Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Problem Of Driving Under The United States - 1332 Words
How much more time will we be obtained to experience agony and cruelty due to the fact that there are incautious drunk drivers? How did this become a problem? Driving under the influence became a problem in the U.S. ever since the creation of cars; although, people would not consider it an actual issue until the 1980’s. During around that same time, crime was defined as a personal choice and individual fault. Drunk driving fell under personal choice and individual fault. It is now illegal to drive under the influence in every state but apart from that, it is very unsafe for families in both ends of the predicament. When an individual consumes a drink, the alcohol is directed to the blood stream, there are tests that measure how much alcohol is in the system with an approximation percentage. Having 8% percent of alcohol in your body is already considered over board and the person is guessed to be a danger to society if driving a vehicle. DUI is considered to be the nations mos t committed crime up to date, back in the 80’s people started supporting ways to fight drinking and driving, and were willing to give up some â€Å"freedom†to have stricter legal deeds. The people took this movement into a legislative sector. Somewhere between the 1981 and 1987 about 934 laws were passed by state legislatures having to do with the drinking and driving epidemic. Legal measures concentrate on preventing these drunk drivers by enforcing stricter laws and finding ways they could get punished.Show MoreRelatedEssay Persuasion, Indoctrination, and Inoculation1178 Words  | 5 PagesPERSUASION, INDOCTRINATION, AND INOCULATION 2 There are many dangers that plague us in today’s society. One of the most pressing issues is that of driving under the influence of alcohol. This is a problem for many reasons. Firstly, driving while intoxicated is illegal. It shows the rising problem of substance abuse, and most importantly, driving drunk is deadly. According to (2008-2013), 900,000 are arrested each year for DUI/DWI and a full 1/3 of those are repeat offenders†Read MoreA Brief Note On Deaths From Drunk Driving Essay1120 Words  | 5 PagesAndrew Weaver Mrs. Gallos English 3 1 December 2016 Deaths From Drunk Driving When driving down the road two ambulance’s fly by with sirens screaming, on down the road the ambulance’s stop along with three fire truck’s on the side of the road surrounded by many police officers, passing by there is a car flipped upside down with another car head on into a tree and white drapes over top of bodies on the road, through the window there is a man there blowing into a breathalyzer, the number comes upRead MoreEssay On Drinking And Drinking1311 Words  | 6 PagesNarad Koirala Dr.Jaap English 15 November 9, 2017 Drinking and Driving Solution According to The New York Times, â€Å"The A.B.A.’s Commission on Lawyer Assistance Programs’ most recent national report identified alcohol as the No. 1 substance-abuse problem for lawyers.†From lawyers to ordinary people are all addicted to these substance known as alcohol.This is a problem that needs to be taken more seriously because it has been a major issue in the country for over a decade. 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Many programs have come to surface over the past few years, that educate students on this situation. MADD, mothers against drunk driving, is a non profit organization that tries toRead MoreDrinking And Driving Should Not Be Taken Lightly1500 Words  | 6 PagesDrinking and Driving Have you or someone you know been personally affected by someone who was drinking and driving? If you have then you understand the seriousness of why this is a major problem and should not be taken lightly. Many people have the understanding that they should not drink and drive when they are sober, when they start drinking however, their opinions most of the time change. Alcohol distorts a person s judgement and allows their perception to be altered, people who are under the influenceRead MoreThe Legal Limit Blood Alcohol Content1018 Words  | 5 PagesDriving under the influence is a continuous problem which is on the rise today. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Essay On Performing Enhancing Drugs - 1471 Words
Performing Enhancing Drugs and the World of Sports Sports has become one of the most impactful and influential parts of our culture. Sports has cemented itself as a standard part of society. In fact, taking a look back on myself and coming from an athletic background, growing up my mom would always put me in a variety of sports. When I reached high school age something that was always drilled into me by my coaches was the aspect of hard work. During my high school sporting career there was a multitude of setbacks and failures Coach Hosner who was my coach at the time, would always give me some sort of motivational snippet on hard work, and with it how anything could be accomplished. However, in today’s professional sports world there†¦show more content†¦Firstly, taking a look at high school athletes PED’s can market themselves to high school athletes as a quick and easy way to increase their strength and athleticism. Correspondingly a survey was taken on high school students, and their relationship with steroids found that â€Å"Researchers reviewed rates of performance-enhancing substances from survey data collected from 67,200 students. The sources of the data included Monitoring the Future, the Partnership Attitude Tracking Study, and the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System. Overall, between 3.2 and 7 percent of students report trying, at least once, anabolic steroids, a slight increase from the 5 percent reported in 2012†(Krans). All in all it’s clear that when it comes to the high school level there is a clear increase in the experimentation of PED’s. For the high school athlete the usage of illegal drugs such as anabolic steroids has the potential to turn into a deadly cycle as they can become solely reliable on the drugs and not their training or coaching. In contrast, the use of PED’s could help the high school athlete propel themselves to play atShow MoreRelatedPerformance Enhancing Drugs Among A thletes Essay944 Words  | 4 PagesSince the dawn of the twenty-first century, performance enhancing drugs have become a religious practice in â€Å"the lives of some sport figures.†The use of these supplements have given the user an edge, an edge to perform at maximum capability. Most major athletes all agree on the fact that the competitive determination to win is intense. Despite all, most athletes have high hopes of either winning a medal, a full ride college scholarship or the once in a lifetime opportunity to play for a professionalRead MoreThe Benefits of Performance Enhancing Drugs Among Athletes Essay1044 Words  | 5 PagesSince the dawn of the twenty-first century, performance enhancing drugs have become a religious practice in â€Å"the lives of some sport figures.†The use of these supplements have given the user an edge, an edge to perform at maximum capability. Most major athletes all agree on the fact that the competitive drive to win can be qui te intense. Besides the satisfaction of personal accomplishment, athletes commonly pursue high hopes of attaining a medal, a college scholarship or the once in a lifetime opportunityRead Moreâ€Å"Performance-Enhancing Drugs in the Workplace†Essay1392 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"Performance-Enhancing Drugs in the Workplace†Performance-enhancers are becoming more common in our everyday life, despite our efforts to ban them. This raises the questions, should we just accept these drugs and use them to our advantage? Or should we continue to resist these drugs and not take advantage of their performance-enhancing capabilities? When you start talking about organizations like the military, where Soldiers are ask to go beyond the normal physical and mental stress of a regularRead MoreThe Ethical Dilemma Of The Case Of Banned Performance -enhancing Drug At The Club2014 Words  | 9 Pagesand creates conflict between moral values and transgressing another. This essay will discuss ethical dilemma in relation to the case study of Kamil Samra, who is a sports physiotherapist is stuck in ethical dilemma to report about the illegal use of banned performance -enhancing drug at the club, where he works. The two healthcare professionals involved in this case will be the physiotherapist and sports scientist. The essa y will also discuss the rights and dignity of the players, principles of healthRead MoreUse Of Performance Enhancing Drugs Should Be Banned1961 Words  | 8 PagesThe controversial question is whether the use of Performance Enhancing Drugs (PED) in sports should be banned or not. Professional sports are popular in most countries. Major franchises are dealing with the issue of PED being used by the athletes who are paid to perform in the sport on the belief that they are naturally a raw talent. This controversial essay will side with the banning of PED use in any type of sport activity, whether it is at professional or amateur level. Both sides of this issueRead MoreThe Prison System Is Not Functioning Well869 Words  | 4 Pages2016). In addition, last summer, the Chief Inspector of Prisons warned that jails in England and Wales were in their worst state for a decade (HM Chief Inspector of Prisons for England and Wales, 2015) with sharp rises in inmate violence, increasing dru g use, staff shortages and squalid conditions. Therefore there is no doubt that the prison system is in urgent need of reform. Last month, Elizabeth Truss outlined planned reforms to the prison system in a government proposal, ‘Prison Security and Reform’Read More What Causes Teenagers to Lose Motivation in School? Essay1731 Words  | 7 PagesWhat Causes Teenagers to Lose Motivation in School? missing works cited Some reasons for high school student academic failure, which range from drug use to individual student insecurity, can be plainly traced to the nature of adolescence. Social acceptance and a desire to belong to a crowd are placed above academics in the minds of teens. When academic underachievement is the norm, devoted students may come under ridicule as being nerds or teachers pets. There is a difficulty, thereforeRead MoreFairness and Purity: Why American Baseball Players Should Know Better1927 Words  | 8 Pagesthe Public, Place the Best Athletes on Pedestals†by William Moller, and â€Å"Cheating and CHEATING†by Joe Posnanski, I found occasion to consider the use of steroids in baseball for the first time. In these essays, Moller and Posnanski tapped into the running commentary about performance-enhancing substances and their relative acceptability in the baseball arena (no pun intended). â€Å"We, the Public, Place the Best Athletes on Pedestals†procl aimed that â€Å"the entire steroid outcry is pure hypocrisy†(MollerRead MoreErving Goffman Stigma6568 Words  | 27 Pagescognition-enhancing drugs in significant numbersâ€â€but is their enhancement a form of cheating? The answer should hinge on whether the activity subject to enhancement is zero-sum or non-zero-sum, and whether one is more concerned with excellence in process or excellence in outcome. Cognitive enhancement should be especially tolerated when the activities at stake are non-zero-sum and when the importance of process is outweighed by the importance of outcome. The use of cognition-enhancing drugs does notRead MoreThe Baseball Hall Of Fame1814 Words  | 8 PagesBaseball’s ineligible list shall not be an eligible candidate.†To this day, there is no mention of performance enhancing drugs being a factor to keep someone off the ballot and into the hall of fame. With that being said, it proposes this question deeply rooted in ethics. Shou ld a player be allowed into the National Baseball Hall of Fame if they at any time used performance-enhancing drugs? There are a few parts in the film Bigger, Faster, Stronger that relate to and talk about the use of steroids
Monday, December 9, 2019
Ambition Essay free essay sample
Ambition means a strong desire to attain success for ones life. All of us have certain ambition. Some have good ambition such as to be a famous singer or an actor etc. Some others have bad ambition. Some want to be rich like Oprah Winfrey. Some want to be this person and that person, while some others want to be very rich. If ones ambition is noble then he will surely succeed. On the other hand, if ones ambition is selfish and narrow, he will surely fall in the long run. A person with bad ambition may initially be successful. But finally his ambition will be frustrated. Most people have an ambition to get power and influence, wealth, and fame. Sometimes they are successful. Ambition coupled with hard work brings success and benefit. It’s sometimes unsuccessful depending upon the nature of the means. If a person does not go through training, his ambition to be a firefighter cannot be fulfilled. We will write a custom essay sample on Ambition Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Similarly, a student with an ambition to be a doctor should think carefully. If he does not work hard, he cannot be a doctor. You need to work hard to gain success. Ambition pushes you to reach your goals in life. In the work field of sports, simple ambition has no meaning. A middle age man in order to be famous like Shane Victorino or Jaromir Jagr must work hard. No matter how old you are in life, strive to be better then you know you can be. To become a professional MLB player like Shane or a professional NHL player like Jaromir your ambition is everything. Ambition should not turn into day-dreams. Nobody can build castles in air. Only an idle man can do it. It is therefore wise to be realistic in our ambition.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Presidential Debates Essays (2349 words) - , Term Papers
