Monday, January 27, 2020
Evaluation Model for Web Service Change Management
Evaluation Model for Web Service Change Management EVALUATION MODEL FOR WEB SERVICE CHANGE MANAGEMENT BASED ON BUSINESS POLICY ENFORCEMENT AbstractToday organizations in all industries are increasingly dependent upon IT and a highly available network to meet their business objectives. As customer expectations and demands rise, and their needs is one of the prevailing problems faced by IT enterprises at present, leading to increasingly complex IT service management systems. Although there exists many change management issues and solutions, there is no proper support for efficient change evaluation and monitoring. Present change management works are done only in the web service interface such as WSDL Web Service Definition Language and there is no proper support for dynamic nature in them. In order to provide a flexible environment for the Business Analyst to perform the emergency changes over the service business logic without the need of IT staff and also to evaluate changes made, we propose a Finite State Machine based Evaluation Model for Web Service Runtime Change Management and also a set of change factors to evalua te runtime changes of web services. Among which we mainly focus on the factor Business Policy Enforcement which is used for checking whether there is any policy violation with respect to the changes made. We first define the various change factors and derived solution is considered as the change measure for individual change factor. Keywords-Web Services, BL Analyzer, Dependency Analyzer, Change Factors, Business Policy Manager, Runtime Change Management, Change Evaluation Report. I. INTRODUCTION A web service is a piece of business logic that enables a paradigm shift in business structures allowing them to outsource required functionality from third party Web-based providers. As services are not static, they undergo many changes during their life cycle since the IT service management system now is facing an increasingly complex environment aroused by wide variety of requirements. This situation increases the likelihood of service interruption which in turn causes business loss. In this case, a series of changes are needed so that potential service interruptions can be prevented. A service change is any addition, modification, or removal of authorized, planned, or supported service or service component and its associated documentation. A typical IT enterprise faces considerable number of changes each year. To handle such changes, change management is needed. Change management is a set of processes that are employed to ensure that significant changes are implemented to a business process during its maintenance phase. The purpose of the change management process is to ensure that: Business risk is managed and minimized; Standardized methods and procedures are used for efficient and prompt handling of all changes; all changes to service assets and configuration items are recorded in the configuration management system; and all authorized changes support business needs and goals. Hence there arises the need for an effective framework managing those changes without affecting the business functionality. Here Change Management framework is proposed for making minor alterations to business logic but whose effect is more pronounced to the profitability of the organization. So the changes in business logic of the web service must be done very quickly within the given time constraint as the services consumed by the providers and clients must not be affected there by managing the changes at the runtime. We focus on creating environment for dynamic variations to the business logic so that it is feasible to make frequent modifications in a service which aids service provider and serves him to satisfy clients’ newfangled quests. Such environment is useful in the run-time management of web services and to exactly spot the solution to the service provider’s maintenance element. There are many models that subsist for Business Process Management in which the process is recycled for the overall process changes. However, the problem with these solutions is that they only support the process level flexibility and not the application/service level flexibility. On the other hand this Business Logic Management framework tries to append that service level flexibility. These changes are done at the Business analyst level instead of being done at the Developer level, which reduces the hierarchy level in change management and thus implies a reduction in time and cost requirements. A specific change in the logic, not only changes the functionality concerned with it, but also the dependent functions under the dependency group. In the logic level, the set of rules form the finite states with functions as transitions. A rule is said to be dependent in this model, if there is a transition from one rule