for Web Service Change Management EVALUATION MODEL FOR WEB SERVICE CHANGE MANAGEMENT BASED ON BUSINESS POLICY ENFORCEMENT AbstractToday organizations in all industries are increasingly dependent upon IT and a highly available network to meet their business objectives. As customer expectations and demands rise, and their needs is one of the prevailing problems faced by IT enterprises at present, leading to increasingly complex IT service management systems. Although there exists many change management issues and solutions, there is no proper support for efficient change evaluation and monitoring. Present change management works are done only in the web service interface such as WSDL Web Service Definition Language and there is no proper support for dynamic nature in them. In order to provide a flexible environment for the Business Analyst to perform the emergency changes over the service business logic without the need of IT staff and also to evaluate changes made, we propose a Finite State Machine based Evaluation Model for Web Service Runtime Change Management and also a set of change factors to evalua te runtime changes of web services. Among which we mainly focus on the factor Business Policy Enforcement which is used for checking whether there is any policy violation with respect to the changes made. We first define the various change factors and derived solution is considered as the change measure for individual change factor. Keywords-Web Services, BL Analyzer, Dependency Analyzer, Change Factors, Business Policy Manager, Runtime Change Management, Change Evaluation Report. I. INTRODUCTION A web service is a piece of business logic that enables a paradigm shift in business structures allowing them to outsource required functionality from third party Web-based providers. As services are not static, they undergo many changes during their life cycle since the IT service management system now is facing an increasingly complex environment aroused by wide variety of requirements. This situation increases the likelihood of service interruption which in turn causes business loss. In this case, a series of changes are needed so that potential service interruptions can be prevented. A service change is any addition, modification, or removal of authorized, planned, or supported service or service component and its associated documentation. A typical IT enterprise faces considerable number of changes each year. To handle such changes, change management is needed. Change management is a set of processes that are employed to ensure that significant changes are implemented to a business process during its maintenance phase. The purpose of the change management process is to ensure that: Business risk is managed and minimized; Standardized methods and procedures are used for efficient and prompt handling of all changes; all changes to service assets and configuration items are recorded in the configuration management system; and all authorized changes support business needs and goals. Hence there arises the need for an effective framework managing those changes without affecting the business functionality. Here Change Management framework is proposed for making minor alterations to business logic but whose effect is more pronounced to the profitability of the organization. So the changes in business logic of the web service must be done very quickly within the given time constraint as the services consumed by the providers and clients must not be affected there by managing the changes at the runtime. We focus on creating environment for dynamic variations to the business logic so that it is feasible to make frequent modifications in a service which aids service provider and serves him to satisfy clients’ newfangled quests. Such environment is useful in the run-time management of web services and to exactly spot the solution to the service provider’s maintenance element. There are many models that subsist for Business Process Management in which the process is recycled for the overall process changes. However, the problem with these solutions is that they only support the process level flexibility and not the application/service level flexibility. On the other hand this Business Logic Management framework tries to append that service level flexibility. These changes are done at the Business analyst level instead of being done at the Developer level, which reduces the hierarchy level in change management and thus implies a reduction in time and cost requirements. A specific change in the logic, not only changes the functionality concerned with it, but also the dependent functions under the dependency group. In the logic level, the set of rules form the finite states with functions as transitions. A rule is said to be dependent in this model, if there is a transition from one rule to another on accepting a function. The level of dependency analysis can be even extended to the functions where the parameters act as the transition from one function to another. Thus the rules and functions under logic form a dependency group which is analyzed and verified for every change initiated externally. Those dependency groups assist in performing changes and results in an effective change. Those changes that are made based on the dependency analysis are measurable, complete and finite. Any change that is not based on the dependency analysis is said to violate the outlined properties and may result in a failure. Dependency analysis based on each factor is p erformed by a finite state machine. With the help of finite state machine, it is possible that if a particular logic has been successfully recognized then it goes to the halt state. On the other hand, there exists a transition from any state to the exception state E, if the rule or function encounters an exceptional input or parameter. By this way, the FSM simulates the pattern based on the behavior of the rules and functions, which can be easily verified and measured at each stage. This measure of change evaluation ensures that the business analyst has a direct control over the changes he makes and provides an environment that notifies the analyst about the outcome in a meaningful way. We propose a set of five change factors based on which the dependency existing between the business rules, functions and parameters is analyzed. Among which we mainly focus on the factor Business Policy Enforcement which is used for checking whether there is any policy violation with respect to the c hanges made. These change factors are also involved in the change evaluation that makes the changes to be specified in a precise and formal manner. II. FRAMEWORK FOR WEB SERVICE CHANGE MANAGEMENT In this framework, the course of action begins with issue of change request and the whole processing of the request is conducted under the supervision of an analyst. A ChangeRequest is an additional expectation that theCustomerwants which is outside the current defined scope of the project which is a change to an existing product. It is first specified by the analyst in detail. This specification includes the