Presidential Debates Presidential Debates Presidential debates are becoming a large part of a campaign plan. (Where the voters are) Who would think that such a short confrontation between the candidates would sway the vote of so many viewers? A presidential campaign could be won or lost from a single debate. The candidate must keep their cool and not go over the edge; they must be have a strong stand point on all of the topics, dont avoid anything. When debates first started they did not have this much effect on the voters, but now that a debate can be heard over the internet and through the television voters dont have to put forth any effort. All of the necessary points are usually covered in the debate. The points are not the only things that affect a voter, the appearance of the candidate, his tone of voice and his overall preciseness of his plans and ideas. Though the more modern debates can some what be planned, debates are still believed to be the best possible way to see the candidate in action and not just reading or saying what everyone wants to hear. The spin doctors, sponsors, television and media are playing a much larger part in presidential debates these days but all of this still shows what the importance of the debate is. Spin Doctors Spin doctors, isn't that a strange name in politics and especially a presidential debate. No it is not the singing group called the Spin Doctors. In large debates a campaign will put together what they call a spin squad, this is a group of several spin doctors. These people are actually a very vital part of any presidential debate. All of the spin doctors today are very powerful in the government and also paid a small chunk of money for going out and preaching their parties candidates beliefs and plans. Spin doctors are the people whom are hired to perform the pre and post debate controversy among the media. The pre debate spin does not usually have any effect on the media. They are responsible for accentuating the positive and eliminating the negative. (Spin doctors) Which means they are trying to take anything that was good in the debate for the campaign and basically feed it to the media. They keep doing this until they believe that the point, which is good, has been gotten across to the media and the media now better understands what was actually being said. Instead of themselves putting their own opinion of what happen down they put down what the spin doctors are telling them. When eliminating the negative the spin doctors are trying to convince the media that what was actually said came out to be a miss understanding and after that they continue pounding the positive points. The place that the spin doctors work can sometimes be on the platform after the debate but is usually held in a large room. This room is complete chaos, after the debate media members rush to this place to be the first to interview the spin doctors. The spin doctors consider this place Spin Alley, and say it is a frantic dance between reporters and spin doctors as individual members of the press search for the unique angle, which no one else has covered. (Spin doctors) A bystander view said Spin alley is nuts! But I guess somehow this chaos helps inform the voters of what really happ ened in the debate. (Marano 1996) Though the spinners are from the same party as their presidential candidate, they are never there to push for the party only the candidate. In the presidential debate of 1996 the debate went really well for Independent candidate Ross Perot, however the post debate action in spin alley really hurt him. For everyone one of Perots spinners the Democrats and Republicans had three to four spinners. This made it hard for the Perots spinners to convince the media of his excellent job and points in the debate. Sponsors The Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) is a well-known front group for both the Democratic and Republican parties; its involvement in corporate America is more obscure. (Carlin) The Commission on Presidential Debates
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Definition of a Percentile in Statistics
Definition of a Percentile in Statistics In statistics, percentiles are used to understand and interpret data. The nth percentile of a set of data is the value at which n percent of the data is below it. In everyday life, percentiles are used to understand values such as test scores, health indicators, and other measurements. For example, an 18-year-old male who is six and a half feet tall is in the 99th percentile for his height. This means that of all the 18-year-old males, 99 percent have a height that is equal to or less than six and a half feet. An 18-year-old male who is only five and a half feet tall, on the other hand, is in the 16th percentile for his height, meaning only 16 percent of males his age are the same height or shorter. Key Facts: Percentiles Percentiles are used to understand and interpret data. They indicate the values below which a certain percentage of the data in a data set is found. Percentiles can be calculated using the formula n (P/100) x N, where P percentile, N number of values in a data set (sorted from smallest to largest), and n ordinal rank of a given value. Percentiles are frequently used to understand test scores and biometric measurements. What Percentile Means Percentiles should not be confused with percentages. The latter is used to express fractions of a whole, while percentiles are the values below which a certain percentage of the data in a data set is found. In practical terms, there is a significant difference between the two. For example, a student taking a difficult exam might earn a score of 75 percent. This means that he correctly answered every three out of four questions. A student who scores in the 75th percentile, however, has obtained a different result. This percentile means that the student earned a higher score than 75 percent of the other students who took the exam. In other words, the percentage score reflects how well the student did on the exam itself; the percentile score reflects how well he did in comparison to other students. Percentile Formula Percentiles for the values in a given data set can be calculated using the formula: n (P/100) x N where N number of values in the data set, P percentile, and n ordinal rank of a given value (with the values in the data set sorted from smallest to largest). For example, take a class of 20 students that earned the following scores on their most recent test: 75, 77, 78, 78, 80, 81, 81, 82, 83, 84, 84, 84, 85, 87, 87, 88, 88, 88, 89, 90. These scores can be represented as a data set with 20 values: {75, 77, 78, 78, 80, 81, 81, 82, 83, 84, 84, 84, 85, 87, 87, 88, 88, 88, 89, 90}. We can find the score that marks the 20th percentile by plugging in known values into the formula and solving for n: n (20/100) x 20 n 4 The fourth value in the data set is the score 78. This means that 78 marks the 20th percentile; of the students in the class, 20 percent earned a score of 78 or lower. Deciles and Common Percentiles Given a data set that has been ordered in increasing magnitude, the median, first quartile, and third quartile can be used split the data into four pieces. The first quartile is the point at which one-fourth of the data lies below it. The median is located exactly in the middle of the data set, with half of all the data below it. The third quartile is the place where three-fourths of the data lies below it. The median, first quartile, and third quartile can all be stated in terms of percentiles. Since half of the data is less than the median, and one-half is equal to 50 percent, the median marks the 50th percentile. One-fourth is equal to 25 percent, so the first quartile marks the 25th percentile. The third quartile marks the 75th percentile. Besides quartiles, a fairly common way to arrange a set of data is by deciles. Each decile includes 10 percent of the data set. This means that the first decile is the 10th percentile, the second decile is the 20th percentile, etc. Deciles provide a way to split a data set into more pieces than quartiles without splitting the set into 100 pieces as with percentiles. Applications of Percentiles Percentile scores have a variety of uses. Anytime that a set of data needs to be broken into digestible chunks, percentiles are helpful. They are often used to interpret test scores- such as SAT scores- so that test-takers can compare their performance to that of other students. For example, a student might earn a score of 90 percent on an exam. That sounds pretty impressive; however, it becomes less so when a score of 90 percent corresponds to the 20th percentile, meaning only 20 percent of the class earned a score of 90 percent or lower. Another example of percentiles is in childrens growth charts. In addition to giving a physical height or weight measurement, pediatricians typically state this information in terms of a percentile score. A percentile is used in order to compare the height or weight of a child to other children of the same age. This allows for an effective means of comparison so that parents can know if their childs growth is typical or unusual.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Shogatsu - Japanese New Year
Shogatsu - Japanese New Year Although Shogatsu means January, it is celebrated for the first 3 days or the first week of January. These days are considered the most important holidays for the Japanese. One could equate it with the celebration of Christmas in the west. During this time, businesses and schools close for one to two weeks. It is also a time for people to return to their families, which leads to the inevitable backlog of travelers. The Japanese decorate their houses, but before the decorations start to be put up, a general house cleaning is done. The most common New Years decorations are pine and bamboo, sacred straw festoons, and oval-shaped rice cakes. On New Years eve, bells (joya no kane) are rung at the local temples to speed out the old year. The New Year is welcomed in by the eating of year-crossing noodles (toshikoshi-soba). Casual western style clothing is replaced with kimono on New Years day as people go for their first temple or shrine visit of the New Year (hatsumoude). At the temples, they pray for health and happiness in the coming year. The reading New Years cards (nengajou) and the giving of gifts (otoshidama) to young children are also a part of the New Year celebrations. Food, of course, is also a big part of Japanese New Years celebrations. Osechi-ryori are special dishes eaten on the first three days of the New Year. Grilled and vinegary dishes are served in multi-layered lacquered boxes (juubako). The dishes are designed to be pleasant to look at and keep for days so that the mother is free from having to cook for three days. There are some regional differences but the osechi dishes are basically the same nationwide. Each of the food types in the boxes represents a wish for the future. Sea Bream (tai) is auspicious (medetai). Herring roe (kazunoko) is the prosperity of ones descendants. Sea tangle roll (kobumaki) is Happiness (yorokobu). Related How to Say Happy New Year in Japanese
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Living with a long term condition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Living with a long term condition - Essay Example She was doing well under the care of her daughter, but after two years at home, many of her symptoms recurred including her hallucinations, paranoia, delusions of grandeur; she was also manifesting disorganized speech and thought processes. She was hearing voices and was often heard talking to her hallucinations; she also insisted she was a Queen and must be treated as such; and she was easily distracted and had trouble organizing her thoughts. She was also refusing to take her medications. After appropriate evaluation, she was admitted to the mental health unit. I met the patient after being assigned to her care as a mental health nurse. In evaluating her condition, she has been schizophrenic for six years now with her symptoms being manageable for the better part of four years, but due to an untoward incident – the death of her husband, her symptoms have become unmanageable again. Angela is now 56 years old, has had two grown children, and has been recently widowed. She has worked as a school teacher up to the time when her initial symptoms manifested. She has since opted for early retirement due to her condition. When she was brought home after four years in the mental institution, she has had a limited social history. She has opted to not engage in any social interactions because she felt ashamed of her condition. Her family members have remained supportive of her and they have done their best to maintain social interactions with her. Within the mental health unit, she is a shy and socially awkward person. At times, she can also be gregarious with other people, especially when her delusions of grandeur are manifesting. However, she also tends to be suspicious of everyone including the health staff and the patients. This makes her resistant to interactions and to the medical interventions which the health staff are administering. Long term conditions are those conditions which basically require prolonged medical care (London Health Observatory, 2011). The World Health Organization (Department of Health, 2005) describes that long-term conditions or chronic conditions are health issues which call for continuous care over a period of years or even decades. It includes conditions like cancer, HIV/AIDS, diabetes, hypertension, and mental disorders including schizophrenia, depression, Alzheimer’s disease (London Health Observatory, 2011). The patient’s mental illness is considered a long-term condition because it would require continuous management. In short, it is a life-long disease which would require constant supervision and treatment. The patient would have to take medications for the rest of her life to manage her symptoms and she would have to be monitored in order to ensure that her symptoms would not endanger her life and the life of other people. 2. PLANNING THE CARE a. What interventions were planned – what is the evidence based for this? Interventions which were planned primarily included the administr ation of antipsychotic medications. The management of schizophrenia most often includes antipsychotic medications (Brown University, 2012). The patient was to be placed on Risperidone (Risperdal) which is an atypical antipsychotic. Risperidone is currently preferred as an antipsychotic because it does not cause agranulocytosis, which is commonly seen in clozapine, another antipsychotic (National Institute of Mental Health, 2012). Risperidone however can increase a patient’s risk to diabetes and hypercholestolemia; as a result, regular monitoring of the