to another on accepting a function. The level of dependency analysis can be even extended to the functions where the parameters act as the transition from one function to another. Thus the rules and functions under logic form a dependency group which is analyzed and verified for every change initiated externally. Those dependency groups assist in performing changes and results in an effective change. Those changes that are made based on the dependency analysis are measurable, complete and finite. Any change that is not based on the dependency analysis is said to violate the outlined properties and may result in a failure. Dependency analysis based on each factor is p erformed by a finite state machine. With the help of finite state machine, it is possible that if a particular logic has been successfully recognized then it goes to the halt state. On the other hand, there exists a transition from any state to the exception state E, if the rule or function encounters an exceptional input or parameter. By this way, the FSM simulates the pattern based on the behavior of the rules and functions, which can be easily verified and measured at each stage. This measure of change evaluation ensures that the business analyst has a direct control over the changes he makes and provides an environment that notifies the analyst about the outcome in a meaningful way. We propose a set of five change factors based on which the dependency existing between the business rules, functions and parameters is analyzed. Among which we mainly focus on the factor Business Policy Enforcement which is used for checking whether there is any policy violation with respect to the c hanges made. These change factors are also involved in the change evaluation that makes the changes to be specified in a precise and formal manner. II. FRAMEWORK FOR WEB SERVICE CHANGE MANAGEMENT In this framework, the course of action begins with issue of change request and the whole processing of the request is conducted under the supervision of an analyst. A ChangeRequest is an additional expectation that theCustomerwants which is outside the current defined scope of the project which is a change to an existing product. It is first specified by the analyst in detail. This specification includes the change to be made, brief description of the change to be made, action to be made, services, rules and the conditions under which the change has to be made. The Request handler is responsible for finding the type of the change and priority is assigned to indicate the order of importance of the request and also determines whether the change can be implemented within the runtime. Domain Variable Identifier discovers the domain variables present in the request by just tokenizing the request and searching whether any of tokens match against given domain variable set. Once we are done with domain variable identification, we can determine the domain to which the request refers to. The Domain Mapper finds the corresponding domain and services with the help of service repository which comprises all kinds of services and provides the result to Business Logic Analyzer. Fig1.Business policy enforcement framework The logic of all the services in the service repository are decomposed into rules, functions and parameters along with associated business policies are stored in the BL set with help of domain mapping. The BL analyzer identifies only the particular rule, functions, parameter and policy associated with it for each change request from BL set instead providing all the rules, functions, parameters and policies associated with it. The properties of interoperability, traceability, decidability, computability are preserved even after the alteration. These properties are evaluated by property evaluator and the calculated properties are appended to the schema to generate the final schema. The property values assist the analyst in making a decision whether or not to implement the alteration. Dependency Analyzer discovers dependencies with the ascertained rules and functions in the business logic through the identified change criteria. The Policy Manager checks for policy violation in the rule or function in which change has to be made and also in the dependent rules or functions. Since the change which is complete, finite and computable can even violate the associated policies, it is also checked by the policy manager after evaluating the properties of the identified change. Schema Generator is responsible for generating and upholding BL schema at various stages. This BL schema is helpful in guiding the management people who are not familiar in source code to make fruitful changes. The changes made in the schema will be updated obviously in business logic. Same way, when programmers do some changes in logic, it gets updated in schema accurately. Run time manager is responsible for building and deploying the services after fruitful changes