change to be made, brief description of the change to be made, action to be made, services, rules and the conditions under which the change has to be made. The Request handler is responsible for finding the type of the change and priority is assigned to indicate the order of importance of the request and also determines whether the change can be implemented within the runtime. Domain Variable Identifier discovers the domain variables present in the request by just tokenizing the request and searching whether any of tokens match against given domain variable set. Once we are done with domain variable identification, we can determine the domain to which the request refers to. The Domain Mapper finds the corresponding domain and services with the help of service repository which comprises all kinds of services and provides the result to Business Logic Analyzer. Fig1.Business policy enforcement framework The logic of all the services in the service repository are decomposed into rules, functions and parameters along with associated business policies are stored in the BL set with help of domain mapping. The BL analyzer identifies only the particular rule, functions, parameter and policy associated with it for each change request from BL set instead providing all the rules, functions, parameters and policies associated with it. The properties of interoperability, traceability, decidability, computability are preserved even after the alteration. These properties are evaluated by property evaluator and the calculated properties are appended to the schema to generate the final schema. The property values assist the analyst in making a decision whether or not to implement the alteration. Dependency Analyzer discovers dependencies with the ascertained rules and functions in the business logic through the identified change criteria. The Policy Manager checks for policy violation in the rule or function in which change has to be made and also in the dependent rules or functions. Since the change which is complete, finite and computable can even violate the associated policies, it is also checked by the policy manager after evaluating the properties of the identified change. Schema Generator is responsible for generating and upholding BL schema at various stages. This BL schema is helpful in guiding the management people who are not familiar in source code to make fruitful changes. The changes made in the schema will be updated obviously in business logic. Same way, when programmers do some changes in logic, it gets updated in schema accurately. Run time manager is responsible for building and deploying the services after fruitful changes are done and also it helps to debug the exceptions in the service logic sophistically. Change evaluator evaluates the changes made by the analyst based on the change factors such as business policy enforcement which determines violation of policy in the identified change criteria, code consistency which checks whether the preconditions and post conditions remains constant with respect to the changes made, requisite measure which checks whether the requisite rule or function is not altered with respect to the changes made and mapping function which checks the consistency with respect to the logic and also on the non-functional factors such as service interruption time, response time, reliability and service availability. The Change Evaluation Report includes result of the evaluation process of the change made i.e. the evaluation measures of the changes made by the analyst. By this framework, the analyst has the advantages such flexibility, works in a sophisticated environment without having much knowledge about source code since he can implement the changes at the schema level, knowledge transfer since he can do the changes whatever comes in mind directly and is able to evaluate it easily, independency since no nee d for depending on the development team thereby reducing the time and cost. III. CHANGE FACTORS Change factors are those that act as a criteria based on which the changes made can be evaluated. Any change in the business logic is governed by the following change factors. These factors influence changes either independently or in a group and make changes effective. And the change factors are as follows: Business policy enforcement Requisite measure Code consistency Mapping function A. Business Policy Enforcement In this paper, we mainly focus on the change factor business policy enforcement which is a measure of change which determines violation of policy in the identified change criteria. Here the main role of business policy enforcement is: policy mapping which is nothing but finding the appropriate policies which are associated with the rule or function in which the change has to be made and also with its dependent rules and functions; validation which refers checking whether there is any policy violation; and refinement which provides an environment for the analyst to modify the policy itself if necessary. In a business logic L encompassing set of rules R, functions F, parameters Pr, policy set P and dependency D , the change which is going to be made can be evaluated based on the business policy enforcement factor which checks whether there is any policy violation with respect to the changes made. Whenever a change is specified, it is first analyzed for completeness, finiteness and comp utable. Once the rules, functions and parameters in the change specifications are analyzed as complete, they are mapped with the existing logic set L. Then the corresponding rules, functions, parameters, dependency set and policy set are retrieved by which the change specification is checked whether it violates any policy. If so, the analyst is informed as the change cannot be made due to the violation of policy. Otherwise the change is successfully included in the existing logic set L. IV. EXPERIMENTAL STUDY The table in the next page shows the evaluation results of some of the change requests implemented based on the business policy enforcement. TABLE I EVALUATION RESULTS FOR BUSINESS POLICY ENFORCEMENT V. Conclusion Any organization no matter its size will experience a large volume of changes in order to accommodate new business requirements, to correct faults in the infrastructure or the services, or for other reasons (such as legal requirements). This framework provides an environment for the business analyst to implement the changes at the sophisticated environment without having much knowledge about the source code and to evaluate the changes easily based on the proposed change factors in which business policy enforcement is mainly focused. With the help of the algorithm derived for the business policy enforcement, a case study of banking domain is implemented. By this framework, analyst is able to implement whatever comes in his mind directly without the help of developing team and also to detect policy violation and do the changes accordingly and also to refine the policy itself if needed. REFERENCES [1] Felix Cuadrado, Juan C. 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