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
How does spaces change perceptions on things and people Essay
How does spaces change perceptions on things and people - Essay Example There are also external factors like human experience which influence these physical characteristics. In effect, these external elements provide biases on how individuals perceive things and people around them. This text sought to provide a thorough analysis on how human perception is created through the human brain and its physical senses. Moreover, this writing discussed the factors which affect how human perceives objects. One of which is the philosophy of space and time. Finally, this text also pursued to provide an answer to the question, â€Å"How does space change perceptions on things and people?†. 1. INTRODUCTION Perception dictates the behavior of people and the human interaction as a whole. It is a person’s perception that affects the person’s response in the form of his or her actions. This is the reason why understanding human behavior has always been associated with the concept of perception. Thus, the study on perception has always been evident in different fields in the social sciences like sociology, psychology, and philosophy. Generally, perceptions depend on an individual’s sensory qualities such sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste ("Problem of Perception."). However, it is the mind that has a crucial control on these sensory qualities. Philosophers further suggest that there exist a â€Å"problem of perception†that is â€Å"created by the phenomena of perceptual illusion and hallucination†("Problem of Perception."). This means that the way people perceive things and other people is not solely based on the sensory qualities but rather dictated by psychological discernment. There are various factors that influence one’s perception on things and other people through their cognitive discernment. Space is one particular factor that affects perception on things and people. Space plays an important role in the process of perception which consequently created the concept of spatial perception or space perception. Space perception is the process of evaluating the physical orientation of objects in space which is necessary for movement in the environment and for discernment of the relationships between things (â€Å"Space Perception†). Moreover, the concept of space perception also offers insight into how people become oriented in the environment for them to survive in the form of seeking food or avoiding injury (â€Å"Space Perception†). In other words, space perception provides people â€Å"physical reality†which they use to respond in their everyday lives (â€Å"Space Perception†). Thus, this has led to much deeper researches on the role of space in the perception of people on things and other people. These research studies tend to provide in-depth analyses on the complexity of the effect of space towards perceptions. Scholars aim to answer the question, â€Å"How does space change perceptions on things and people?†2. LITERATURE REVIEW Various related texts have already been published in the social sciences on the subject of perception. One of which is of Matthew MacDonald’s book â€Å"Your Brain: The Missing Manual.†This text offers a discussion about the human brain and the process of perception as performed by the brain. Different articles on human perception are also available such as â€Å"The Meaning of Perception†and â€Å"The Death of the Cyberflaneur†as written by Flemming Funch and Evgeny Morozov, respectively. These texts serve as good reference materials in understanding and
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Diversity Outline Essay Example for Free
Diversity Outline Essay Statement: JP Morgan Chase bank is actually a well respected multinational finance service provider having monetary assets numbering in the trillions of dollars. They give good results in 60 different countries and they are moving forward to grow. Sociology General Sociology Learning Team Assignment: Equal Rights Proposition Outline Select a current social issue related to the rights of ethnic or social groups. Research the subject and existing action plans designed to solve the issue. Develop a 1,050- to 1,500- word comprehensive outline of your proposition to promote equal rights. Be sure to include the following: The issues, challenges, and opportunities experienced by this group in the labor force How society has constructed this group’s identity The legal framework relating to this issue Summary of existing or proposed solutions of differing groups. Consider the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, corporate human resource departments, state or federal laws and regulations, political strategies, government agencies, religious groups, and grass roots organizations. Whether or not this issue exists in other countries, and if so, how it is handled by differing groups Your team’s compromise or alternative to existing solutions Outline your proposition in Microsoft Word. Include at least five academic references in your research. Format your outline consistent with APA guidelines. When it comes to succeeding in college, there are many influential factors. In fact, even your choice of seat can make a difference. Try to score a seat near the front of the lecture hall rather than one right next to the exit. You are more likely to stay engaged and can ask your profess For downloading more course tutorials visit When it comes to succeeding in college, there are many influential factors. In fact, even your choice of seat can make a difference. Try to score a seat near the front of the lecture hall rather than one right next to the exit. You are more likely to stay engaged and can ask your professor questions easily. Sociology General Sociology Learning Team Assignment: Equal Rights Proposition Outline Select a current social issue related to the rights of ethnic or social groups. Research the subject and existing action plans designed to solve the issue. Develop a 1,050- to 1,500- word comprehensive outline of your proposition to promote equal rights. Be sure to include the following: The issues, challenges, and opportunities experienced by this group in the labor force How society has constructed this group’s identity The legal framework relating to this issue Summary of existing or proposed solutions of differing groups. Consider the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, corporate human resource departments, state or federal laws and regulations, political strategies, government agencies, religious groups, and grass roots organizations. Whether or not this issue exists in other countries, and if so, how it is handled by differing groups Your team’s compromise or alternative to existing solutions Outline your proposition in Microsoft Word. Include at least five academic references in your research. Format your outline consistent with APA guidelines.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Kazakhstan’s Most Problematic Factor for Doing Business Essay -- educat
In the period of globalization today Kazakhstan is known as a competitive and pressing towards to be economically developed country, due to its determination and activeness in the world area of global problems. The world economic forum report on global competitiveness for 2012-2013 shows that Kazakhstan is appreciated as ready for competitiveness and it has taken 51 position from 126 ones, which is actually reputable result for such country like Kazakhstan. The country is ahead from Russian Federation and India 16 and 8 positions respectively, which is also unquestionably perfect development, providing that GDP of these countries is 9 times greater than Kazakhstan’s GDP. The report for competitiveness represents that Kazakhstan’s most problematic factor for doing business is inadequately educated workforce, which was the first consequence for Kazakhstan to invest money in education. As state program of education development for 2011-2020 illustrates, one of the main priorities in â€Å"Kazakhstan-2030†strategy is going to be an education. Education is acknowledged for Kazakhstan as precondition of economic success and as the important role in entering to the club of the most competitive 30 countries in the world, which is mentioned in â€Å"Kazakhstan-2050†strategy. In major educational policy documents, the expressions such as ‘to create a competitive national education system’, or ‘to foster innovation and create a productive basis for a modern, competitive economy’ is referred as education purpose. The Europe-2020 strategy key point is human capital and its significance in an economic development. T he World Bank’s Education Strategy 2020 entitled ‘Learning for all: Investing in people’s knowledge and skills to promote development’ is f... ..., International Agreements, Population, Social Statistics, Political System." Soviet Union (former) Education, Health, and Welfare - Flags, Maps, Economy, History, Climate, Natural Resources, Current Issues, International Agreements, Population, Social Statistics, Political System. The Library of Congress Country Studies; CIA World Factbook, n.d. Web. 03 Dec. 2013. Volkov, Michael. "Corruption, Crime & Compliance." Corruption Crime Compliance. Adrian Dayton&Company, n.d. Web. 03 Dec. 2013. "The Report and EFA | Education | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization." The Report and EFA | Education | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. UNESCO, n.d. Web. 03 Dec. 2013. Markowitz, Eric. "Bill Gates: Education System Needs More Entrepreneurs BY Eric Markowitz." MANSUETO VENTURES, 7 Mar. 2013. Web. 03 Dec. 2013.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
History of Jollibee Foods Corporation Essay
Jollibee is a phenomenal success story: when beganTony Tan Caktiong and his family opened a Magnolia Ice Cream parlor from Bankerohan, Davao City to Cubao in 1975 with Jolibee as the original name. Sometime in 1978, Caktiong and his brothers and sisters engaged the services of a management consultant, Manuel C. Lumba. Lumba shifted the business focus from ice cream to hamburgers, after his studies showed that a much larger market was waiting to be exploited. Lumba became Caktiong’s first business and management mentor. Lumba next re-formed the name Jolibe to Jolly Bee and made the two words form a single name, Jollibee, changing the â€Å"y†to an â€Å"i†. They also offering hot meals and sandwiches became incorporated in 1978 with seven outlets to explore the possibilities of a hamburger concept. Thus was born the company that revolutionized fast food in the Philippines. The Jollibee mascot was inspired by local and foreign children’s books. Lumba next created the product names â€Å"Yumburger†and â€Å"Chickenjoy†. He had the company incorporated and leased a house on Main St. in Cubao, Quezon City as the first headquarters. Lumba formulated a long-term marketing strategy: listing up a number of consumer promotions and traffic building schemes. Caktiong stressed that developing internal strengths was critical. The stores were re-designed, the service transformed into a full self-service, fast-food operation with drive-through. Not long after, Caktiong and Lumba went on an observation tour in the United States, attended food service and equipment conventions. Caktiong placed Lumba in charge of franchise development In 1984, Jollibee hit the P500 million sales mark, landing in the Top 500 Philippine Corporations. In 1987, barely 10 years in the business, Jollibee landed into the country’s Top 100 Corporations. It became the first Philippine fast food chain to break the P1 billion sales mark in 1989. In 1993, Jollibee became the first food service company to be listed in the Philippine Stock Exchange; thus broadening its capitalization and laying the groundwork fo r sustained expansion locally and beyond the Philippines. As the country’s leading fast food chain, Jollibee has grown exponentially on all aspects on operation. From a handful of stores 32 years ago, Jollibee now boasts of more than 600 stores and over 50 international stores. To achieve its long-term goal to be the country’s food service leader, Jollibee acquired Greenwich Pizza in 1994. A year later, the company obtained the franchise of Delifrance, an international food company. These moves expanded Jollibee’s penetration in the pizza-pasta and French cafà ©-bakery segments. In 2000, the strategic acquisition of Chowking solidified the company’s position as the dominant leader. The move gave it leadership in the Oriental quick-service restaurant segment. Jollibee’s rapid growth is due to its superior menu line-up, creative marketing programs, and efficient manufacturing and logistics facilities. It is made possible by well-trained teams that work in a culture of integrity and humility, fun and family-like. As a corporate citizen, Jollibee is also committed to give back to its host communities through meaningful and lasting socio-civic projects. Jollibee dedicated its continuous success to the Filipinos who have been there from the very start. Jollibee is so well-loved every time a new store opens, especially overseas, Filipinos always form long lines to the store. It is more than home for them. It is a stronghold of heritage and monumen t of Filipino victory. JOLLIBEE FOODS CORPORATION TIMELINE 1975 * Mr. Tony Tan and his family opens a Magnolia Ice cream parlor at Cubao. This is later to become the 1st Jollibee Outlet. 