are done and also it helps to debug the exceptions in the service logic sophistically. Change evaluator evaluates the changes made by the analyst based on the change factors such as business policy enforcement which determines violation of policy in the identified change criteria, code consistency which checks whether the preconditions and post conditions remains constant with respect to the changes made, requisite measure which checks whether the requisite rule or function is not altered with respect to the changes made and mapping function which checks the consistency with respect to the logic and also on the non-functional factors such as service interruption time, response time, reliability and service availability. The Change Evaluation Report includes result of the evaluation process of the change made i.e. the evaluation measures of the changes made by the analyst. By this framework, the analyst has the advantages such flexibility, works in a sophisticated environment without having much knowledge about source code since he can implement the changes at the schema level, knowledge transfer since he can do the changes whatever comes in mind directly and is able to evaluate it easily, independency since no nee d for depending on the development team thereby reducing the time and cost. III. CHANGE FACTORS Change factors are those that act as a criteria based on which the changes made can be evaluated. Any change in the business logic is governed by the following change factors. These factors influence changes either independently or in a group and make changes effective. And the change factors are as follows: Business policy enforcement Requisite measure Code consistency Mapping function A. Business Policy Enforcement In this paper, we mainly focus on the change factor business policy enforcement which is a measure of change which determines violation of policy in the identified change criteria. Here the main role of business policy enforcement is: policy mapping which is nothing but finding the appropriate policies which are associated with the rule or function in which the change has to be made and also with its dependent rules and functions; validation which refers checking whether there is any policy violation; and refinement which provides an environment for the analyst to modify the policy itself if necessary. In a business logic L encompassing set of rules R, functions F, parameters Pr, policy set P and dependency D , the change which is going to be made can be evaluated based on the business policy enforcement factor which checks whether there is any policy violation with respect to the changes made. Whenever a change is specified, it is first analyzed for completeness, finiteness and comp utable. Once the rules, functions and parameters in the change specifications are analyzed as complete, they are mapped with the existing logic set L. Then the corresponding rules, functions, parameters, dependency set and policy set are retrieved by which the change specification is checked whether it violates any policy. If so, the analyst is informed as the change cannot be made due to the violation of policy. Otherwise the change is successfully included in the existing logic set L. IV. EXPERIMENTAL STUDY The table in the next page shows the evaluation results of some of the change requests implemented based on the business policy enforcement. TABLE I EVALUATION RESULTS FOR BUSINESS POLICY ENFORCEMENT V. Conclusion Any organization no matter its size will experience a large volume of changes in order to accommodate new business requirements, to correct faults in the infrastructure or the services, or for other reasons (such as legal requirements). This framework provides an environment for the business analyst to implement the changes at the sophisticated environment without having much knowledge about the source code and to evaluate the changes easily based on the proposed change factors in which business policy enforcement is mainly focused. With the help of the algorithm derived for the business policy enforcement, a case study of banking domain is implemented. By this framework, analyst is able to implement whatever comes in his mind directly without the help of developing team and also to detect policy violation and do the changes accordingly and also to refine the policy itself if needed. REFERENCES [1] Felix Cuadrado, Juan C. 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Sunday, January 19, 2020
