Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Problem Of Driving Under The United States - 1332 Words
How much more time will we be obtained to experience agony and cruelty due to the fact that there are incautious drunk drivers? How did this become a problem? Driving under the influence became a problem in the U.S. ever since the creation of cars; although, people would not consider it an actual issue until the 1980’s. During around that same time, crime was defined as a personal choice and individual fault. Drunk driving fell under personal choice and individual fault. It is now illegal to drive under the influence in every state but apart from that, it is very unsafe for families in both ends of the predicament. When an individual consumes a drink, the alcohol is directed to the blood stream, there are tests that measure how much alcohol is in the system with an approximation percentage. Having 8% percent of alcohol in your body is already considered over board and the person is guessed to be a danger to society if driving a vehicle. DUI is considered to be the nations mos t committed crime up to date, back in the 80’s people started supporting ways to fight drinking and driving, and were willing to give up some â€Å"freedom†to have stricter legal deeds. The people took this movement into a legislative sector. Somewhere between the 1981 and 1987 about 934 laws were passed by state legislatures having to do with the drinking and driving epidemic. Legal measures concentrate on preventing these drunk drivers by enforcing stricter laws and finding ways they could get punished.Show MoreRelatedEssay Persuasion, Indoctrination, and Inoculation1178 Words  | 5 PagesPERSUASION, INDOCTRINATION, AND INOCULATION 2 There are many dangers that plague us in today’s society. One of the most pressing issues is that of driving under the influence of alcohol. This is a problem for many reasons. Firstly, driving while intoxicated is illegal. It shows the rising problem of substance abuse, and most importantly, driving drunk is deadly. According to (2008-2013), 900,000 are arrested each year for DUI/DWI and a full 1/3 of those are repeat offenders†Read MoreA Brief Note On Deaths From Drunk Driving Essay1120 Words  | 5 PagesAndrew Weaver Mrs. Gallos English 3 1 December 2016 Deaths From Drunk Driving When driving down the road two ambulance’s fly by with sirens screaming, on down the road the ambulance’s stop along with three fire truck’s on the side of the road surrounded by many police officers, passing by there is a car flipped upside down with another car head on into a tree and white drapes over top of bodies on the road, through the window there is a man there blowing into a breathalyzer, the number comes upRead MoreEssay On Drinking And Drinking1311 Words  | 6 PagesNarad Koirala Dr.Jaap English 15 November 9, 2017 Drinking and Driving Solution According to The New York Times, â€Å"The A.B.A.’s Commission on Lawyer Assistance Programs’ most recent national report identified alcohol as the No. 1 substance-abuse problem for lawyers.†From lawyers to ordinary people are all addicted to these substance known as alcohol.This is a problem that needs to be taken more seriously because it has been a major issue in the country for over a decade. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Essay On Performing Enhancing Drugs - 1471 Words
Performing Enhancing Drugs and the World of Sports Sports has become one of the most impactful and influential parts of our culture. Sports has cemented itself as a standard part of society. In fact, taking a look back on myself and coming from an athletic background, growing up my mom would always put me in a variety of sports. When I reached high school age something that was always drilled into me by my coaches was the aspect of hard work. During my high school sporting career there was a multitude of setbacks and failures Coach Hosner who was my coach at the time, would always give me some sort of motivational snippet on hard work, and with it how anything could be accomplished. However, in today’s professional sports world there†¦show more content†¦Firstly, taking a look at high school athletes PED’s can market themselves to high school athletes as a quick and easy way to increase their strength and athleticism. Correspondingly a survey was taken on high school students, and their relationship with steroids found that â€Å"Researchers reviewed rates of performance-enhancing substances from survey data collected from 67,200 students. The sources of the data included Monitoring the Future, the Partnership Attitude Tracking Study, and the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System. Overall, between 3.2 and 7 percent of students report trying, at least once, anabolic steroids, a slight increase from the 5 percent reported in 2012†(Krans). All in all it’s clear that when it comes to the high school level there is a clear increase in the experimentation of PED’s. For the high school athlete the usage of illegal drugs such as anabolic steroids has the potential to turn into a deadly cycle as they can become solely reliable on the drugs and not their training or coaching. In contrast, the use of PED’s could help the high school athlete propel themselves to play atShow MoreRelatedPerformance Enhancing Drugs Among A thletes Essay944 Words  | 4 PagesSince the dawn of the twenty-first century, performance enhancing drugs have become a religious practice in â€Å"the lives of some sport figures.