1978 * Bakery is established in Cubao. * Jollibee posts 1st year sales of P2 million * Jollibee incorporates as a 100% Filipino-owned company, with seven Jollibee fast- food restaurants within Metro Manila as initial network and the Yumburger as flagship product. 1979 * Spaghetti Special is introduced * 1st Franchise owned store opens at Ronquillo Sta. Cruz. 1980 * Jollibee launches its 1st TV commercial. * Jollibee Chickenjoy and French Fries are launched. * The well-loved Jollibee mascot is conceived to support brand awareness and identity efforts. Other mascots are later introduced. * Jollibee launches Chickenjoy, which becomes one of its best-selling menu items. 1981 * Jollibee Foods Corporation enters list of Top 1000 Corporations. * Jollibee ended the year with 10 stores 1982 * Jollibee pioneers the use of in-store promotions, novelty premium items and Kiddie Birthday packages for kids. * Palabok Fiesta is introduced. 1983 * The Langhap-Sarap TV ad Campaign is launched. * Chickee and Lady Moo join the Jollibee mascots 1984 * Champ hamburger is launched. * Jollibee enters list of Top 500 Corporations and assumes market leadership in local fast food industry. * Mascots Champ and Hetty join the Jollibee family * WEA gives Jollibee Gold record award for the outstanding sales of Jollibee songs. 1985 * Jollibee becomes the market leader of the fastfood industry * Breakfast Joys are introduced. * Langhap-Sarap awarded most effective ad campaign in the food category during the 9th Philippine Advertising Congress 1986 * Jollibee wins the 9th International Foods Award from El Comestible in Barcelona,Spain * Tony Tan wins the Agora Award for entrepreneurship given by the Philippine Marketing Association. * Top 250 Corporation list include Jollibee Foods Corporation * Jollibee opens its 1st international store in Taiwan * Jollibee adds Chunky Chicken Sandwich in its menu. 1987 * 2nd Taiwan store opens. * Sales of 570 million pushes Jollibee into the elite Top 100 Corporations * Jollibee opens 1st fast food outlet in Brunei, marking its entry into the global market. 1988 * Jolly Twirls softserve is successfully launched. * Jollibee system wide sales hit P921 million, further leading market share of 31% in the fast food industry and a dominant 57% share in the hamburger segment. * Jollibee celebrates 10th year anniversary. * Tony Tan is named one of the Ten Outstanding Manilans. * Jollibee wins the Anvil Award for outstanding PR campaign in relation to the achievement of marketing objective with its Filipino Talents campaign. 1989 * 2nd Brunei store opens. * Balut and Ligaw TV commercials wins the Kidlat Award in the Service and Leisure Products category during the 11th Philippine Ad Congress. * Jollibee sales hit P1.3 billion marks, first fast food chain to surpass billion-peso sales mark. 1990 * Jollibee adds coleslaw, Jolly Hotdog, Chickenjoy Take-Me-Out and Peach mango Pie to its ever-growing menu. * Jollibee post sales of P1.8 billion * Tony Tan is awarded the Triple Award by AIM as Outstanding AIM Alumnus. * Jollibee receives the Excellence in Marketing Management Award from the Asian Institute of Management. 1991 * Jollibee’s 100th store opens in Davao City * Jollibee opens a record high of 35 new stores * Opens 1st store outside Luzon in Cagayan de Oro City. * Jollibee launches its Pancakes and Jolly Meals. * Jollibee sales hit a whopping P2.65 billion. * The Lola TV commercial wins the Grand Araw Award and an award of excellence for the promotion of Filipino Values during the Philippine Ad Congress. * Jollibee receives award for the outstanding Corporate Safety Consciousness Programs by the Safety Organization of the Philippines (SOP). 1992 * Jollibee stages first ever holiday musical special for children dubbed â€Å"A Magical Christmas at Jollitown†* Jollibee and the Jollibee Franchisees Association launched the 30th anniversary special novelty offering – Hug and Share Doll. Proceeds of the sales will all be donated to charity. * Biggest and grandest MaAga ang Pasko caps off Jollibee’s 30th anniversary. Total of more than 117,000 toys and books collected were the highest ever in the campaign’s 14-year history. Mission and Vision Statement Fred David, in his book Strategic management; Concept and Cases enumerated key factors in making a mission statement. He recognized that a mission statement goes beyond being a statement, for it is a declaration of the company’s attitude and outlook. The mission statement of Jollibee Foods Corporation (JFC), although it meets the primary objective of a fast food chain, is too concise and gives sole emphasis to its current services. Thus, the space for improvement was narrowed down to simply food catering to the target market, taking for granted the other aspects of the business. According to David, a mission statement should be able to â€Å"allow for the generation and consideration of a range of feasible alternative objectives and strategies, because excessive specifity would limit the potential of creative growth for the organization. Also, a mission statement has to be broad to reconcile differences effectively among, and appeal to, an organization’s diverse stakeholders, the individuals and groups of individuals who have a special stake or claim on the company.â€
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Much Ado About Nothing- Beatrice and Benedick Essay
The relationship between Beatrice and Benedick develops throughout the early stages of Much Ado about Nothing by William Shakespeare. Past encounters between the two characters ignites a skirmish of wit between the two where they attempt to get inside each other’s head. The wittiness used by Beatrice and Benedick also suggests that there is a deeper meaning behind what they say and that they are deceived by their own foolishness. When we are first introduced to Beatrice and Benedick we learn of the ‘merry war’ between them. This skirmish of wit that occurs invokes past encounters. The two exchange a volley of sly and witty comments. As Beatrice ‘knows [him] of old’ she believes that Benedick is a ‘crow’ and is no more than a ‘very dull fool’. On the other hand, Benedick’s ‘commendation is not in his wit, but in his villainy’. Benedick chooses to snipe at Beatrice and ‘always ends with a Jade’s trick’. These exchanges of witty comments between the pair suggest that there is a deep tension between them. It is revealed of the start of the play that the pair new each other ‘of old’, they were in a relationship and that this ‘merry war’ was expected of them in the Shakespearian society. The comments that are exchanged during this ‘merry war’ suggest that there is a deeper meaning behind their witty remarks and that their relationship could be far more meaningful then it currently is. This skirmish of wit between the two is deceptive. They do not want to show their actual feelings for one another. Beatrice believes that Benedick’s supposed image of himself being ‘loved by all ladies’ is full of arrogance and extremely unlikely. However this link between Benedick and his love for Beatrice portrays the idea that she may indeed have feelings for Benedick and that he is not just a ‘beast’. Although Beatrice’s comments are ruthless and unforgiving, we get the feeling that because of the wittiness of them and the tone of her voice that she doesn’t really mean them and that she is afraid of opening up about ‘loving’ Benedick. The two also share the same opinion about love, Beatrice would ‘rather hear [her] dog bark at a crow than a man swear he loves [her]’, this is one of the very few qualities that Benedick admires about Beatrice and that she should ‘keep [her] ladyship in that mind’. This reference to love by Shakespeare gives a sense of anticipation that there are feelings between Beatrice and Benedick that are to develop throughout the play. The ‘merry war’ between Beatrice and Benedick is unwanted and unhealthy for both Beatrice and Benedick. It is obvious that both characters have strong feelings for one another and they are just deceiving themselves if they think otherwise. I think that Beatrice and Benedick are better off when they are together, like at the end of the play. With the feelings that Beatrice and Benedick feel for each other I do not believe that this ‘merry war’ could have continued.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Differences Between Whales, Dolpins and Porpoises
Differences Between Whales, Dolpins and Porpoises Are dolphins and porpoises whales? These marine mammals have many things in common. Whales, dolphins, and porpoises all fall under the order cetacea. Within this order, there are two suborders, the Mysticeti, or baleen whales, and the odontoceti, or toothed whales, which includes dolphins and porpoises as well as sperm whales. If you consider that, dolphins and porpoises are really whales. Size Matters for Being Called a Whale or Not While dolphins and porpoises are in the same order and suborder as whales, they generally arent given a name that includes the word whale. The term whale is used as a way to distinguish size among species, with cetaceans longer than about nine feet considered whales, and those less than nine feet long considered to be dolphins and porpoises. Within the dolphins and porpoises, there is a wide range in size, from the orca (killer whale), which can reach lengths up to about 32 feet, to the Hector’s dolphin, which can be less than four feet long. Thats how the orca comes to have the common name of killer whale. This distinction keeps alive our image of a whale being something very large. When we hear the word whale, we think of Moby Dick or the whale that swallowed Jonah in the Bible story. We dont think of Flipper, the bottlenose dolphin of the 1960s television series. But Flipper could rightly claim he was, in fact, classified with the whales. Difference Between Dolphins and Porpoises While dolphins and porpoises are very similar and people often use the term interchangeably, scientists generally agree that there are four major differences between dolphins and porpoises: Dolphins have cone-shaped teeth while porpoises have flat or spade-shaped teeth.Dolphins usually have a pronounced â€Å"beak,†while porpoises do not have a beak.Dolphins generally have a very curved or hooked dorsal fin, while porpoises have a triangular dorsal fin.Porpoises are generally smaller than dolphins. Meet the Porpoises To get even more specific, the term porpoise should also refer only to the seven species that are in the family Phocoenidae (harbor porpoise, vaquita, spectacled porpoise, Burmeister’s porpoise, Indo-Pacific finless porpoise, narrow-ridged finless porpoise and Dall’s porpoise). Similarities Between All Whales - the Cetaceans All of the cetaceans have a streamlined body and adaptations for living in the water and never coming onto land. But whales are mammals, not fish. They are related to land mammals, such as the hippopotamus. They are descended from land animals that looked like a short-legged wolf. All cetaceans breathe air into their lungs rather than getting oxygen from water via gills.That means they can drown if they cant surface to bring in air. They give birth to live young and nurse them. They also are able to regulate their body temperature and are warm-blooded. Sources: American Cetacean Society. 2004. ACS Cetacean Curriculum (Online), American Cetacean Society.Waller, Geoffrey, ed. SeaLife: A Complete Guide to the Marine Environment. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C. 1996.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Character Sketch in Composition
Character Sketch in Composition In composition, a character sketch is a brief description in prose of a particular person or type of person. In writing one, you go into the characters manner, distinct characteristics, nature, and the way that person behaves him or herself. Its also called a profile or character analysis and doesnt necessarily have to be about a fictional character. How to Approach a Character Sketch Even though its an informative type of essay, a character sketch doesnt have to be dry and only descriptive. It can also impress or entertain the reader or praise the subject, notes author R.E. Myers. The facts, traits, idiosyncrasies, and accomplishments of the subject provide the fabric of the character sketch. Anecdotes and quotes are also helpful in portraying the subject. You can stress the subjects personality, appearance, character or accomplishments. (Figures of Speech: A Study and Practice Guide. Teaching Learning Company, 2008) If analyzing a fictional character, you can also go into the persons conflicts, how the person changes, his or her attitude toward others, and role in the story. You can list the persons likes and dislikes and how you feel about the character. If the character is the narrator, you can discuss whether the person is an unreliable narrator. A character sketch can also be satiric, as in work by authors such as Evelyn Waugh (1903–1966) and Thomas Pynchon (1933–) or modern-day television sit-coms. As a composition, a satiric sketch would likely need to be written in the characters voice and point of view to work. Use of a Character Sketch Besides being an essay type that students write in composition classes, fiction authors can use character sketches in their prewriting or drafting stages of short stories or novels as a means to develop the people wholl inhabit the world theyre creating. Writers who plan series (or even those who just end up writing a sequel to a successful story) can find character sketches useful as a reference for maintaining consistency of detail or voice, if the character ends up being a narrator in the subsequent work or has a particular vocal tic, slang vocabulary, jargon use, or accent. Often the act of taking on the characters voice in a sketch will assist the author in discovering aspects of the character and fleshing him or her out to be more realistic. Character sketches can also be a task to work on when stuck for a plot point, characters motivation to move the plot forward, or attitude/reaction toward a conflict or event. In nonfiction writing, character sketches can be useful for biographers or feature article writers as a prewriting tool and as descriptive material to mine for the finished work. Examples Annie Dillards Sketch of Her Childhood Friend Judy Schoyer My friend Judy Schoyer was a thin, messy, shy girl whose thick blond curls lapped over her glasses. Her cheeks, chin, nose, and blue eyes were round; the lenses and frames of her glasses were round, and so were her heavy curls. Her long spine was supple; her legs were long and thin so her knee socks fell down. She did not care if her knee socks fell down. When I first knew her, as my classmate at the Ellis School, she sometimes forgot to comb her hair. She was so shy she tended not to move her head, but only let her eyes rove about. If my mother addressed her, or a teacher, she held her long-legged posture lightly, alert, like a fawn ready to bolt but hoping its camouflage will work a little longer. (An American Childhood. Harper Row, 1987.) Bill Barichs Sketch of a Publican The publican, Peter Keith Page, lives with his family in a flat on the second floor. Page is a fiftyish man, slender and well-tailored, whose manner might be described as studiously charming. His mustache and hair are tinged with auburn, and this, along with a sharp nose and chin, makes him look a bit like a fox. He enjoys jokes, subtle conversations, double entendres. When he takes one of his turns behind the bar, he works at a measured pace, often pausing to ask after his patrons health and well-being. (At the Fountain. In Traveling Light. Viking, 1984.) Sources David F. Venturo, The Satiric Character Sketch. In A Companion to Satire: Ancient and Modern, ed. by Ruben Quintero. Blackwell, 2007.