Edexcel International General Certificate of Secondary Education and Edexcel Certificate June 2012 – FINAL TImETAbLE International GCSE and Edexcel Certificate Examinations 1. The normal starting time for morning sessions is 9. 00 a. m. and for afternoon sessions 1. 30 p. m. 2. Wednesday 22 August 2012 – restricted release of results to centres only 3. Thursday 23 August 2012 – release of results to candidates www. edexcel. com Edexcel Certificate Examinations are only available to UK centres. Week 1 Date monday 7 may morning Length Afternoon LengthTuesday 8 may 4Cm0/01 4TU0/01 4Hb0/02 Commerce Turkish Human Biology Paper 2 2h 3h 4GN0/01 4Hb0/01 German: Listening Human Biology Paper 1 Bangladesh Studies Paper 1 Pakistan Studies: The History and Heritage of Pakistan Arabic (Classical Arabic) 30m + 5m reading time 2h 1h 30m 1h 30m 3h Wednesday 9 may 1h 4bN0/01 4PA0/01 Thursday 10 may 4AC0/01 Accounting 2h 30m 4CA0/01 Friday 11 may 4bN0/02 4PA0/02 Bangladesh Studies Paper 2 Pakistan Studies: The Land, People and Resources of Pakistan 1h 30m 1h 30m 4mA0/1F & KmA0/1F 4mA0/3H & KmA0/3H 4mb0/01Mathematics Specification A: Paper 1F Mathematics Specification A: Paper 3H 2h 2h 1h 30m Mathematics Specification B: Paper 1 Week 2 Date monday 14 may morning 4GN0/02 German: Reading and Writing Length 1h 30m Afternoon 4AR0/01 Arabic (First Language) Length 2h 15m inc. 10m. reading time 3h 2h 30m 2h 30m 4bE0/01 4IS0/01 Bengali Islamiyat Religious Studies Tuesday 15 may 4bI0/01 & KbI0/01 4SC0/1b & 4KSC0/1b 4mA0/2F & KmA0/2F 4mA0/4H & KmA0/4H 4mb0/02 Biology Paper 1B Science (Double Award) Biology Paper 1 Mathematics Specification A: Paper 2F Mathematics Specification A: Paper 4H h 2h 2h 2h 2h 30m 1h 30m 3h 4RS0/01 Wednesday 16 may 4FR0/01 French (Listening) 30m + 5m. reading time Mathematics Specification B: Paper 2 French (Reading and Writing) Urdu Biology Paper 2B Thursday 17 may 4FR0/02 4UR0/01 4Pm0/01 Mathematics (Further Pure Mathematics) Paper 1 2h Fri day 18 may 4bI0/02 & KbI0/02 1h 4EC0/01 Economics 2h 30m Week 3 Date monday 21 may morning 4CH0/01 & KCH0/01 4SC0/1C & 4KSC0/1C 4IT0/02 Chemistry Paper 1C Science (Double Award) Chemistry Paper 1 Length 2h 2h 3h 1h 45m 2h 2h 2h 1h 30m Afternoon Pm0/02 Mathematics (Further Pure Mathematics) Paper 2 Length 2h Information and Communication Technology: Practical 1 week window begins English Literature (Drama and Prose) Tuesday 22 may 4ET0/01 & KET0/01 4ES0/01 4bS0/01 Business Studies 2h English as a Second Language (ESL) Paper 1: Reading and Writing Physics Science (Double Award) Physics Paper 1 Wednesday 23 may 4PH0/1P & KPH0/1P 4SC0/1P & 4KSC0/1P 4SP0/02 4AR0/02 4SP0/01 Arabic (First Language) Spanish: Listening English Literature (Poetry) 1h 30m 30m + 5 m reading time 1h 30m 45m 2h 15m 3hThursday 24 may Spanish: Reading and Writing 4ET0/02 & KET0/02 4ES0/02 English as a Second Language (ESL) Paper 2: Listening English Language (Specification A) Friday 4GE0/01 Geography 2h 45m 4EA0/01 & KEA0/01 4IT0/02 25 may Information and Communication Technology: Practical 1 week window ends Week 4 Date monday 28 may morning 4GU0/01 4SI0/01 4SW0/01 4TA0/01 Gujarati Sinhala Swahili Tamil Chemistry Paper 2 Length 3h 3h 3h 3h 1h Afternoon 4HI0/01 History Length 2h 30m Tuesday 29 may 4CH0/2C & KCH0/2C 4EA0/02 & KEA0/02 4Eb0/01English Language (Specification A) 1h 30m 3h 1h English Language (Specification B) Physics Paper 2P Wednesday 30 may 4CN0/01 Chinese: Listening 30m + 5 m reading time 1h 30m 3h 4PH0/2P & KPH0/2P Thursday 31 may 4CN0/02 4mG0/01 Chinese: Reading and Writing Modern Greek 4IT0/01 Information and Communication Technology 1h 30m Friday 1 June International General Certificate of Secondary Education and Edexcel Certificate Subject/Unit Title Human Biology Human Biology ICT ICT – Practical Number 4HB0/01 4HB0/02 4IT0/01 4IT0/02 June 2012 Timetable – FinalSubject/Unit Title Accounting Arabic (Classical Arabic) Arabic (First Language) Arabic (First Lang uage) Bangladesh Studies – Paper 1 Bangladesh Studies – Paper 2 4BN0/02 4BE0/01 4BI0/1B & KBI0/1B 4BI0/2B & KBI0/2B 4BS0/01 4CH0/1C & KCH0/1C 4CH0/2C & KCH0/2C 4CN0/01 4CN0/02 4CM0/01 4EC0/01 4ES0/01 4ES0/02 4EA0/01 & KEA0/01 4EA0/02 & KEA0/02 4EB0/01 4ET0/01 & KET0/01 4ET0/02 & KET0/02 4FR0/01 4FR0/02 4GE0/01 4GN0/01 4GN0/02 4GU0/01 4HI0/01 2h 1h 2h 2h 1h 30m + 5m reading time 1h 30m 2h 2h 30m 2h 45 minutes 2h 15m 1h 30m 3h 1h 45m 1h 30m 30m + 5m reading time 1h 30m 2h 45m 30m + 5m reading time 1h 30m 3h 2h 30m 3h 1h 30m Bengali Biology – Paper 1B Biology – Paper 2B Business Studies Chemistry – Paper 1 Chemistry – Paper 2 Chinese – Listening Chinese – Reading and Writing Commerce Economics English as a Second Language Paper 1: Reading and Writing English as a Second Language Paper 2: Listening English Language – Specification A Paper 1 English Language – Specification A Paper 2 English Language – Specifica tion B English Literature (Drama and Prose) English Literature (Poetry) French (Listening) French (Reading and Writing) Geography German (Listening) German (Reading and Writing) Gujarati History 4BN0/01 1h 30m 4AR0/02 1h 30m 4AR0/01 2h 15m including 10m reading time 4CA0/01 3h 4AC0/01 2h 30m Number Length Date 10/05/2012 10/05/2012 14/05/2012 23/05/2012 09/05/2012 11/05/2012 14/05/2012 15/05/2012 18/05/2012 22/05/2012 21/05/2012 29/05/2012 30/05/2012 31/05/2012 08/05/2012 18/05/2012 22/05/2012 24/05/2012 25/05/2012 29/05/2012 