Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Problem Of Driving Under The United States - 1332 Words
How much more time will we be obtained to experience agony and cruelty due to the fact that there are incautious drunk drivers? How did this become a problem? Driving under the influence became a problem in the U.S. ever since the creation of cars; although, people would not consider it an actual issue until the 1980’s. During around that same time, crime was defined as a personal choice and individual fault. Drunk driving fell under personal choice and individual fault. It is now illegal to drive under the influence in every state but apart from that, it is very unsafe for families in both ends of the predicament. When an individual consumes a drink, the alcohol is directed to the blood stream, there are tests that measure how much alcohol is in the system with an approximation percentage. Having 8% percent of alcohol in your body is already considered over board and the person is guessed to be a danger to society if driving a vehicle. DUI is considered to be the nations mos t committed crime up to date, back in the 80’s people started supporting ways to fight drinking and driving, and were willing to give up some â€Å"freedom†to have stricter legal deeds. The people took this movement into a legislative sector. Somewhere between the 1981 and 1987 about 934 laws were passed by state legislatures having to do with the drinking and driving epidemic. Legal measures concentrate on preventing these drunk drivers by enforcing stricter laws and finding ways they could get punished.Show MoreRelatedEssay Persuasion, Indoctrination, and Inoculation1178 Words  | 5 PagesPERSUASION, INDOCTRINATION, AND INOCULATION 2 There are many dangers that plague us in today’s society. One of the most pressing issues is that of driving under the influence of alcohol. This is a problem for many reasons. Firstly, driving while intoxicated is illegal. It shows the rising problem of substance abuse, and most importantly, driving drunk is deadly. 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