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Does Iran have the capability to block the Strait of Hormuz Essay
Does Iran have the capability to block the Strait of Hormuz - Essay Example By using this large manpower, Iran could achieve temporary closure of the strait. The Iranian navy has bases all along the coast line of their country, together with a large naval air station and operative headquarters at Bandar Abbas situated on the north of the strait. The IRGCN has military outpost on the islands close to the straits such as Abu Musa, Larak, and Sirri.To protect all these straits along with establishing their strong hold over all these areas, Iran has also positioned pre-surveyed missile and air defence sites with satellite imagery of the southern coast of Larak, facing the strait.30In addition, Iran’s continuous effort to establish their rights over the islands of the Greater and Lesser Tunbs, situated in between the channels in the west will help them drastically if they ever push any effort to closethe strait. So after analyzing all the above points, one can easily mentioned that Iran can afford to achieve a momentary closure of the strait. This temporar y closure of any such strait have a greater impact on the world politics and economy not only in terms of oil trading but at the same time if there are any kinds of military approach is implemented to reopen it. Although, there is a different set of argument posed by other schools of thought that even if Iran should accomplish a blockade on the strait it would be partial due to the fact that it would inviteintervention from the international powerhouses like, UK, USA, Germany and other top power houses, by using their technological power and military strength can easily resolve the situation within a shorter span of time as it was witnessed during the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq War.31 Although all the above mentioned points are true, it is also significant to consider the fact that as Iran has large number of sea mines under their control so one cannot overlook their
Friday, November 1, 2019
Best Nursing Practices when Transfusing Blood Products Research Paper
Best Nursing Practices when Transfusing Blood Products - Research Paper Example Nursing is a profession of the highest realm with unconditional love for mankind. Professionals are expected to show a degree of special attainment, altruism, and self-sacrifice in their dealings with the rest of the community and in return receive privileges both in the workplace and at large. Nurses work in multidisciplinary professional teams with doctors and therapists. Teamwork in nursing practice refers to interdisciplinary practice or collaboration defined as a joint decision-making and communication process with the goal of satisfying the needs of the patient. This includes respecting the unique abilities of each professional involved in the care. Nurses should be equipped with the all the needed information to complete all the tasks to work with the patients, families and colleagues in a safe, efficient manner. To deal effectively with the issues of patients nurse should have multiple skills. The attitude of the nurse affects their daily judgments, decisions, and efficiency. It is necessary to synthesize the required attitude, patient-focused systematic approach and purposeful clinical learning to deliver the needed result. Nurses should have ability to react quickly and take instant decision when needed. They should have capability to think laterally and work under tension. These qualities are needed for handling patients who are in crisis. Nurses are continuously physically and mentally challenged. They should able to handle every tough situation with focus, strength, stamina and heightened alertness.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Intercultural Communication Stumbling Blocks by LaRay Barna Article
Intercultural Communication Stumbling Blocks by LaRay Barna - Article Example On the other hand, I do not agree with Barna’s argument that high anxiety should act as a communication stumbling block since I believe that it promotes interaction in different people in order for people to overcome high anxiety, which makes them learn other languages. It is evident that Barna’s article expounds on a challenge that every individual has faced in their life. In this case, it is evident that we have all experienced intercultural communication barriers at one point of our life by interacting with people who were different from us in our daily activities. While supporting his arguments, Barna uses real-life experiences to highlight the challenges that intercultural communication posted on the interaction of people in a society that is increasingly becoming both multicultural and multiracial. In an approach that highlights different perceptions of people on other cultures, Barna starts by highlighting the problem of intercultural communication in the United States by carrying out a review of the perceptions of students from other cultures on the American cultural way of communicating. In this regard, Barna identifies reservations present in people from different backgrounds regarding the way they perceived a different culture’s approach to communication. Case in point, Americans smile all the time when communicating, even to total strangers while a foreigner plays along with the American and smiles while nodding, which to the American is indicative of effective communication although the foreigner confirms their stereotypes regarding Americans’ insensitivity and ethnocentrism (Barna 68). Misunderstandings and misconceptions during communication may have disastrous effects with people resulting to hate each other since they cannot understand the point the other was passing. In line with this, it is common knowledge that effective communication is an essential way that people understood others, which means that its ineffect iveness posed a challenge. In the course of my life, I have experienced challenges that are related to intercultural communication.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Health Essays Alzheimer Dementia Disease Essay
Health Essays Alzheimer Dementia Disease Essay Alzheimer Dementia Closing in on Alzheimer’s â€Å"Soon, Alzheimer’s disease will touch everyone in this country in some form or another, so the need to redouble our research efforts greater than ever before. We must have better treatments, earlier detection, and effective strategies to prevent Alzheimer’s. Scientists have made tremendous strides in the last two decades, but the clock is ticking.†-Samuel Gandy, MD, PhD, chair of the Alzheimer’s Association’s Medical and Scientific Advisory Council. There is no cure, but there is hope, for the world’s most leading cause of dementiaALZHEIMERS. â€Å"AD†is a neurodegenerative disorder, the underlying cause still being unknown. The clinical features or the underlying pathology can only be discovered on autopsy and thus the signs and indications of AD are instigated only after years of accretion of the credible causes. Some of the signs include:- Cognitive deterioration. Visual spatial confusion. Loss of recognition of persons and objects. Reduced mobility. Deterioration of muscles. Inability to feed oneself. Language disorientation. The onus of the illness lies in the deposition of fibrillized plaques containing amyloid beta(AB). The AB proposition shows potential for the reason that, as seen in patients with trisomy 21(downs syndrome), who have an additional copy of the gene for AB precursor, almost universally exhibit AD like indications prior to age 40. These signs of AD can be accredited to the cytotoxic potential of the mature aggregated amyloid fibrils. Consequently, a great amount of the research work on lead breakthrough is focused on:- Inhibition of fibrillization. Inhibition of AB precursor to AB. A different supposition understood to elicit the disease cascade, is centered on the effects of aggregated tau proteins. This speculation is sustained by the long standing observation that aggregation of AB plaques does not correlate with neuron loss. Although a great deal is known a propos the disease prognosis, causative or risk factors, the acquaintance we encompass of, in the present day, concerning the fundamental pathological origin or the core cause of the disease is zilch. Nevertheless, ApoE4, the foremost genetic risk factor for AD has been allied with surplus of AB build-up. The risk factors for AD are:- Advancing age. Head injury. Aluminum intake. ApoE4. Poor CVS health. Smoking. AD is most often established based on clinical signs and symptoms, and the history of patient’s infirmity, as a definitive diagnosis is only achievable by performing an autopsy. Common diagnostic tests include:- Memory testing. Intellectual functioning. Neuropsychological screening tests. Blood tests to rule out presence of other diseases. Functional neuro-imaging techniques like SPECT ad PET. Once diagnosed, on an average, survival is 7 – 10 years, the extremes being 4 years to 21 years. Essentials, statistics and incidence of Alzheimer’s:- 24 million people affected with AD worldwide. Slated to become 81 million by 2040. 1 out of 8 people above the age of 65 have AD. Only 19% with AD have the diagnosis recorded in their medical records. 7th leading cause of death in the United States. From 2000-2004, death rate due to AD has increased by 32.8%, while that of breast cancer, prostate cancer, stroke and heart disease has decreased by 2.6, 6.3, 10.4, 8% respectively. Costs of AD and other dementias amount to $148 billion annually. Current drugs in the global market for treatment of Alzheimer’s:- [1]ARICEPT: Key essentials about aricept: Was permitted for the treatment of mild to moderate Alzheimers by the FDA in 1996, and for the treatment of severe Alzheimers in 2006 Is the #1 prescribed Alzheimer’s drugâ€â€worldwide, more than 3.8 million people have been treated with Aricept. Aricept is a drug branded as a cholinesterase inhibitor. It is one of a group of prescriptions that appear to improve the cognitive ability (thinking, perception, judgment and recognition) in people with Alzheimer’s disease. Aricept can reduce behavioral troubles that may be exhibited by people with this type of dementia. Known as a cholinesterase inhibitor, Aricept delays the breakdown of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine in the brain. Acetylcholine helps communication between the nerve cells and is vital for memory. Side effects are typically mild and tend to disappear as treatment progresses. Common side effects are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, insomnia, muscle cramps. Less common effects are headaches and dizziness. Rare side effects are anorexia, gastric or duodenal ulcers, gastro-intestinal hemorrhage, bladder overflow obstruction, liver damage, convulsions, heart problems and psychiatric disturbances. [2]EBIXA: Ebixa fine points: Ebixa is one of a group of drugs called NMDA (n-methyl-D-aspartate) receptor antagonists. These receptors, along with the neurotransmitter glutamate, are implicated in transmitting nerve signals in the brain that may be imperative for learning and memory. Ebixa, which acts on NMDA receptors, facilitates to normalize transmission of nerve signals, and perhaps slow the decline of some indications of Alzheimers disease. Ebixa is not a cure for Alzheimers disease as it does not affect the fundamental degenerative progression of the disease. Ebixa may cause some unwelcome reactions. These may include fatigue, dizziness, sleepiness, headache, hypertension (high blood pressure), constipation, vomiting, anxiety, confusion, hallucinations and sleep disturbance. [3]EXELON: Exelon particulars: Exelon is one of a group of drugs known as cholinesterase inhibitors which is intended to treat symptoms in people with mild to moderate Alzheimers disease. Exelon works by reducing the breakdown of acetylcholine and thus escalating the amount of the chemical