29/05/2012 22/05/2012 24/05/2012 16/05/2012 17/05/2012 25/05/2012 08/05/2012 14/05/2012 28/05/2012 28/05/2012 am pm pm pm pm am pm am am pm am am am am am pm am pm pm pm pm am pm pm am am pm am am pm am/pm Islamiyat Mathematics – Specification A: Paper 1F Mathematics – SpecificationA: Paper 2F Mathematics – Specification A: Paper 3H Mathematics – Specification A: Paper 4H Mathematics Specification B: Paper 1 Mathematics Specification B: Paper 2 Mathematics (Further Pure Mathematics) Paper 1 Mathematics (Further Pure Mathematics) Paper 2 Modern Greek Pakistan Studies – The History and Heritage of Pakistan Pakistan Studies – The Land, People and Resources of Pakistan Physics – Paper 1 Physics – Paper 2 Religious Studies Science (Double Award) Biology Science (Double Award) Chemistry Science (Double Award) Physics Sinhala Swahili Spanish – Listening Spanish – Reading and Writing Tamil Turkish Urdu 4IS0/01 4MA0/1F & KMA0/1F 4MA0/2F & KMA0/2F 4MA0/3H & KMA0/3H 4MA0/4H & KMA0/4H 4MB0/01 4MB0/02 4PM0/01 4PM0/02 4MG0/01 4PA0/01 4PA0/02 4PH0/1P & 4KPH0/1P 4PH0/2P & 4KPH0/2P 4RS0/01 4SC0/1B & 4KSC0/1B 4SC0/1C & 4KSC0/1C 4SC0/1P & 4KSC0/1P 4SI0/01 4SW0/01 4SP0/01 4SP0/02 4TA0/01 4TU0/01 4UR0/01 Publication Code: UG029320 BTEC and NVQ GCSE and International GCSE GCE The Diploma DiDA & other qualifications Online services including Results Plus, Edexcel online International customer s – all enquiries For more information on Edexcel qualifications please use the following contact numbers:Length 2h 1h 1h 30m 3h 2h 30m 2h 2h 2h 2h 1h 30m 2h 30m 2h 2h 3h 1h 30m 1h 30m 2h 1h 2h 30m 2h 2h 2h 3h 3h 30m + 5m reading time 1h 30m 3h 3h 3h Contact us www. edexcel. com 0844 576 0026 0844 576 0027 0844 576 0025 0844 576 0028 0844 576 0031 0844 576 0024 +44 (0)1204 770696 Date 08/05/2012 09/05/2012 31/05/2012 Please see Notes 14/05/2012 11/05/2012 16/05/2012 11/05/2012 16/05/2012 11/05/2012 16/05/2012 17/05/2012 21/05/2012 31/05/2012 09/05/2012 11/05/2012 23/05/2012 30/05/2012 15/05/2012 15/05/2012 21/05/2012 23/05/2012 28/05/2012 28/05/2012 23/05/2012 24/05/2012 28/05/2012 08/05/2012 17/05/2012 pm pm am pm am pm am pm pm am pm am am pm pm am am am am am pm am am am am Examination timetables are available in an electronic format: www. modernisationonline. org. uk/comptimetableJune 2012 Examination Timetable Final International General Certificate of Secondary Educatio n and Edexcel Certificate am/pm pm am pm Notes: 1. Conduct of Examinations †¢ STARTING TIMES OF EXAMINATIONS: Each examination must be taken on the day and at the time as shown on the timetable. The published starting time of all examinations is either 9. 00 a. m. or 1. 30 p. m. Candidates with more than one examination in a session should take these consecutively. A supervised break of 15 minutes may be given between consecutive examinations. †¢ Centresmaystartanexaminationearlierthan,orlaterthan,thepublishedstartingtimeforthesessionwithoutpriorapprovalfromEdexcel.However, in order to maintain the security of the examination all candidates must start examinations scheduled for a morning session no earlier than 8. 30 a. m. and by 9. 30 a. m. and for an afternoon session no earlier than 1. 00 p. m. and by 2. 00 p. m. , except where arrangements have been made for dealing with timetable clashes. Examination centres should refer to the JCQ publication ‘Instructions for Conducting Examinations’ in the first instance. †¢ Candidateswhotakeanexaminationearlierthanthepublishedstartingtimeshownonthetimetablemustremainundercentresupervisionuntilone hour after the published starting time for that examination. †¢ Candidateswhotakeanexaminationlaterthanthepublishedstartingtimeshownonthetimetablemustremainundercentresupervisionfrom30 minutes
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Identify the types of fault that can occur Essay
The computer is completely dead A lot of machines are require you to press a power button on the back may sound bad and not many people try it so if it fails check the cable whether the fuse works you can test a fuse using a multi metre. If it does not work replace all the cable Computer keeps running on scandisk on start- up This usually is a result because the computer was switched off incorrectly it is probable that the installation of windows is damaged. A re installation could be a possible solution. Computer seems to start up normally but nothing appears on the screen Again, as ridiculous as it may sound check the cable; it may not be attached probably. Another obvious solution is to try whether the monitor is switched on. Windows installing errors Windows installer engine could be corrupted, installed incorrectly, or disabled this may cause installation issues. A reinstallation could well fix the issue but from a different source than the original download. Modem cuts off frequently Possible solution, you may have a call waiting on your line you need to disable it to continue use of the modem