†The use of these supplements have given the user an edge, an edge to perform at maximum capability. Most major athletes all agree on the fact that the competitive determination to win is intense. Despite all, most athletes have high hopes of either winning a medal, a full ride college scholarship or the once in a lifetime opportunity to play for a professionalRead MoreThe Benefits of Performance Enhancing Drugs Among Athletes Essay1044 Words  | 5 PagesSince the dawn of the twenty-first century, performance enhancing drugs have become a religious practice in â€Å"the lives of some sport figures.†The use of these supplements have given the user an edge, an edge to perform at maximum capability. Most major athletes all agree on the fact that the competitive drive to win can be qui te intense. Besides the satisfaction of personal accomplishment, athletes commonly pursue high hopes of attaining a medal, a college scholarship or the once in a lifetime opportunityRead Moreâ€Å"Performance-Enhancing Drugs in the Workplace†Essay1392 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"Performance-Enhancing Drugs in the Workplace†Performance-enhancers are becoming more common in our everyday life, despite our efforts to ban them. This raises the questions, should we just accept these drugs and use them to our advantage? Or should we continue to resist these drugs and not take advantage of their performance-enhancing capabilities? When you start talking about organizations like the military, where Soldiers are ask to go beyond the normal physical and mental stress of a regularRead MoreThe Ethical Dilemma Of The Case Of Banned Performance -enhancing Drug At The Club2014 Words  | 9 Pagesand creates conflict between moral values and transgressing another. This essay will discuss ethical dilemma in relation to the case study of Kamil Samra, who is a sports physiotherapist is stuck in ethical dilemma to report about the illegal use of banned performance -enhancing drug at the club, where he works. The two healthcare professionals involved in this case will be the physiotherapist and sports scientist. The essa y will also discuss the rights and dignity of the players, principles of healthRead MoreUse Of Performance Enhancing Drugs Should Be Banned1961 Words  | 8 PagesThe controversial question is whether the use of Performance Enhancing Drugs (PED) in sports should be banned or not. Professional sports are popular in most countries. Major franchises are dealing with the issue of PED being used by the athletes who are paid to perform in the sport on the belief that they are naturally a raw talent. This controversial essay will side with the banning of PED use in any type of sport activity, whether it is at professional or amateur level. Both sides of this issueRead MoreThe Prison System Is Not Functioning Well869 Words  | 4 Pages2016). In addition, last summer, the Chief Inspector of Prisons warned that jails in England and Wales were in their worst state for a decade (HM Chief Inspector of Prisons for England and Wales, 2015) with sharp rises in inmate violence, increasing dru g use, staff shortages and squalid conditions. Therefore there is no doubt that the prison system is in urgent need of reform. Last month, Elizabeth Truss outlined planned reforms to the prison system in a government proposal, ‘Prison Security and Reform’Read More What Causes Teenagers to Lose Motivation in School? Essay1731 Words  | 7 PagesWhat Causes Teenagers to Lose Motivation in School? missing works cited Some reasons for high school student academic failure, which range from drug use to individual student insecurity, can be plainly traced to the nature of adolescence. Social acceptance and a desire to belong to a crowd are placed above academics in the minds of teens. When academic underachievement is the norm, devoted students may come under ridicule as being nerds or teachers pets. There is a difficulty, thereforeRead MoreFairness and Purity: Why American Baseball Players Should Know Better1927 Words  | 8 Pagesthe Public, Place the Best Athletes on Pedestals†by William Moller, and â€Å"Cheating and CHEATING†by Joe Posnanski, I found occasion to consider the use of steroids in baseball for the first time. In these essays, Moller and Posnanski tapped into the running commentary about performance-enhancing substances and their relative acceptability in the baseball arena (no pun intended). â€Å"We, the Public, Place the Best Athletes on Pedestals†procl aimed that â€Å"the entire steroid outcry is pure hypocrisy†(MollerRead MoreErving Goffman Stigma6568 Words  | 27 Pagescognition-enhancing drugs in significant numbersâ€â€but is their enhancement a form of cheating? The answer should hinge on whether the activity subject to enhancement is zero-sum or non-zero-sum, and whether one is more concerned with excellence in process or excellence in outcome. Cognitive enhancement should be especially tolerated when the activities at stake are non-zero-sum and when the importance of process is outweighed by the importance of outcome. The use of cognition-enhancing drugs does notRead MoreThe Baseball Hall Of Fame1814 Words  | 8 PagesBaseball’s ineligible list shall not be an eligible candidate.†To this day, there is no mention of performance enhancing drugs being a factor to keep someone off the ballot and into the hall of fame. With that being said, it proposes this question deeply rooted in ethics. Shou ld a player be allowed into the National Baseball Hall of Fame if they at any time used performance-enhancing drugs? There are a few parts in the film Bigger, Faster, Stronger that relate to and talk about the use of steroids
Monday, December 9, 2019
Ambition Essay free essay sample