in the brain, a chemical thought to be vital for learning and memory. The prescription augments the action of acetylcholine by making the receptors it interacts with in the brain more responsive. Exelon is not a cure for Alzheimers disease as it does not affect the fundamental degenerative progression of the disease. Familiar side effects, in addition to nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite and weight loss, comprise of diarrhea, heartburn, stomach pains, dizziness, headache, weakness, fatigue and difficulty sleeping. A small number of people also experienced fainting. [3]REMINYL: Key specifics on reminyl: Reminyl ER is one of a group of drugs called cholinesterase inhibitors which is used to treat symptoms in people with mild to moderate Alzheimers disease. As of June, 2006, Reminyl became available only in the extended release (ER) format. It means that if you were taking Reminyl tablets twice a day prior to June 2006, you would now take a Reminyl ER capsule once a day. It augments the action of acetylcholine by making the receptors it interacts with in the brain more responsive. In the area of the brain first affected by Alzheimers disease, that dealing with cognition and memory, too little acetylcholine is available at the junctions between nerve cells to get messages across to the next nerve cell, The condition is helped, consequently, not only by preserving the acetylcholine from being destroyed by cholinesterase, but by making the receptors more responsive to the inferior amounts of acetylcholine. Reminyl ER is not a cure for Alzheimers disease as it does not affect the fundamental degenerative progression of the disease. probable side effects include: abdominal pain, diarrhea, indigestion, decreased appetite, difficulty swallowing, bleeding in the digestive system, weight loss, low blood potassium, low blood pressure, dehydration, seizures, agitation, aggression, hallucinations, weakness, fever, malaise, leg cramps, tingling in the hands or feet, ringing in the ears, headache, dizziness, tiredness, sleeplessness, runny nose, urinary tract infection, fainting or fluttering of the heart. INTERNATIONAL MARKET STATISTICS FOR DRUGS USED IN THE TREATMENT OF ALZHEIMERS: BRAND GENERIC CLASS SPONSOR SALES in (million $) 2004 MARKET SHARE(approx) 2004 2005 Aricept donepezil CI Pfizer 1,266 1,580 58.10% Reminyl galantamine CI JJ 256 343 12.60% Exelon rivastigimine CI Novartis 320 340 12.50% Namenda memantine NMDAA Forest 5 247 9.10% Ebixa memantine NMDAA Lundbeck 28 86 3.20% Axura memantine NMDAA Merz 6 15 0.60% Cognex tacrine CI FirstHorizon 1 1 0.00% Others 87 107 3.90% TOTAL 1,969 2,719 100.00% Total Sales Figures = $2.7B (2005) with Aricept ®having 58% market share. DRUGS IN PIPELINE:- Name of the drug sponsor phase About the drug Data from previous phases. FLURIZAN Myriad 3 It is a selective amyloid lowering agent (SALA) that reduces levels of the toxic peptide amyloid beta 42 (AÃŽ ²42). Reduces the levels of the toxic amyloid beta 42 peptide through the allosteric modulation of gamma-secretase. FLURIZAN has completed Phase2 human clinical trial in 207 patients with Alzheimers disease. Phase 1 safety trial of FLURIZAN in healthy older volunteers identified no serious drug-related side effects. In nonclinical studies, FLURIZAN reduced the levels of the toxic peptide AÃŽ ²42 by approximately 70%, by modulating the action of gamma-secretase. Flurizan reduces amyloid pathology in the brain and prevents memory defects in transgenic mice. ALZHEMED Neurochem Inc. 3 Alzhemed is an oral small organic molecule that has been designed to interfere with the association between glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and AÃŽ ² amyloid protein. It is thus thought to prevent GAGs from promoting ÃŽ ²-sheet and amyloid formation. Designed to prevent amyloid formation and deposition in the brain, and thus modify the course of AD. Alzhemed is expected to act on two levels: firstly to prevent and stop the formation and deposition of amyloid fibrils in the brain as well as to bind to soluble AÃŽ ², and secondly to to inhibit the inflammatory response associated with amyloid build-up in AD. Inhibit AÃŽ ² fibrillization and binds and reduces soluble AÃŽ ². VP025 Vasogen 1 Mediated via the regulation of microglial cell activation. Treatment with VP025 reversed age-related decreases in CD200 levels in the brain, reduced levels of microglial cell activation, and restored memory and learning function. Considerable amount of preclinical work has demonstrated: the ability of VP025 to reduce inflammation in models of a number of neurodegenerative diseases. the ability of VP025 to reverse detrimental neurological effects of chronic beta-amyloid exposure the ability of VP025 to reverse age-related inflammation in the brain AAB-001 Elan Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Wyeth. 3 Designed to bind and remove the AÃŽ ² peptide that accumulates in the brain. Immunotherapy approaches to the treatment of Alzheimer disease is based on the ability of antibodies raised against AÃŽ ² peptides to bind to and clear AÃŽ ² from the brain, thus removing the peptide and inhibiting the damage to neurons that AÃŽ ² inflicts. Anti-AÃŽ ² antibodies have been shown to prevent the accumulation of AÃŽ ² peptides in the brains of transgenic mouse models of AD (Shenk et al., 1999; Bard et al., 2000; DeMattos et al., 2001). In one clinical trial, patients immunized with AÃŽ ² peptide who actively generated anti-AÃŽ ² antibodies showed a significantly slower rate of decline in cognitive functions (Hock et al., 2003). Long-term follow-up studies of the patients who were involved in the failed phase 2a clinical trial of AN-1792 has shown that NTB (quality of life) scores remained significantly improved in antibody responders. In addition, CSF tau was significantly decreased in antibody responders (Gilman et al., 2005). Closing In on Alzheimer’s:- Lastly, fresh drugs tender genuine hope for repealing the malady. Concluding test outcomes will be out, for a complete novel generation of drugs designed to assault the fundamental basis of Alzheimers diseaseâ€â€medicines that propose, what one specialist calls legitimate, substantial, irrefutable hope for those with mild to moderate forms of the illness. Within three years, its nearly assured, well have disease-modifying drugs that fundamentally amend the nature of Alzheimers. From drugs which facilitate alleviation of merely the symptoms of the disease, we are now moving towards an era which will comprise of drugs that not only slow down the disease, but encompass the potential to wholly reverse it. Scientists are certain that one of the more than four dozen drugs now in human trials will succeed. One of the most hopeful of those, Flurizan, from Myriad Genetics, should complete its tests in the next 18 months. Exceedingly few drugs make it to Phase III clinical trials, the final stride before a drug goes to the FDA for authorization. Today, conversely, nine new Alzheimers treatments are in Phase III trials to test their effectiveness on a large number of patients. And dozens more are in smaller Phase II trials. This subsequent generation of drugs is deliberated to avert, obliterate and clean out deposits of beta-amyloid plaque that exterminate the brains nerve cells, leading to the distressing loss of memory, reason and, eventually, life that typifies Alzheimers. This optimistic information comes as the world awaits an epidemic of Alzheimers, the traumatic variety of dementia that Americans tell pollsters they dread more than heart disease, stroke or diabetes. Today, 5.1 million people in the United States suffer from the disease, but the supreme risk factor is ageâ€â€the longer a person lives, the greater the likelihoodâ€â€and in just four years millions of boomers begin to turn 65. One in eight people age 65 and older now has Alzheimers; half of those 85 and older have it. Connoisseurs say still if Alzhemed or another of these premature anti-amyloid drugs fails, that doesnt mean the amyloid theory is incorrect. It merely may mean that the drug didnt eliminate sufficient plaque to appreciably slow or arrest the disease. Finally, with the advent of such promising drugs into the market in the near future, there is potential to mitigate the humanity of the exorbitant fiscal burden due to the disturbing tempo at which Alzheimer’s is making headway. Keeping our fingers crossed might just help. References: http: //
Friday, October 25, 2019
Hydro cruiser :: essays research papers
     The Hydro Cruiser Do you ever find yourself looking down at your gas gauge on your way to school or work, noticing that little pointer is staggering off way below the empty mark? Well, today we are here for your rescue, presenting the Hydro Cruiser. We are doing are part to help the environment. Also it helps â€Å"you†the common man save money, and helps us in contributing to a smog free earth. The Hydro Cruiser is a stylish sport utility vehicle that runs off of H20 (water) instead of gasoline. Purchasing the Hydro Cruiser just shows how smart and efficient you are. If its selling to the high class business men or to the common everyday family, both classes will be driving safe and in style.      If you find yourself falling into the average Joe, penny pincher category, our product will be a far sure seller for you. By using water instead of gas you will be saving yourself hundreds of dollars every month. Knowing water instead of gas will save you money is obvious, because water is basically free. However buying the Hydro Cruiser, you will feel better and more productive by knowing you are doing your part in reaching our goal of a smog free earth. We feel our product is like a fat free option that tastes the same. This meaning are car can do anything and everything a gas powered car can do but, we can do it cheaper, safer, and extremely more conveniently.      Let yourself go the Hydro Cruiser will take you on an experience to any and all lengths. With a 250 horsepower engine, four wheel drive, climb the steepest hills. Then after having a rugged day with Mother Nature, sit back and relax in your waterproof interior. Turn up the CD player and enjoy your peaceful ride home, letting others know your saving money and doing your part in making a smog free tomorrow.      If you decide to invest in our car we can guarantee that you will not be disappointed. If you will invest in this car you will make lots of money. We know this, because we did a survey and we found that more than half the people would buy a car like this one. Not only will you make money you will have a good public image. Hydro cruiser :: essays research papers      The Hydro Cruiser Do you ever find yourself looking down at your gas gauge on your way to school or work, noticing that little pointer is staggering off way below the empty mark? Well, today we are here for your rescue, presenting the Hydro Cruiser. We are doing are part to help the environment. Also it helps â€Å"you†the common man save money, and helps us in contributing to a smog free earth. The Hydro Cruiser is a stylish sport utility vehicle that runs off of H20 (water) instead of gasoline. Purchasing the Hydro Cruiser just shows how smart and efficient you are. If its selling to the high class business men or to the common everyday family, both classes will be driving safe and in style.      If you find yourself falling into the average Joe, penny pincher category, our product will be a far sure seller for you. By using water instead of gas you will be saving yourself hundreds of dollars every month. Knowing water instead of gas will save you money is obvious, because water is basically free. However buying the Hydro Cruiser, you will feel better and more productive by knowing you are doing your part in reaching our goal of a smog free earth. We feel our product is like a fat free option that tastes the same. This meaning are car can do anything and everything a gas powered car can do but, we can do it cheaper, safer, and extremely more conveniently.      Let yourself go the Hydro Cruiser will take you on an experience to any and all lengths. With a 250 horsepower engine, four wheel drive, climb the steepest hills. Then after having a rugged day with Mother Nature, sit back and relax in your waterproof interior. Turn up the CD player and enjoy your peaceful ride home, letting others know your saving money and doing your part in making a smog free tomorrow.      If you decide to invest in our car we can guarantee that you will not be disappointed. If you will invest in this car you will make lots of money. We know this, because we did a survey and we found that more than half the people would buy a car like this one. Not only will you make money you will have a good public image.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Socio Economic Profile of Househohold Consumers in Mizoram: India