Some programs like games don’t work on my computer This could be numerous things one of the most common occurrences is due to the fact game developers only make high end specification games of late. 9 times out of 10 people buy games while having the assumption that they will work on their pc. You should buy only the games that are able to run on your pc. Or you can upgrade your pc so it’s more future prove. Exe errors The quickest and easiest risk free method is by using professional software; The two software applications i recommend are â€Å"Error repair†and †XostspySE†I’ve re-installed windows and my sound/video/modem/printer is not working correctly A possible solution is that the devices may not be set up correctly. Windows does not shut down correctly or it restarts when it should shut down After doing some research i fount out the best solution is to go to â€Å"RUN†and then type in â€Å"MSCONFIG†Then click on â€Å"advanced†and then tick/untick â€Å"Enable fast shutdown†The next stage is to re-start the computer and see if it shuts down. If proved un successful then try the BIOS and disable ACPI. And this should resurrect the issue. Dll error There are numerous ways to fix DLL errors one way is to download a â€Å"DLL Repair tool†and follow these steps download the â€Å"Dll repair tool†click the â€Å"scan†button and then click the â€Å"repair†button to fix any errors. Another solution would be to re-install again. Source technical information to provide advice and guidance for a variety of faults (P4) Practical: Your tutor will create a number of scenarios in which you have to source technical information to provide advice and guidance for a variety of faults. Complete an activity log to show what actions youtook; you might also be observed during this process. Name of user Jonah Rossy Report date 11/04/2014 Machine identification details 76 Time to fix 15 minutes Nature of fault Computer seems to start up normally but nothing appears on the screen Diagnosis/Fault found The most usual problem with a computer but when the PC is actually does power on but doest display anything on the monitor. So when you see the lights on the computer case is probably hear fans running from inside, and may even hear sound but nothing shows up on the screen Remedial action taken I have checked the monitor computer cable, and then i have cleared the CMOS, by clearing the BIOS memory on the motherboard will return the bios setting to their factory default level. A bios miss configuration could be why your PC wont start-up all the way. Resources used : Completed by : Bogdan Filipciuc Date : 20/04/2014 Name of user Maria Beloni Report date 11/04/2014 Machine identification details 76 Time to fix 15 minutes Nature of fault The screen comes on ok when booting but unreadable when in windows Diagnosis/Fault found When the computer is booting on the display is unreadable. Remedial action taken Enter the BIOS; on Dell computer start pressing F2 button immediately booting your computer. In the BIOS use the down arrow to scroll to â€Å"Integrated Devices (Legacy Select Options). Press Enter Use down arrow to scroll to â€Å"On board Video Buffer†Press Space Bar once to change from 1MB to 8MB Press â€Å"Esc†to Exit Press â€Å"Esc†to Exit again Make sure that â€Å"Save Changes and Exit†is highlighted Press â€Å"Enter†Illegible Screen Problem Solved. Resources used : Completed by : Bogdan Filipciuc Date : 20/04/2014 Name of user Maria Beloni Report date 11/04/2014 Machine identification details 76 Time to fix 15 minutes Nature of fault A slow PC Diagnosis/Fault found The computer is running very slow Remedial action taken To fix the problem i have defrag the computer and also install and anti-virus, the virus have found lots of Trojans and now is safe. Also I have done all the updates and install a processor speed up. Resources used : Completed by : Bogdan Filipciuc Date : 20/04/2014 Name of user Maria Beloni Report date 11/04/2014 Machine identification details 76 Time to fix 15 minutes Nature of fault Some programs like games don’t work on my computer Diagnosis/Fault found The games don’t work on the computer because of the display. Remedial action taken Multiple displays, especially extended Desktops across different resolutions, can cause problems resulting in performance issues ranging from rare freezes to total failures. Often setting to run in Windowed Mode will get an instance going and depending on your video configuration and drivers/software you’re running getting a full screen instance up could be as simple as a check box option to clone displays in the Video control software Resources used : Completed by : Bogdan Filipciuc Date : 20/04/2014 Name of user Maria Beloni Report date 11/04/2014 Machine identification details 76 Time to fix 15 minutes Nature of fault Can’t get the pound sign to work other keys come up with the wrong Symbols? Diagnosis/Fault found The pound sign don’t work because