Ambition means a strong desire to attain success for ones life. All of us have certain ambition. Some have good ambition such as to be a famous singer or an actor etc. Some others have bad ambition. Some want to be rich like Oprah Winfrey. Some want to be this person and that person, while some others want to be very rich. If ones ambition is noble then he will surely succeed. On the other hand, if ones ambition is selfish and narrow, he will surely fall in the long run. A person with bad ambition may initially be successful. But finally his ambition will be frustrated. Most people have an ambition to get power and influence, wealth, and fame. Sometimes they are successful. Ambition coupled with hard work brings success and benefit. It’s sometimes unsuccessful depending upon the nature of the means. If a person does not go through training, his ambition to be a firefighter cannot be fulfilled. We will write a custom essay sample on Ambition Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Similarly, a student with an ambition to be a doctor should think carefully. If he does not work hard, he cannot be a doctor. You need to work hard to gain success. Ambition pushes you to reach your goals in life. In the work field of sports, simple ambition has no meaning. A middle age man in order to be famous like Shane Victorino or Jaromir Jagr must work hard. No matter how old you are in life, strive to be better then you know you can be. To become a professional MLB player like Shane or a professional NHL player like Jaromir your ambition is everything. Ambition should not turn into day-dreams. Nobody can build castles in air. Only an idle man can do it. It is therefore wise to be realistic in our ambition.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Presidential Debates Essays (2349 words) - , Term Papers
Presidential Debates Presidential Debates Presidential debates are becoming a large part of a campaign plan. (Where the voters are) Who would think that such a short confrontation between the candidates would sway the vote of so many viewers? A presidential campaign could be won or lost from a single debate. The candidate must keep their cool and not go over the edge; they must be have a strong stand point on all of the topics, dont avoid anything. When debates first started they did not have this much effect on the voters, but now that a debate can be heard over the internet and through the television voters dont have to put forth any effort. All of the necessary points are usually covered in the debate. The points are not the only things that affect a voter, the appearance of the candidate, his tone of voice and his overall preciseness of his plans and ideas. Though the more modern debates can some what be planned, debates are still believed to be the best possible way to see the candidate in action and not just reading or saying what everyone wants to hear. The spin doctors, sponsors, television and media are playing a much larger part in presidential debates these days but all of this still shows what the importance of the debate is. Spin Doctors Spin doctors, isn't that a strange name in politics and especially a presidential debate. No it is not the singing group called the Spin Doctors. In large debates a campaign will put together what they call a spin squad, this is a group of several spin doctors. These people are actually a very vital part of any presidential debate. All of the spin doctors today are very powerful in the government and also paid a small chunk of money for going out and preaching their parties candidates beliefs and plans. Spin doctors are the people whom are hired to perform the pre and post debate controversy among the media. The pre debate spin does not usually have any effect on the media. They are responsible for accentuating the positive and eliminating the negative. (Spin doctors) Which means they are trying to take anything that was good in the debate for the campaign and basically feed it to the media. They keep doing this until they believe that the point, which is good, has been gotten across to the media and the media now better understands what was actually being said. Instead of themselves putting their own opinion of what happen down they put down what the spin doctors are telling them. When eliminating the negative the spin doctors are trying to convince the media that what was actually said came out to be a miss understanding and after that they continue pounding the positive points. The place that the spin doctors work can sometimes be on the platform after the debate but is usually held in a large room. This room is complete chaos, after the debate media members rush to this place to be the first to interview the spin doctors. The spin doctors consider this place Spin Alley, and say it is a frantic dance between reporters and spin doctors as individual members of the press search for the unique angle, which no one else has covered. (Spin doctors) A bystander view said Spin alley is nuts! But I guess somehow this chaos helps inform the voters of what really happ ened in the debate. (Marano 1996) Though the spinners are from the same party as their presidential candidate, they are never there to push for the party only the candidate. In the presidential debate of 1996 the debate went really well for Independent candidate Ross Perot, however the post debate action in spin alley really hurt him. For everyone one of Perots spinners the Democrats and Republicans had three to four spinners. This made it hard for the Perots spinners to convince the media of his excellent job and points in the debate. Sponsors The Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) is a well-known front group for both the Democratic and Republican parties; its involvement in corporate America is more obscure. (Carlin) The Commission on Presidential Debates
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