The Socio economic Characteristics of Household Customers in Mizoram 2. 1 Introduction Consumer Behaviour, being the psychological dimension of marketing management, is based on various factors. Since all of us are consumers, what we buy, how we buy, where and when we buy, in how much quantity we buy depends on our perception, self concept, social and cultural background and our age and family cycle, our attitudes, beliefs, values, motivation, personality, social class and many other factors that are both internal and external to us (Mark ES and Armen T, 1985). This is very evident in India, the second most populous nation in the world and the number one contributor to the world’s population growth of potential customers (Population Reference Bureau, 2000). Traditionally, marketers have often relied on intuition and demographic information such as age, sex, income level and occupation for identifying potential areas (Dash PK and Sarangi M, 2008). According to Sproles and Kendall (1986, p. 67), identification of these characteristics among the consumers helps to profile (individual) consumer style, educate consumers about their specific decision-making characteristics, and counsel families on financial management. Again, many research studies show that consumer profiles are crucial as it deals with the mental orientation of consumers in making decisions (Wells, 1975; Lastovicka, 1982; Westbrook and Black, 1985; Sproles and Sproles, 1990; Stone, 1954; Darden and Moschis, 1976). The important effects of demographic, socioeconomic and regional factor have been demonstrated by various studies in consumers’ choice of foreign and domestic products, or rather ethnocentrism too (Sharma, 1995; Klien, 1998 and Elliot 2003). In the present chapter, it is intended to highlight who the Mizoram household consumers are on the basis of their demographic and socioeconomic profile. 2. 2 Profile of the household customers Taking household customers as sample units, the households are sampled from urban and rural areas. All the eight (8) functioning districts are taken into consideration for the study. For the research, all the district headquarters, namely, Aizawl, Champhai, Kolasib, Lawngtlai, Lunglei, Mamit, Saiha and Serchhip are taken as urban samples. The rural samples are taken from the following villages/towns – Saitual and Aibawk from Aizawl district, Khawbung and Khawzawl from Champhai district, Bilkhawthlir and Vairengte from Kolasib district, Chawngte and Diltlang from Lawngtlai district, Hnahthial and Zobawk from Lunglei district, Rawpuichhip and Kawrthah from Mamit district, Tuipang and Sangau from Saiha district and N. Vanlaiphai and Thenzawl from Serchhip District. 0 households are sampled from the district headquarters for the urban sample and 20 households from each of the villages/towns mentioned for the rural population sample, making it 40 rural households for every district. In all, 640 households i. e. 80 households from each districts, 40 from urban areas and 40 from rural areas are sampled to cover the whole State. The profiling of households is done , with suitable modifications and necessary adjustments in accordance to Splores and Kendall’s Consumer Styles Inventory model (Splores and Kendall, 1986). Following Leon GS and Leslie LK’s demographic segmentation, the sample is studied on the basis of the education level, main occupation, family size, composition of the households in terms of number of adults, children, male and female members, range of income, number of earning members in a household and lastly, the type of durable products owned by household customers. Analysis is done using F-Test and Pearson Correlation to find out the relationship between rural and urban population for each of the demographic variables. F-Test analysis tests to see whether two population variances equal each other. Essentially, the analysis compares the ratio of two variances. The assumption is that if the variance is equal, the ratio of the variances should be equal to 1. Variance may be defined as the square of standard deviation, standard deviation being the dispersion about the data set’s mean (Stephen L. Nelson, 2007). Standard deviation is calculated using the formula: ? = v? fd2x/N – [? fdx/N]2 and variance will be ? 2 (Mohan Singhal, 1999) Pearson Correlation is used to determine the relationship between the two set of data ‘x’ and ‘y’ viz. rban and rural population. The formula for finding out the correlation ‘r’ can be noted using the formula: rxy = N? fxy-? fx.? fy/v[N? fx2-(? fx)2][N? fy2-(? fy)2] The output will be between -1 to +1. Positive value signifies positive correlation i. e. both the data sets move in same direction while negative value signifies negative correlation i. e. the two data sets move in different direction (L okesh Koul, 2009). The purpose of using F Test is to determine the homogeneity of the two sets i. e. rural and urban household customers. Correlation Analysis is sed to find out the nature and degree of relationship between the rural and urban household customers for each of the socio economic variables. 2. 2. 1Education According to Harold H. Kassarjian (1971), education, like other personal qualities including sex, income, family cycle and so on, play an important role in influencing the buying behaviour. The respondents who represented their households were broadly classified into illiterates, literates, Below Class 10, Class 10, college drop-outs, graduates and post graduates on the basis of their education level and are represented in Exhibit 1. Exhibit 1: Educational profile of household respondents Table 1: Education level of rural and urban respondents Number of household customers Education LevelRuralUrban Illiterates5 (1. 56)4 (1. 25) Literates70 (21. 88)21 (6. 56) Below class 1071 (22. 19)41 (12. 81) Class 1080 (25. 00)61 (19. 06) College drop outs30 (9. 38)32 (10. 00) Graduates51 (15. 94)105 (32. 81) Post graduates13 (4. 06)56 (17. 50) Total320320 Note: Figures in parenthesis are percentages. Taking into account the responses of rural and urban respondents as shown in Table 1, the outcome F-test value tallied to 0. 840913. This shows a high degree of similarity in the variances of the two sets, indicating homogeneity in composition between the two sets of respondents. The Pearsonian Correlation gave an output of 0. 287853, a positive relationship between rural and urban. Even though there is a high degree of homogeneity between the two sets of samples, the relationship between the same set is not very strong when introducing Correlation Analysis. According to Census India 2001, Mizoram stood as one of the leaders in the field of literacy. With 88. 48% rate of literacy, Mizoram came in second next to Kerala. This rationale is reflected in the study as Table 1 indicated that only 1. 41% of the household respondents are illiterates. Even though there is not much difference between rural and urban respondents in respect of illiterates, the rural sample shows that majority of the rural households have passed class 10 i. e. 25% of the 320 rural households, while the majority of the urban households are graduates with 32. 81% of the 320 urban households. Although there is a rather significant gap in the level of education between rural and urban samples, it is interesting to note that rural households do have access to higher education. . 38% are college drop outs, 15. 94% are graduates and 4. 06% of the rural households hold post graduate degrees. That makes 29. 38% of the rural households have exposure to collegiate environment and thus, to urban lifestyle as all of the 22 colleges including Law Colleges are established in urban areas i. e. district headquarters (Statistical Handbook, 2008). 2. 2. 2 Occupation According to the Statistical Handbook (2008) published by the Government of Mizoram, agriculture and its allied sectors have a declining figures in terms of Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) for the past years from 2005-06 till 2007-08. Further decline is expected from the quick estimate made by the Department. One factor so stated in the Handbook being the mautam famine. This may also result in change of occupation from agriculture to other sectors to ensure livelihood. On the other hand, the State saw the incubation of private corporates in the form of insurance companies, banking companies and other private societies. Various private banking companies like Axis Bank, Syndicate, Central Bank of India, Bank of Baroda, Punjab National Bank, IDBI, have started their branch offices in Mizoram bringing about employment opportunities for educated youths (see Table 7. , Statistical Handbook 2008). At the same time, private insurance companies mushroomed in Mizoram from the past five years. According to the Taxation Department , companies like Birla Sunlife, Tata-AIG, Bajaj-Alliance, Reliance etc. have started their ventures in Mizoram, again opening employment for the sons-of-the-soil. With the fast advent of mobile-tele com industry in Mizoram since mid-2003, companies like Airtel, Reliance, Aircel, Tata-Indicom, Vodafone began employing mizo youths as their operational staffs. Even then, the largest employing organization is the State Government. According to the 5th Economic Census 2005 , the State Government accounted for 85% of employment in the State with 40,603 posts under its umbrella. In fact, the up-gradation data as on 2006 showed 51,070 employees including muster-rolls and work-charges. Purchase involvement and consumer behaviour is greatly influenced by the occupation of the household consumers (Harold H. Kassarjian, 1971). Therefore, the study categorise the sample households as Agriculture, Carpentry and Skilled Workers, Daily Wage Earner, Government Employed, Private Company Employed and Business or Own Enterprise. Exhibit 2 shows the profile of occupations of the respondents. Exhibit 2: Occupation profile of household respondents Table 2: Occupation of rural and urban respondents Number of household customers OccupationRuralUrban Agriculture81 (25. 31)3 (0. 94) Carpentry and Skilled Workers31 (9. 69)9 (2. 81) Daily wage earner40 (12. 50)32 (10) Government Employed99 (30. 94)223 (69. 69) Private Company employed3 (0. 94)19 (5. 94) Business66 (20. 63)34 (10. 63) Total320320 Note: Figures in parenthesis are percentages Applying F-test, the relationship of rural and urban sample variances is calculated as 0. 79742, a low degree of homogeneity in terms of their variance ratio. Table 2 shows that rural households are more evenly distributed in terms of different occupations than their urban counterparts. But then, the correlation degree gave a rather high positive correlation of 0. 69526. This may be due to the fact that the highest frequencies of both rural and urban households are government emplo yed. Agriculture is still an important occupation for the rural households, claiming more than 1/4th of the whole rural households while agriculture is quite negligible for the urban population as an occupation. One indication that private companies are yet to penetrate the rural areas is the negligible employment by private companies in rural areas. Rural savings and insurance can yet still be tapped by private company players. Since 2005, National Rural Employment Guarantee Act/ Scheme began enhancing the purchasing power of the rural households. Moreover, this particular wage employment scheme encourages savings and personal insurance for the rural households . Rs. 39,500 crores will be pumped into the rural areas nation-wide in the year 2009-10 under this scheme. This can be an opportunity as the rural consumers constitute more than 75% of the Indian population and out of the 1. 61 lakhs household in Mizoram, rural areas account for almost half of the whole population of the State (The Marketing Whitebook, 2005). Own enterprise or business constitute a significant proportion of households in the rural sample, again an indication of good business opportunity for rural banking. The overall tabulation shows that 50% of the whole sample population are government employed, signifying a large business pool with secured incomes for marketers. . 2. 3 Family size As the primary consumer decision making unit, the family has been the subject of intense examination for a number of years (Lakshmi PV and Murugan MS, 2008). Family may be regarded as one of the strongest source of influence on consumer behaviour, its size being the significant determinant (Matin Khan, 2006). As the core unit of defining culture, family has a very prominent effect on attitude formation in various facets of marketing (Burke, 2002; Wood, 2002). It may be held true that the family size matters in household consumer behaviour. The larger the family, the larger its consumption needs and wants. Product preferences also depend a lot on the household size (Srivastava KK and Sujata K, 2008). Exhibit 3 gives the overview family size of the household respondents. Exhibit 3: Family size profile of the household respondents Table 3: Family size of the rural and urban respondents Number of household customers Number of family membersRuralUrban Upto 211 (3. 44)22 (6. 88) 3 – 5152 (47. 50)154 (48. 13) 6 – 8133 (41. 56)138 (43. 13) 9 and above24 (7. 50)6 (1. 88) Total320320 Note: Figures in parenthesis are percentages Exhibit 3 shows that about 47% of households are bigger families with 6 or more members and Table 3 indicated that the number of families with membership of 9 and above is four times more in rural areas than in urban areas. According to the 2001 Census, the average size of scheduled tribe households in the rural areas was 5. 2 members while in urban areas it was 4. 9 members. It should be noted that the two family sizes viz. 3 to 5 members and 6 to 8 members together accounted for 89. 06% of the rural respondents and 91. 26% of their urban counterparts. Taking the family sizes 3 to 5 and 6 to 8, the median size lies between 5 and 6 member-households. This indicates the similarity of the households studied with that of the Census 2001 figures . The F-Test shows a very high degree of 0. 932141, indicating high homogeneity between the rural and urban respondents. Further application of Correlation Analysis gave the value of 0. 987285, demonstrating a very high level of relationship between the rural and urban customer households. Hence, both the tests show that there is not much difference between the rural and urban households in respect to family size. India, for several decades, have been involved in defining family size, in fact, one of the earliest nation to be concerned with the issue . Decadal studies show that there has been a marginal decrease in family size from 5. 5 in 1980s to 5. 3 in 2001 even though there is a very significant increase in population during 1980 and 2001 from 493,757 to 888,573 . This is an indication of growing nuclearization of families in the Indian society as stated in Census India Report and an indication of mass education and media awareness of the general population demonstrated in the decrease of family size, an after-effect of family planning. . 2. 