the layout of the keyboard is American so it has to be changed in UK version or European Remedial action taken To fix the problem I have used control panel -> regional and language options -> languages -> details first try ‘key settings’ and unclick the boxes to swap between keyboards. And the now you can get the sysmbols Resources used : Completed by : Bogdan Filipciuc Date : 20/04/2014 Name of user Maria Beloni Report date 11/04/2014 Machine identification details 76 Time to fix 15 minutes Nature of fault Blue screen of death Diagnosis/Fault found A Blue Screen of Death, also called a STOP Error, will appear when an issue is so serious that Windows must stop completely. Remedial action taken I have verified that a minimum amount of free space is available on your Windows partition. Blue Screens of Death and other serious issues, like data corruption, can occur if there’s not enough free space on your primary partition used for the Windows operating system. So I have to maintain at least 100MB of free space but I regularly see problems with free space that low. I usually advise Windows users to keep at least 15% of a drive’s capacity free at all times. Resources used : Completed by : Bogdan Filipciuc Date : 20/04/2014 Name of user Maria Beloni Report date 11/04/2014 Machine identification details 76 Time to fix 15 minutes I’ve re-installed windows and my sound/video/modem/printer is not working correctly Diagnosis/Fault found The sound, video, modem and printer don’t work Remedial action taken To fix the problem with the sound, video, modem and printer I have installed patches for each one and restart the computer and everything is working perfectly. Resources used : Completed by : Bogdan Filipciuc Date : 20/04/2014 Judge the value of different sources of support material (M3) Having completed a number of fault finding activities set up by your tutor, judge the value and validity of different sources of support material to which you referred during the process. Present your findings as a referenced appendix to you fault records. Grading Tips: Make sure that you accessed a number of different sources for a given fault; don’t just rely on one source.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Media The Second God Essay - 946 Words
The thought of having a power that could control and influence your thoughts and opinions in politics, social issues and values seems as it can only be possessed by a supernatural being. This power has a forceful factor in our daily life; this power is media Tony Schwartz describes it as being â€Å"The second God†. As many tools media is a double edged weapon it posses a powerful social influence that can be good and bad. In the stories Two kinds and Boards both authors reflect the extent to which the power of media has influenced our perspective as cultures and individuals. In the story Two kinds Amy Tan portrays the influence of media on a mother who focuses on the American culture to find success for her daughter. In Boarders Thomas King†¦show more content†¦Similarly in the story Two Kinds the story starts by stating â€Å"My mother believed you could be anything you wanted to be in America†. This makes the reader become familiar with the contribution of e ach character in the story. In the stories Two kinds and Boarders the authors create a conflict between the mother and the daughter. This conflict reflects the powerful influence of media that affects either the mother or the daughter. In the story Two kinds the conflict between Jing-mei and her mother results from the mother’s view of success and happiness as her daughter being a child prodigy which is influenced greatly by the media . Tan reveals this in the beginning of the story when the narrator says:†My mother believed you could be anything you want to be in America†. This idea conflicts with the daughter’s desire to be herself. In the story Boarders Thomas King also reflects the influence of media through a conflict between the mother and the daughter, but the conflict results from Laetitia wanting to go where the media presents as the place to be, she says â€Å"lots of mountains in Salt Lake†. This directs the reader’s attention to notice that the characters in fluenced by the media are Laetitia who is a teenager and Jin-mei’s mother who lost everything in China. This shows that individuals affected by media are individuals who are reaching for a new perspective of life. Both authors use symbols in their stories to portray significant points aboutShow MoreRelatedEssay on Terrorism: Paranoia and the Internet1243 Words  | 5 Pagestext of a press release: Pat Robertsons Statement Regarding Terrorist Attack. Pat Robertson explains the reason for the horrific events of September 11th. our nations great cities and innocent people were attacked, according to Robertson, because God has lift[ed] His protection from us. Why? 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