4 Age Product needs and interests vary with the age of the customers (Srivastava KK and Sujata K, 2008). Obviously then, different age groups present different marketing challenges and opportunities. Marketers thus have found age to be a particularly useful demographic variable for distinguishing segments (Elliot et al, 2003). Table 4 shows the number of adults in both rural and urban households. Table 4: Number of adults Number of household customers Number of adultsRuralUrbanTotal Upto 2102 (31. 88)104 (32. 50)206 (32. 19) 3 – 5146 (45. 63)171 (53. 44)317 (49. 53) 6 – 871 (22. 19)41 (12. 81)112 (17. 50) 9 and above1 0. 31)4 (1. 25)5 0. 78) Total320320640 Note: Figures in parenthesis are percentages The output value of F Test gave a significantly high 0. 768617 showing the similarity between the rural and urban household customers in respect of the adult population. A correlation degree of positive . 959861 also indicates that there is a very high positive relationship between the two samples. Almost 50% of the households have 3 to 5 adult members. About 22% of the households in rural Mizoram have the adult population of 6 to 8 members, whereas only 13% of the households in urban Mizoram have the same number of adult population. It is already demonstrated in Table 3 that the median household size of the samples is between 5 to 6 members. Therefore, it can be stated that the majority of households are adult-dominated. As for the children population, the rural and urban households are studied of its child members, categorizing them in 2 subsets, below 14 years of age and between 14 to 18 years of age. Table 5: Number of children below 14 years Number of household customers Number of children below 14 yearsRuralUrbanTotal Upto 2112 (35)94 (29. 38)206 (32. 19) 3 – 566 (20. 63)78 (24. 38)144 (22. ) 6 – 820 (6. 25)16 (5)36 (5. 63) 9 and above01 (0. 31)1 (0. 16) Total198189387 Note: Figures in parenthesis are percentages Of the 320 rural households, 198 households have family members below 14 years and out of 320 urban households, 189 households have family members between 14 to 18 years of age. Table 6: Number of children between 14 to 18 years Number of household consumers Number of children between 14 to 18 yearsRuralUrbanTotal Less than 255 (10. 94)76 (23. 75)131 (20. 47) 3 – 559 (18. 44)42 (13. 13)101 (15. 78) 6 – 88 (2. 5)12 (3. 75)20 (3. 13) More than 90 (0. 31)1 (0. 16) Total122131253 Note: Figures in parenthesis are percentages Out of the 320 rural households, 122 households have family members between 14 to 18 years of age. Out of the 320 urban households, 131 households have family members between 14 to 18 years of age. The distinction of the children population into the 2 subsets is to segment the consumption needs and wants (Srivastava KK and Sujata K, 2008) Analysis of the rural and urban respondents with children below 14 years gave F-test value of 0. 884167 and a correlation coefficient of . 970224. These results showed the close relationship between the two samples. Again, rural households and urban households with children between 14 to 18 years gave an F-test output of 0. 888851 and a correlation coefficient of . 886998, showing a positive relationship between the samples. This again shows that there is not much difference between the rural and urban household customers. A significant finding from the two subset tables is that most of the households in both rural and urban areas have the highest frequency in the least number of children in its family members i. . not more than 2 in the household, followed by 3 to 5 children in a household. While most of the households have 3 to 5 adults, most of the households have less than 2 members classified as children. This clearly demonstrated that most of the households are in the family stages known as Full Nest II and III . 2. 2. 5 Income Income is, perhaps the single factor which significantly define the consumer behaviour of house holds. In fact, much of the other demographic characteristics like education, family size, and culture depend largely on the income of the households. Even the economic environment depends on the household’s income and as Philip Kotler (2006) stated, â€Å"In the economic arena, marketers need to focus on income distribution†. Income is one of the important determinants which have a strong positive influence on the ownership of durables (Bijaya KP and Siba PP, 2008) and even preference pattern of consumable products largely depend upon the income distribution of the households (Prashanta KD and Minaketan S, 2008). Several studies show that income, as a demographic factor, has a significant effect on purchasing styles even on the internet (Marakas GM, Yi MY and Johnson RD, 2002; Ratchford et al, 2001; Wood, 2002). The income range of the household respondents is illustrated in Exhibit 4. Exhibit 4: Income profile of household respondents Table 7: Income range of the rural and urban respondents Number of household customers Income RangeRuralUrban 2000019 (5. 94)87 (27. 19) Total320320 Note: Figures in parenthesis are percentages Taking the values given in Table 7, F-Test Analysis for the rural and urban households gave an output 0. 5093 while the Correlation Analysis gave a low positive relation degree of 0. 06. This shows that the income range distribution between rural and urban are rather loosely related, compared to other socio-economic factors already studied. In the rural sample, households with monthly income of Rs. 10,001 to 15,000 has the largest percentage, while the urban sample showe d that households with more than 20,000 has the highest percentage. This may be due to the fact that the main occupation of the urban households is government jobs. Even though the largest percentage of the rural households is government employed, a very significant portion of the rural households are engaging in agriculture (see Table 2). Another factor may be the fact that higher paying government jobs are mostly within the urban areas. According to Lalit Kumar Jha (1997), the overall average household income of Mizoram State is Rs. 10,026 per month. This income range is reflected in the total household samples with 21. 09% as the highest percentage, showing the whole household sample is the sub-set of the State population. 2. 2. 6 Earning Members The phenomenon of ‘double income’ has been identified as a sociologically relevant variable which may affect lifestyles of households (Srivastava KK and Sujata K, 2008). Michman R (1980) identified the multiplicity of income sources of households as an important market sub-segmentation as the purchasing capacity and involvement is much more dynamic. Recently, new segment has been identified and targeted as DINK or Double Income No Kids. An interesting survey by the Associated Chamber of Commerce & Industry of India (2008) on â€Å"Changing Consumption Patterns of Delhi†shows that DINKs are high spenders . The survey states that households DINKS spend more of their resources on luxurious lifestyles while their counterparts, double income-with kids’ households spend most of their incomes on child education, healthcare, insurance and home making, making the study of income source pattern a crucial issue for marketers. The number of earning members per households is presented in Exhibit 5 Exhibit 5: Earning members profile of household respondents Table 8: Number of earning members in rural and urban households Number of household consumers No. of Earning Member(s)RuralUrban 1248 (77. 5)141 (44. 06) 263 (19. 69)137 (42. 81) 39 2. 81)42 (13. 13) Total320320 Note: Figures in parenthesis are percentages Table 9 depicts a rather unrelated distribution of number of households for rural and urban areas. Even though F-test Analysis gave a rather low homogeneity between rural and urban households with a degree of 0. 33318, Correlation Analysis gave a significant positive relationship of 0. 700723. This shows that even though there is a rather large disparity between the means of rural and urban households, their relationship cannot be ignored. The study shows that most of the rural households have only one earning member in its households, claiming 77. 0% of the whole sample while the urban households have a very prominent proportion of two earning member households claiming 42. 81% of the urban sample, a close second to households with only one earning member. The number of earning members of rural and urban households can be co-related with the income ranges of rural and urban households. Table 7 showed that the average income range of urban households is relatively higher than rural households and Table 8 indicated that households with two earning members are quite higher in urban samples. . 2. 7 Durable products owned ORG-Gfk Year-End Reviews (2004) states that the Indian consumer durable industry is estimated at around Rs. 200 billion and growing. The healthy gr owth of durables market can be an offset of various factors like fragmentation of households into double-income nuclear families to the presence of easier finance options; expansion of dealer networks and after-sales services (Marketer Whitebook, 2005). In fact, durable products account for 6. 6% of yearly purchases of Indian households (Arvind Singhal, 2001). According to the information given in The Marketer Whitebook (2005) 42% of all households owned radios, 20. 4% owned television, 14. 1% owned telephone, 3. 1% owned bicycle, 6. 2% owned motorized 2-wheelers, 3. 4% owned cars and 50. 9% owned unspecified durables in Mizoram. The profile of durable products owned by the households determine various dimensions of consumer behaviour, namely, purchase preference, product penetration, support purchase for already owned durables, marketing opportunities and so on. Exhibit 6 gives an overview to the ownership of durable products by the household respondents. Exhibit 6: Durable products profile of the household respondents Number of households Table 10: Durable products owned by rural and respondents Number of household customers RuralUrban Radio205 (64. 06)182 (56. 87) LPG209 (65. 31)315 (98. 43) Music system107 (33. 43)179 (55. 93) Television218 (68. 13)308 (96. 25) Fridge189 (59. 06)306 (95. 63) Oven15 (4. 68)65 (20. 31) Washing machine125 (39. 06)210 (65. 62) Telephone135 (42. 18)289 (90. 31) Mobile233 (72. 81)300 (93. 75) Computer48 (15)187 (58. 43) Scooter42 (13. 12)18 (5. 62) Bike31 (9. 68)112 (35) Car19 (5. 93)119 (37. 18) Note: Figures in parenthesis are percentages From Table 9, the most owned durables by rural and urban household respondents can be ranked and represented in Table 10. Table 10: Ranking of most owned durable products Ranks 12345 RuralMobileTelevisionLPGRadioFridge UrbanLPGTelevisionFridgeMobileTelephone OverallLPGMobileTelevisionFridgeTelephone Durable products are independent to factors like access to electricity, availability of LPG suppliers and petrol pumps. According to the Statistical Handbook (2008), there are 24 LPG authorised dealers, each district having at least one dealer. There are 18 petrol pumps all over the State and every district except Mamit district has at least one recognised petrol pump. As for electrification, 570 villages have already been electrified, accounting for around 70% of the State accessing to electricity, 44. 1% of the rural households and 94. 4% of the urban households reported as electrified. According to the Taxation Department Report, mobile phone came in use only from 2003 that too started only with BSNL giving out 500 subscriptions. Till October 2008, there is a total of 2,85,287 subscribers with BSNL, Airtel, Reliance and Aircel. This information does not take into consideration the entry of Tata-Indicom and Vodaphone service providers. Out of the 320 respondents from rural households, 233 households (i. e. 72. 81%) own mobile phones. Various factors can come into play here, the competitive and aggressive participation of mobile service providers in the rapid and widespread penetration of both rural and urban areas being one of the major factors, competing and overtaking at some places in the once monopoly of the state-owned BSNL. About 29 recognised cable TV operators operating in urban and semi-urban areas gave monthly subscription to consumers since 1991 . Apart from these operators, private dish antennas are made available by Zee Group (Dish Tv) at affordable prices below Rs. 2,000 . This may be one of the main reasons that television is very popular in both the rural and urban areas, claiming 68. 13% of rural households and 96. 25% of urban households owned television set. It is interesting to see that even some unelectrified villages have solar powered television with dish antennas besides the thatched huts . LPG is considered household necessity for the urban households with 98. 43% of urban samples having access to LPG. Yet, it came as the third most owned durable product in the rural areas. A prominent factor may be the easy accessibility to the LPG dealers. Aizawl has 11 LPG agents within its district, Lunglei with 4 agencies, Kolasib with 3 agencies, Champhai with 2 agencies and Lawngtlai, Mamit, Serchhip and Saiha with 1 agency each. Other factors may be the price of LPG cylinders and uncertainty of supply even at the agencies. Even though radio continues to be the most extensive network covering the entire State , its popularity is confined mostly to the rural areas, accounting for 64. 06% of rural households and 56. 7% of urban households of the sample. Advance of other electronic media, like cable television network and Doordarshan, maybe one of the main reasons. Fridge ownership accounted for 59. 06% of rural households and 95. 63% of urban households. As large number of rural households are agrarian based, they can be assumed to have easy access to fresh vegetables as compared to the urban households. The main utility of fridge being storing of food, thus is more popular in the urban areas. As for telephone, 90. 31% of the urban households have telephone connection while 42. 18% of rural households accounted for telephone connection.
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